Showing posts with label worship song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worship song. Show all posts

Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God

Christian Life | Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God

Brothers and sisters, we’ve come before God. Eat and drink His words, it’s such a joy. God cares not how deep we see the truth, He’s pleased by our true words. We share experience, what we’ve learned, support each other, go forward hand in hand. We understand the truth, reflect upon ourselves, see our corruption, our flaws. Our prayers are what we feel, we speak to God from the heart. The more fellowship on His words, the more we understand His words and truth.

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "Job's Attitude Toward God's Blessings"

 Christian Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "Job's Attitude Toward God's Blessings"

Job believed in his heart that all he possessed was bestowed by God and not by his own hand. He did not see blessings as things to take advantage of, but held onto the way that he should keep as his guide to living. Job never reveled or wildly delighted because of the blessings God bestowed, nor ignored God’s way or forgot the grace of God because of blessings he often enjoyed.

"God Loves Man With Wounds" | The Love of God Is Great

Christian Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "God Loves Man With Wounds" | The Love of God Is Great

God in flesh is judged, condemned, sneered at. By the devils He is pursued. He is spurned by the religious world. No one can make up for His hurt. Mankind’s ferocious resistance, his slanders, hunting and false blames cause God’s flesh to face great dangers. Who can understand and ease His pain? God saves corrupt man through patience, He loves people with a bruised heart. This is the most painful, most painful work of all. Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.

2019 Gospel Worship Song With Lyrics "God's Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless"

2019 Christian Praise Song With Lyrics "God's Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless"

God gives His best, His best side He gives. The best things, very best things, He gives. Never disclosing or showing His suffering. God, He endures, waiting in silence. Not cold or numb, not a sign of weakness. God’s essence and His love are always selfless. God gives His best, His best side He gives. The best things, very best things, He gives. For all mankind, He suffers; He suffers, bearing quietly. Quietly He gives, He gives His best.

English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us

Christian praise and worship songs "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us

Hearing Your kind call, I return before You. Your words enlighten, I see my corruption.

I’ve often been cold to You, hurt and saddened You, hard-hearted, rebelled, left You alone. Why is Your love for man repaid with pain? I hate my hard heart and my deep corruption. Filthy, unworthy to see You, of Your love. I am such a rebellious person, how could I know Your heart, see Your love?

2019 Gospel Worship Song | "How to Search for God's Footprints" (Lyrics)

2019 Gospel Worship Song | "How to Search for God's Footprints" (Lyrics)

Since we are searching for the footprints of God, we must search for God’s will, for the words of God, for the utterances of God, for the words of God, for the utterances of God— for where there are the new words of God, there is the voice of God, and where there are the footsteps of God, there are the deeds of God. Where there is the expression of God, there is the appearance of God, and where there is the appearance of God, there exists the truth, the way, and the life.

2019 Christian Song About Blessings | "God Blesses Those Who Are Honest" (Lyrics)

Christian Praise and Worship Song | "God Blesses Those Who Are Honest" (Lyrics)

When you give your heart to God alone and you don’t play false to Him, when you never do what would deceive those above you or below, when you’re open with God in all things, when you don’t do things simply to win the favor and smile of God, this is being honest. Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed, when you cheat not God nor people.

"Those Who God Will Save Are Foremost in His Heart" The Love of God Is Good

2019 Christian Worship Song | "Those Who God Will Save Are Foremost in His Heart" The Love of God Is Good

How significant is God’s saving work, more important than all other things to Him. With purposed plans and will, not just thoughts and words, He does everything for all mankind. O how significant it is, God’s saving work, for both man and Himself. How busy God is, what effort He makes. He manages His work, rules all things, all people. Never seen before, at so great a price. In His work, God reveals to man bit by bit what God is and has, the price He’s paid, wisdom, power, all His disposition.

Praise for New Life in the Kingdom

2019 Christian Dance "Praise for New Life in the Kingdom" | Christian Praise and Worship song

We’ve heard God’s voice and returned to His house. In gatherings we eat and drink God’s words, we’re attending the banquet. We bid farewell to our sorrows and entanglements, we’re leading a new life. God’s words are with us every day, we so bask in them. Opening our hearts in fellowship on the truth, our hearts are so brightened. We contemplate, ponder God’s words, the Holy Spirit enlightens us. We are rid of our barriers and prejudices, we live within God’s love. We understand the truth and are freed, our hearts are sweet as honey.

Praise and Worship Song | "Come to Zion With Praising" | Praise the Return of Lord Jesus

Eastern Lightning | Praise and Worship Song | "Come to Zion With Praising" | Praise the Return of Lord Jesus

Come to Zion with praising. God’s abode has already appeared. Come to Zion with praising. All sing praises of His holy name; it is spreading. Almighty God! Universe Ruler, Last Christ, our bright and shining Sun, risen from the universe’s most majestic Mount Zion. Almighty God! Come to Zion with praising. We are all cheering for You, we are singing and dancing. You really are our Savior and the Master of the universe.

Christian Worship Song 2018 "How to Know the Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days"

Christian Worship Song 2018 "How to Know the Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days"

God’s incarnation shall embody God’s substance and expression. And when He’s made flesh He’ll bring forth the work He’s been given to express what He is, bring truth to all men, give them life and show them the way. Any flesh that doesn’t embed His substance surely is not God incarnate. Confirm God’s flesh and the true way by His disposition, words and works. Focus on His substance instead of His appearance. It is ignorant and naive to focus on God’s external appearance.

Praise and Worship Song "God's Love Circles My Heart" | Praise and Thank God for His Power of Love

Praise and Worship Song "God's Love Circles My Heart" | Praise and Thank God for His Power of Love


The Sun of righteousness rises in the East. O God! Your glory fills the heaven and earth. My beautiful beloved, Your love circles my heart. Those who seek the truth—they love God, one and all. In the early morning, though I rise alone, joy is in my heart as I ponder God’s words. His gentle words, like those of a loving mother; His words of judgment, stern like father’s scolding. Naught else in the world do I love, with my whole heart I love only Almighty God.

Worship Song "God's Deeds Fill the Vast Expanse of the Universe" | Praise the Return of the Lord

Worship Song "God's Deeds Fill the Vast Expanse of the Universe" | Praise the Return of the Lord


1. God looks down upon all things from on high, and dominates all things from on high. At the same time, God has sent His salvation over the earth. God is watching from His secret place all the time, man’s every move, everything they say and do. God knows man like the palm of His hand. The secret place is God’s abode, the firmament is the bed He lies on. Satan’s force cannot reach unto God, for He is full of majesty, righteousness, and judgment.

Best Christian Music Video | Walk in the Love of God | "Attachment to God" (Korean Worship Song)

Best Christian Music Video | Walk in the Love of God | "Attachment to God" (Korean Worship Song)

Oh Lord, I’ve enjoyed so much of Your grace. Why do I always feel empty inside? Have I not gained the truth and life?

Reading these words can answer your questions. “Christ of the last days brings life, and brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth. This truth is the path through which man shall gain life, and the only path by which man shall know God and be approved by God.