Showing posts with label Praise God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Praise God. Show all posts

"Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

Christian Life | "Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth to cleanse mankind. We are raised before God. How joyful it is to enjoy His words. We assemble and pray, praising God to our heart’s content. Understanding the truth, we are set free. God’s words reveal mysteries, they are the truth. They conquer our hearts, fully. What a supremely rare blessing it is to receive the way of everlasting life bestowed by God. Merrily, we sing songs of praise, in eternal praise and thankfulness to Almighty God!

"Joined by Love"

Christian Life | "Joined by Love"

We travel from afar to gather in the house of God, eating and drinking God’s words and living the life of the church each day. We practice and experience God’s words, truly enjoying the understanding of the truth. Emptiness, pain, entanglement—they are all in the past. God’s words have brought us together; how sweet it is to enjoy these words in our hearts. Loving each other, brimming with joy and laughter, understanding the truth and praising God, our hearts are set free!

Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "God’s Authority Is Unique" | God Is Great

Christian Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "God’s Authority Is Unique" | God Is Great

God’s authority is unique; it’s His special expression and essence, which no other beings possess, created or non-created. The Creator alone has such power, God the Unique has this substance. God created everything, He holds dominion over them all. He controls not just some planets, not only part of creation or all mankind. But He holds all in His mighty hands, great or small, visible or not, from the stars to the tiny cells, and all beings that exist in other forms.

2019 Christian Music Video | "God Incarnate of the Last Days Mainly Does the Work of Words"

Christian Praise and Worship Song | "God Incarnate of the Last Days Mainly Does the Work of Words"

Incarnate God of the last days ends the Age of Grace and speaks words which perfect and enlighten, words which rid vague notions of God from the heart of man. Jesus walked on a path that was different. He did miracles and healed the sick, preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, and was crucified to redeem all people. So man conceived a notion that this is how God will always be. God incarnate of the last days fulfills and reveals all with words. In His words you see what He is; in His words you see that He is God.

Loving God and Living For God | Best Christian Music Video | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella)

Loving God and Living For God | Best English Gospel Songs | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella)

Today we meet with God, experience His work. We’ve known God in flesh, practical and real. We’ve seen His work, awesome and wondrous. Each day of our life is not in vain. We affirm Christ as the truth and life. Grasping and embracing this mystery. Our feet are on the brightest path to life. No longer searching, all is clear to us. God, we’ll love You always without regret. We’ve found the truth, eternal life we will gain. Our life is not in vain, it’s not in vain. Our life is not in vain.

"Those Who God Will Save Are Foremost in His Heart" The Love of God Is Good

2019 Christian Worship Song | "Those Who God Will Save Are Foremost in His Heart" The Love of God Is Good

How significant is God’s saving work, more important than all other things to Him. With purposed plans and will, not just thoughts and words, He does everything for all mankind. O how significant it is, God’s saving work, for both man and Himself. How busy God is, what effort He makes. He manages His work, rules all things, all people. Never seen before, at so great a price. In His work, God reveals to man bit by bit what God is and has, the price He’s paid, wisdom, power, all His disposition.

"God's Great Work Has Been Completed" | Praise God for Gaining Glory

2019 Christian Praise Song "God's Great Work Has Been Completed" | Praise God for Gaining Glory

We who follow Christ of the last days witness to the entire universe: God’s great work has been completed. Almighty God has appeared in the flesh, expressing truths to save mankind. We’ve heard the voice of the bridegroom, we’ve been lifted up before God. We’ve finally attended the Lamb’s feast, entered into the training of the kingdom. Judgment has begun with the house of God, His disposition has been entirely revealed.

What Should I Do After My Husband Has an Affair? (Part 2)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's salvation
worship Almighty God together
My Husband’s Betrayal Originated From the Evil Trends of Society
Over the days that followed, I often attended meetings with the brothers and sisters, and we would read God’s words, sing hymns and dance in praise of God. Gradually, my oppressive mood became greatly lightened. But every time I thought of how my husband had betrayed me, I still felt a dull throb of pain in my heart. Only later, when I read God’s words, did I understand why my husband had strayed, and I also understood the root cause of my pain. 

Praise and Worship song | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

Gospel Worship song | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

It’s been several thousand years, and mankind still enjoys the light, and he still enjoys the air bestowed by God. Mankind still breathes in the breath that was exhaled by God Himself. Yes, he still enjoys the air bestowed by God. Mankind still enjoys the things like flowers, fish, insects and birds. The things created by God, he enjoys them all. Day and night replace each other. The four seasons cycle around, they alternate as usual, provided by God. Every manner of creature living amongst all things, departs and then returns, and then departs again. In the twinkling of an eye, a million changes happen. What will never ever change are their instincts and their laws of survival.

Christian Song "God Silently Provides for Everyone" | The Grace of God Is Great

Christian hymns "God Silently Provides for Everyone" | The Grace of God Is Great

God supplies all man’s needs, every place, at all times. He observes all their thoughts, how their hearts go through change. And He gives them the comfort that they need, encouraging and guiding them. For the one who loves Him, for the one who’s following, God will nothing withhold, all His blessings will unfold. He gives grace to them all, and His mercy flows wide.

I Found the True Light (Audio Article) | Gospel Testimonies

Qiuhe, Japan

I was born in a Catholic family. Since I was little, I attended Mass at church with my grandparents. Due to the influence of my environment and my belief in God, I learned to chant many different scriptures and practice various rituals.

In 2009, I arrived in Japan to study. One time, in a fellow student’s dorm room, I met by chance a Christian small group leader who had come to spread the gospel. I thought: Protestants and Catholics believe in the same God. They both believe in the Lord Jesus. As a result, I accepted the small group leader’s invitation to join him at the church. After listening to the pastors preach and hearing some brothers and sisters talk about the Bible, I had some understanding about the Lord Jesus’ life. This caused me to have more faith in the Lord. However, after a few months, the pastors and the preachers asked us to donate tithe every week. Also, each week, we were to hand out pamphlets to spread the gospel. Sometimes, we were so tired that we would snooze during Sunday service. We no longer had a normal routine in our life. At that time, some of us were both working and studying. Not only did we have to make money to pay for our studies, but we also needed money for our everyday expenses. Our lives were already quite difficult, but they still wanted us to give them our money and our energy. We were under a lot of stress and pain. Gradually, I discovered that the pastors and the preachers were not truly people that served the Lord. Normally, since they were those who shepherded the church, they should have been helping us grow in our spiritual lives. However, they did not care about our lives. They did not think at all about our practical problems. Instead, they wanted our energy and our money. Everything they did was to help expand their church and consolidate their status and their influence. At this time, we felt like we had been deceived. Consequently, a few of my brothers and I left the church.

Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe

                          The Word of Almighty God | Chapter 3

Today is no longer the Age of Grace, nor the age of mercy, but the Age of Kingdom in which the people of God are revealed, the age in which God does things directly through divinity. Thus, in this chapter of God’s words, God leads all those who accept His words into the spiritual realm. In the opening paragraph, He makes these preparations in advance, and if one possesses the knowledge of God’s words, they will follow the vine to get the melon, and shall directly grasp what God wishes to achieve in His people. Before, people were tested through the title “service-doers,” and today, after they have been subjected to the trial, their training officially begins.

A Hymn of God's Words | God's Will Has Been Open to Everyone

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A Christian Hymn of God's Words
God's Will Has Been Open to Everyone

From the creation of man, God's being, His will, His possessions and disposition have been open to everyone and open to all.

God has never hidden His essence, nor His disposition or will on purpose. It's just that mankind pays no mind to God's works, His will, so man's understanding of God is pitifully weak. From the creation of man, God's being, His will, His possessions and disposition have been open to everyone and open to all.

Eastern Light—My Salvation

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Eastern Light—My Salvation

Thunder and lightning storms shock and awake those who slumber. Those in darkness see the true light and stir with excitement. My Savior, eastern light, His coming brings light to mankind. God's chosen people hear His voice and attend the rich feast. Eastern light is hope for mankind, guiding them into a joyful and brilliant tomorrow. The Sun of righteousness appears, the kingdom comes. Around the throne, the chosen ones praise God.

Oh Almighty God, You Are So Glorious

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Christian praise and worship song | Oh Almighty God, You Are So Glorious

Almighty God, the last Christ, You're the Savior come again. You speak to the people and judge man with the truth. Amen! Your words bear power, cleansing man's corrupt disposition. Your words reveal omnipotence and God's righteousness. God's word judges the old world, judging peoples and nations. God's words achieve all. God's already defeated Satan. Praise You, Almighty God! You are so glorious indeed. All nations and peoples jump for Your miraculous deeds. We all prostrate in worship, praising God's ruling on earth. Truth is revealed to the world. Voices are raised to praise God. Praise God, praise God! Almighty God, You are so glorious. Nations and peoples jump for joy, for Your marvelous wisdom.

God's Love Spills Over the World

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Christian hymns | God's Love Spills Over the World

Two thousand years have passed since You left Judea in glory. Two thousand years down the line and at last, You came to the land of Sinim in humility and hiddenness. You saved mankind beset by the corruption of Satan. Since the day of creation Your love has been with man. Your words show Your almightiness, and have perfected a group of people. Your love spills over the world. Our heart is filled with thanks and praise, when we see all the might of Your words. To bear witness to You, man's words are not enough. Your love spills over the world. We wish we could use all our strength to repay You.

Praise for New Life in the Kingdom

2019 Christian Dance "Praise for New Life in the Kingdom" | Christian Praise and Worship song

We’ve heard God’s voice and returned to His house. In gatherings we eat and drink God’s words, we’re attending the banquet. We bid farewell to our sorrows and entanglements, we’re leading a new life. God’s words are with us every day, we so bask in them. Opening our hearts in fellowship on the truth, our hearts are so brightened. We contemplate, ponder God’s words, the Holy Spirit enlightens us. We are rid of our barriers and prejudices, we live within God’s love. We understand the truth and are freed, our hearts are sweet as honey.

Praise and Worship Song | "Come to Zion With Praising" | Praise the Return of Lord Jesus

Eastern Lightning | Praise and Worship Song | "Come to Zion With Praising" | Praise the Return of Lord Jesus

Come to Zion with praising. God’s abode has already appeared. Come to Zion with praising. All sing praises of His holy name; it is spreading. Almighty God! Universe Ruler, Last Christ, our bright and shining Sun, risen from the universe’s most majestic Mount Zion. Almighty God! Come to Zion with praising. We are all cheering for You, we are singing and dancing. You really are our Savior and the Master of the universe.

2019 Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?"

The Church of Almighty God | 2019 Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?"

Are you aware of the burden, the duty, and the commission on your shoulder? Where is your historic sense of mission? How will you be a good master in the next age? Is your sense of masterhood strong? How will you explain the master of all things? Is it really the master of all living things, or master of all the material world? What’s your plan on the next step of work?

The Voice of Salvation | Guitar Playing "God Treasures One Who Can Listen to His Word and Obey Him"

Christian hymn | The Voice of Salvation | Guitar Playing "God Treasures One Who Can Listen to His Word and Obey Him"

In God’s eyes, whether a man is great or small, as long as he can listen to God’s word, obey God’s commandment and commission, cooperate with God’s work, and cooperate with God’s will and God’s plan, so that God’s will and God’s plan can be carried out smoothly and fulfilled, such a deed is worthy for God to remember and worthy for God to bless, worthy for God to bless. God treasures such a man, cherishes such a deed of his, and cherishes his kindness and his heart for God. This is God’s attitude.