Showing posts with label judgment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label judgment. Show all posts

2019 English Gospel Songs | Korean Song "A Heart-to-Heart With God"

2019 English Gospel Songs | Korean Song "A Heart-to-Heart With God"

Oh God! There is so much in my heart I want to say to You.
Through Your words the door to my heart opened, I heard Your voice.
Your words are the truth, nourishing my heart like spring water.
When I contemplate Your words, my heart brightens and is at ease, peaceful and joyful.

Humanity's Only Path to Enter Into Rest

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The Hymn of God's Word | Humanity's Only Path to Enter Into Rest

Those who stand firm during God's final cleansing by chastisement and judgment will enter into the final rest. Those who have broken free from Satan's influence will be obtained by God and enter the final rest. The essence of judgment and chastisement is to cleanse man for his final rest. Without this work, people won't be able to follow their own kind. It's the only way to enter rest.

"I'm Willing to Submit to God's Work" | Thank God's Love | Korean Song

Christian Hymn "I'm Willing to Submit to God's Work" | Thank God's Love | Korean Song

O God! I beg You to do judgment work in me, purify and change me, allowing me to understand and obey Your will in all things. In Your salvation of me, there is Your supreme love, and Your will. In Your salvation of me, there is Your supreme love, and Your will. Although I’m rebellious and have corrupt disposition, and my nature is betrayal, I have understood Your will in saving man. I would that You give me more trials and suffering, allowing me to behold Your hand amid such suffering, and see Your deeds.

"Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

Christian Life | "Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth to cleanse mankind. We are raised before God. How joyful it is to enjoy His words. We assemble and pray, praising God to our heart’s content. Understanding the truth, we are set free. God’s words reveal mysteries, they are the truth. They conquer our hearts, fully. What a supremely rare blessing it is to receive the way of everlasting life bestowed by God. Merrily, we sing songs of praise, in eternal praise and thankfulness to Almighty God!

"The Most Wonderful Blessing"

The Judgement of God Is the Grace of God | "The Most Wonderful Blessing" (A Real-Life Story)

The drama The Most Wonderful Blessing is the story of a preacher in a house church. He believed that just by giving up his home and his job, and working and preaching the gospel he could gain God's blessing. After accepting Almighty God's work of the last days he continued on as usual, and as a leader in the church focused only on working hard while neglecting to put God's words into practice. He often relied on his own corrupt disposition in his affairs.

2019 Christian Hymn | "Only Those Who Have Been Cleansed Will Enter Into Rest"

2019 Christian Hymn | "Only Those Who Have Been Cleansed Will Enter Into Rest"

The human race of the future, though descended from Adam and Eve, will no longer live under Satan’s domain, but a race of the saved, the cleansed. This is a humanity judged and chastised, a humanity that’s been sanctified. They are different from that ancient race, that ancient race of Adam and Eve, so different as almost to be a new race entirely. Chosen from those corrupted by Satan, standing firm in God’s final judgment, this last group remaining, along with God, can enter the final rest.

Appendix: Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe

Knowing God's Will | Chapter 4

To stop all people having their heads turned and getting carried away after their transition from negative to positive, in the last chapter of God’s utterance, once God has spoken of His highest requirements of His people—once God has told people of His will in this stage of His management plan—God gives them the opportunity to ponder His words, to help them make up their minds to satisfy God’s will in the end. When people’s conditions are positive, God immediately begins to ask people questions about the other side of the issue.

The Word Appears in the Flesh

Message from God | Chapter 68

My word is implemented in every country, place, nation and denomination, and My word is being fulfilled in every corner at any given time. The disasters that occur everywhere are not battles between people, nor are they fights with weapons. There will be no more wars afterward. All are within My grasp. All will face My judgment and will languish amidst disaster. Let those who resist Me and those who do not take the initiative to cooperate with Me suffer the pain of various disasters.

Utterances of Christ in the Beginning (Chapter 65)

Message from God | Chapter 65

My words constantly strike home, that is they point out your fatal weaknesses, otherwise you would still be dragging your heels, with no idea of what time it is now. Know this! I use the way of love to save you. Regardless of how you are, I will certainly complete the things that I have approved without making any error whatsoever. Can I, the righteous Almighty God, make a mistake? Is this not a conception of man? Tell Me, is everything I do and say not for your sake?

2019 Gospel Worship Song "God Quietly Arrives Among Us" | The Judgement Day Has Come

2019 Gospel Worship Song "God Quietly Arrives Among Us" | The Judgement Day Has Come

God is silent and has never appeared to us, yet His work has never stopped. He looks upon all lands and commands all things, beholding all the words and deeds of man. His management is done, step by step, to His plan. Silent, yet His footsteps move closer to man. His judgment seat deployed into the universe, followed by His throne descending among us.

The Word Appears in the Flesh

                     The Word of Almighty God | Chapter 61

When you have knowledge of your own condition then you achieve My will. In fact, My will is not hard to grasp, it’s just that in the past you never sought in accordance with My intention. What I want is not human conceptions or human thoughts, even less do I want your money or your possessions. What I want is your heart, understand? This is My will, and even more it is what I want to obtain. People always use conceptions in their mind to judge Me, and weigh up My stature using their own measurements.

God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe

                       The Word of Almighty God | Chapter 11

Every person in mankind should accept the observation of My Spirit, should closely scrutinize their every word and action, and, moreover, should look upon My wondrous deeds. How do you feel at the time of the kingdom’s arrival on earth? When My sons and people stream to My throne, I formally commence judgment before the great white throne. Which is to say, when I begin My work on earth in person, and when the era of judgment nears its end, I start to direct My words to the entire universe, and release the voice of My Spirit to the entire universe.

"God's Great Work Has Been Completed" | Praise God for Gaining Glory

2019 Christian Praise Song "God's Great Work Has Been Completed" | Praise God for Gaining Glory

We who follow Christ of the last days witness to the entire universe: God’s great work has been completed. Almighty God has appeared in the flesh, expressing truths to save mankind. We’ve heard the voice of the bridegroom, we’ve been lifted up before God. We’ve finally attended the Lamb’s feast, entered into the training of the kingdom. Judgment has begun with the house of God, His disposition has been entirely revealed.

God's Love Is Not Possessed by Any Created Being

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The Christian Hymn of God's Word | God's Love Is Not Possessed by Any Created Being

The words of God are full of life, offering us the path we should walk, the comprehension of what the truth is. We begin to be drawn to His words; we begin to focus on the tone and manner of His speaking, and be intentional to care about this ordinary person's inner voice.

God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe

                                                    Chapter 8

When My revelations reach their peak, and when My judgment draws to an end, it will be the time when all My people are revealed and made complete. My footsteps tread across all corners of the universe world in perpetual search of those who are after My own heart and fit for My use. Who can stand up and cooperate with Me? Man’s love of Me is too meager and his faith in Me is pitifully small. If the brunt of My words was not directed at man’s weaknesses, he would boast and exaggerate, and would pontificate and concoct high-sounding theories, as if he was omniscient and all-knowing about matters upon the earth. Who still dares to boast among those who were loyal to Me in the past, and who today stand fast before Me? Who is not secretly delighted by their own prospects? When I did not expose directly, man had nowhere to hide and was tormented by shame. How much worse would it be when I speak through other means? People would have an even greater sense of indebtedness, they would believe that nothing could cure them, and would all be tightly bound by their passiveness.

The Words of Christ as He Walked in the Churches

       Words of Almighty God |  Genuine Love for God Is Spontaneous

All people have been subject to refinement because of God’s words. If it hadn’t been for God incarnate mankind absolutely would not be blessed to suffer that way. It can also be put this way—those who are able to accept the trials of God’s words are blessed people. Based on people’s original caliber, their behavior, and their attitudes toward God, they are not worthy of receiving this kind of refinement. It is because they have been uplifted by God that they have enjoyed this blessing. People used to say that they were not worthy of seeing the face of God or hearing His words. Today it is entirely because of God’s uplifting and His mercy that people have received the refinement of His words.

Breaking Through Satan’s Tight Encirclement

The Church of Almighty God, Testimony, Eastern Lightning

Breaking Through Satan’s Tight Encirclement

Zhao Gang, China
It was bitterly cold this past November in Northeast China, none of the snow that fell to the ground melted away, and many people who walked outside were so cold that they stuffed their hands into their armpits and walked along cautiously, bodies bent over. The other day in the early morning the winds were blowing from the northwest, when I, my brother-in-law and his wife and about a dozen brothers and sisters were sitting in my home on the warm kang (a heatable brick bed). Everyone had a copy of the Bible beside them and in their hands everyone was holding a copy of the book Judgment Begins With the House of God. Two sisters from The Church of Almighty God were fellowshiping on the truth concerning God’s three stages of work. The two sisters were drawing pictures of the three stages of work as they fellowshiped: “God’s work for the salvation of mankind can be divided into three stages, from the Age of Law to the Age of Grace and then to the Age of Kingdom.

The Word Appears in the Flesh

Chapter 35

Seven thunders come forth from the throne, shake the universe, overturn heaven and earth, and resound through the skies! The sound is so penetrating that people can neither escape it nor hide from it. Flashes of lightning and peals of thunder are sent forth, upending heaven and earth in an instant, and people are on the verge of death. Then, a violent rainstorm sweeps the entire cosmos at lightning speed, falling from the sky! In the furthest corners of the earth, like a downpour flowing into every nook and cranny, not a single stain remains, and as it washes all from head to toe, nothing is hidden from it nor can any person be sheltered from it.

Church Life Movie | "The Way of Human Conduct" | The Judgement of God Saved Me (English Dubbed)

Church Life Movie | "The Way of Human Conduct" | The Judgement of God Saved Me (English Dubbed)

Since a young age, Cheng Jianguang's parents and teachers taught him that rules such as "Harmoniousness is a treasure, forbearance is a virtue," "Keeping silent on the faults of good friends makes for a long and good friendship," "Though you see wrong, it's best to say little" were the touchstones for maintaining good relationships with other people. He took these lessons to heart, and learned to never offend others in his actions and speech, and to always take care of his relationships with others, earning him the reputation of a "good man" with those around him.

Christian Movie Trailer "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom"

Christian Movie Trailer "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom" | Which People Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

The Lord Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). The Lord Jesus told us that only honest people can enter the kingdom of heaven; only honest people can be people of the kingdom. This movie tells the story of the Christian Cheng Nuo’s experience of God’s work and the course of her pursuit to become an honest person in life.