Showing posts with label Christian song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian song. Show all posts

Kids Dance | Christian Song "The Son of Man Has Appeared" | The Lord Jesus Has Returned to the World

Kids Dance | Christian Song "The Son of Man Has Appeared" | The Lord Jesus Has Returned to the World

From the world’s East (East … East ... ),
a ray of light issues forth (light … light ... ),
illuminating all the way to the west.
The Son of man has descended to earth.

The Savior has returned, He is Almighty God.
Expressing the truth, He has begun a new age.
The Son of man has appeared. (Is that right?)
God has come. (Oh!)
He brings humanity the way of eternal life (the way of eternal life).
A new heaven, a new earth, a new age,
a new humanity, a new path, a new life.
New Jerusalem has descended to earth.

We have returned to God’s family and we lead a church life,
daily eating and drinking of God’s word, growing up in His love.
You come and sing! (Okay!)
I will dance! (Dance!)
Our life is truly happy (truly happy).
We are in God’s company. (We truly enjoy it.)
We have God’s blessings. (We are so happy.)
The Kingdom of Christ is a warm home.

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, our adorable beloved.
Every line He utters is the truth, watering us.
He teaches us how to conduct ourselves, how to be honest.
Living amidst God’s blessings, we love God with all our heart.

The judgment of God’s word conquers the hearts of all people.
Being purified, God’s people bear testimony for Him.
May we be of one mind (fulfilling our duty),
repaying God’s love (standing testimony to God),
spreading the gospel of the Kingdom of God (the gospel of the Kingdom of God).
God’s word is transmitted throughout the world.
God’s holy name is praised by all.
The Kingdom of Christ is realized on earth.
May we be of one mind (fulfilling our duty),
repaying God’s love (standing testimony to God),
spreading the gospel of the Kingdom of God (the gospel of the Kingdom of God).
God’s word is transmitted throughout the world.
God’s holy name is praised by all.
The Kingdom of Christ is realized on earth.
The Kingdom of Christ is realized on earth.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

More Christian Worship Music Videos:

"God's Great Work Has Been Completed" | Praise God for Gaining Glory

2019 Christian Praise Song "God's Great Work Has Been Completed" | Praise God for Gaining Glory

We who follow Christ of the last days witness to the entire universe: God’s great work has been completed. Almighty God has appeared in the flesh, expressing truths to save mankind. We’ve heard the voice of the bridegroom, we’ve been lifted up before God. We’ve finally attended the Lamb’s feast, entered into the training of the kingdom. Judgment has begun with the house of God, His disposition has been entirely revealed.

Christian Song "God Silently Provides for Everyone" | The Grace of God Is Great

Christian hymns "God Silently Provides for Everyone" | The Grace of God Is Great

God supplies all man’s needs, every place, at all times. He observes all their thoughts, how their hearts go through change. And He gives them the comfort that they need, encouraging and guiding them. For the one who loves Him, for the one who’s following, God will nothing withhold, all His blessings will unfold. He gives grace to them all, and His mercy flows wide.

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" God Loves the Honest

Kids Dance Christian Song | praise dance song | "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" God Loves the Honest 

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality, they are like angels that come to the world. No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity. They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves. Those who love the truth all have honest hearts. Honest people take joy in practicing the truth, and by obeying God their hearts are at peace. They fear God, shun evil and live by God’s words. They live in God’s words and are liberated and free.

Christian Song "Blessed Are Those Who Accept God’s New Work" | Follow the Work of the Holy Spirit


Christian Song "Blessed Are Those Who Accept God’s New Work" | Follow the Work of the Holy Spirit

Blessed are all those who are able to obey the present utterances of the Holy Spirit. No matter how they used to be, or how the Holy Spirit, how the Holy Spirit used to work within them, those who've gained the latest work are the most blessed ones. Today, those who can't follow the latest work will be eliminated. God wants those who can accept the new light, and those who accept and know His latest work.

Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"


Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"

God is doing work throughout the universe. Thunderous noises in the East do not relent, shaking all denominations and all sects. It's God's voice that brought all to the present. It's His voice that will have all conquered. They fall in this stream, and submit to Him. God has long ago reclaimed glory from the earth, and from the East He has reissued it. Who doesn't long to see the glory of God? Who doesn't await His return with eagerness?

Christian Choir Song | Praise and Worship "The Kingdom" | Welcome the Return of God

Christian Choir Song | Praise and Worship "The Kingdom" | Welcome the Return of God

The kingdom, the city of saints, Christ’s kingdom. In the kingdom, God’s riches and glory are made manifest. Lightning comes from the East and shines unto the West. The true light is here, God’s word has appeared in the flesh. The Savior has long since returned, descending on a white cloud. The saints have today been raptured before the throne to worship God.

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality, they are like angels that come to the world. No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity. They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves. Those who love the truth all have honest hearts. Honest people take joy in practicing the truth, and by obeying God their hearts are at peace.

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

The inner meaning of man’s conquest is to return to the Creator. It is for man to turn his back on Satan and turn fully towards God. This is man’s complete salvation. Arduous conquest is the final battle. It is the last stage in God’s victorious plan. Without this, no man is saved, no victory is gained against Satan, no man enters a good destination. Mankind suffers the influence of Satan. Thus Satan’s defeat must come first to bring man’s salvation. For all of God’s works are for the sake of man. The final conquest brings salvation and reveals the destination. But through judgment, repentance, and awakening to the righteous path of life, awakened will be the hearts of the numb. And the disobedient will be judged, their inner rebellion shall be laid bare. But if man fails to repent, or walk the right path, or cast off the corruption within, they will be swallowed by Satan, beyond rescue and salvation. This is the purpose of God’s conquest—to save people and reveal their endings, which, either good or bad, shall be revealed in God’s conquest.
 from The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Church of Almighty God | God's Judgement in the Last Days | Christian Song | "The Symbolic Meaning of God’s Wrath"

The Church of Almighty God | God's Judgement in the Last Days | Christian Song | "The Symbolic Meaning of God’s Wrath"

When God’s dignity and holiness are being challenged, when just forces are obstructed, unseen by man, this is when God will send forth His wrath. This is when God will send forth His wrath. Because of God’s substance, all forces on earth which contest, oppose Him are evil, unjust. All of them come from Satan, belong to Satan. Since God is just, of light, and holy, so all things evil, corrupt, belonging to Satan, will vanish from here.

The Church of Almighty God | How to Know God Incarnate | Christian Song | "Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind"

How to Know God Incarnate | Christian Song | "Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind" 

      Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind Through the practical God’s word, man’s weaknesses and rebellions are judged and revealed. Then man receives what they need. They see that God has come into this human world. The work of the practical God intends to save everyone from Satan’s influence, rescue them from filth, from their disposition corrupted by Satan.

The Church of Almighty God | The God Almighty Is My Lord, My God | Christian Song "Our God Reigns as King"


      How beautiful! His feet are on the Mount of Olives. Listen, we watchmen are singing loud together, for God has returned to Zion. We’ve seen the desolation of Jerusalem! Now we sing of joy for God’s comforts, and His salvation of Jerusalem. Before all nations, God shows His holy arm, He appears as He truly is. People on the earth, all see God’s salvation. Your great love has held us fast, Your sacred word pierces us through and through. Almighty God! Thanks be to You, praise unto You!

Second Coming of the Lord | Christian Song | "The Substance of Christ Is God" | Eastern Lightning


God who becomes flesh is called Christ, so the Christ that can give people truth is called God. It is not too much to say like that. For He possesses the substance of God. He possesses God's disposition and wisdom in His work, which are unreachable by man. Those who call themselves Christ yet cannot do the work of God are frauds. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but the particular flesh assumed by God, as He carries out, completes His work among man. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but instead, the particular flesh assumed by God, as He carries out, completes His work among man.

Love of God | Christian Song | "God's Substance and Disposition Have Always Been Open to Mankind"

       I Since God's first touch with mankind, He has been revealing to them His essence and what He is and has, without cease, constantly. Whether people through the ages can see or understand, God speaks and works to show His disposition and essence. Never concealed, never hidden, released without reservation, God's essence and disposition, His being and possession, are revealed as He works and engages with mankind.