Showing posts with label Christian hymn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian hymn. Show all posts

Hymns of God’s Words | Those Unrepentant People Who Are Trapped in Sin Are Beyond Salvation

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Hymns of God’s Words | Those Unrepentant People Who Are Trapped in Sin Are Beyond Salvation

Those who only think of their flesh and comforts, those whose faith is uncertain, those who practice witchcraft and sorcery, lecherous ones, tattered and worn, those who steal from God, taking sacrifices, who love bribes or idly dream of heaven, those arrogant and proud, striving for fame and wealth, those who spread impious words, those unrepentant people trapped in sin, are they not beyond salvation? Those unrepentant people trapped in sin, are they not beyond salvation?

Hymns of God’s Words | With Refinement Comes Faith

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Hymns of God’s Words | With Refinement Comes Faith

If you understand God's actions on the path of life, He will appear to you, He will guide you from within. If you can't obey His words, God cannot do His work. If you lack faith, lose hope in God, how will you experience? If your faith is true, if your faith is without doubt, if you open your heart to Him, He will perfect you, enlighten your experience. If your faith, if your faith is true. If your faith, if your faith is true.

Hymns of God’s Words | God Made Heaven, Earth and All Things for Man

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 Hymns of God’s Words | God Made Heaven, Earth and All Things for Man

All things are interconnected, interdependent, and through this, man's environment is protected. Under this principle, it continues and survives. With this living environment, man can reproduce and thrive. This rule is used by God to preserve life for all things, with their being ensured by His wondrous deeds. It is in this way that for all things He provides. And in a way alike He provides for all mankind. God created heavens and earth and all things for mankind. He created man's environment and made a world sublime. God uses all He created to protect and maintain mankind's home that He created, the home that God has made. This is how He provides for all things and for man.

Christian Praise and Worship Song | Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices

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Christian Praise and Worship Songs | Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices

Almighty God, Christ of last days, appears in the East of the world. He speaks the truth to save mankind, He is appearance of Savior. God's people hear His voice, are raised up to His throne. We're eating and drinking God's words, we know the truths and mysteries, totally conquered by God's words. Going through trials and refining, we suffer pain intense, our corruption is cleansed. By accepting kingdom's training, we gain the truth and we gain life. We praise Almighty God loudly, for He cleanses and saves our lives.

2019 Christian Music Video | Korean Song "Praise the New Life" | So Happy to Enjoy the Love of God

Christian Praise & Worship Songs | Korean Song "Praise the New Life" | So Happy to Enjoy the Love of God

Hallelujah! We praise Almighty God!
Hallelujah! We thank Almighty God!

Christ has appeared in the last days,
His words judge us, chastise us, and cleanse us.
God’s words have changed me,
I enjoy a new life of loving God.

"All People Live in God’s Light"

2019 Christian Worship Hymn With Lyrics | "All People Live in God’s Light"

Now in exultation, God’s holiness and righteousness thrive through the universe, exalting among all mankind. Cities of heaven laugh, the kingdoms of earth dance. Who doesn’t jubilate? Who doesn’t shed tears? Men do not quarrel nor come to blows; they do not disgrace God’s name, living in the light of God, being in peace with each other. Earth belongs to heaven, heaven unites with earth. Man is the cord that bonds the heaven and the earth.

2019 Christian Hymn | "Only Those Who Have Been Cleansed Will Enter Into Rest"

2019 Christian Hymn | "Only Those Who Have Been Cleansed Will Enter Into Rest"

The human race of the future, though descended from Adam and Eve, will no longer live under Satan’s domain, but a race of the saved, the cleansed. This is a humanity judged and chastised, a humanity that’s been sanctified. They are different from that ancient race, that ancient race of Adam and Eve, so different as almost to be a new race entirely. Chosen from those corrupted by Satan, standing firm in God’s final judgment, this last group remaining, along with God, can enter the final rest.

Man's Attitude Decides How God Treats Him

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A Christian Hymn of God's Words | Man's Attitude Decides How God Treats Him

God is resolute in His actions. God's purposes and principles, they're always clear and transparent. They are all pure and flawless, with absolutely no ruses or schemes intermingled within. In other words, the substance of God contains no darkness, contains no evilness.

Praise and Worship Song | "Come to Zion With Praising" | Praise the Return of Lord Jesus

Eastern Lightning | Praise and Worship Song | "Come to Zion With Praising" | Praise the Return of Lord Jesus

Come to Zion with praising. God’s abode has already appeared. Come to Zion with praising. All sing praises of His holy name; it is spreading. Almighty God! Universe Ruler, Last Christ, our bright and shining Sun, risen from the universe’s most majestic Mount Zion. Almighty God! Come to Zion with praising. We are all cheering for You, we are singing and dancing. You really are our Savior and the Master of the universe.