Showing posts with label New Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Life. Show all posts

New Life in the Kingdom | Christian Music Video "Right Here, Right Now, We Get Together"

New Life in the Kingdom | Christian Music Video "Right Here, Right Now, We Get Together"

Loving each other, we are family. Ah … ah…. Right here, right now, we get together; a gathering of people loving God. Without bias, closely attached, happiness and sweetness filling our hearts. Yesterday we left regret and guilt; today we understand each other, live in God’s love. Together, so happy we are, free from flesh. Brothers, sisters, love each other; we are family. Without bias, closely attached. Ah … ah….

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality, they are like angels that come to the world. No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity. They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves. Those who love the truth all have honest hearts. Honest people take joy in practicing the truth, and by obeying God their hearts are at peace.

To Serve God One Must Learn How to Discern All Kinds of People

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Prayer
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Prayer

Be Closer to God | To Serve God One Must Learn How to Discern All Kinds of People

Serving God is the work of guiding God’s chosen people into the reality of God’s words based on God’s words and in accordance with God’s requirements. When a person gradually understands the truth and gains knowledge of God through experiencing God’s work, they will be able to often exalt God, bear witness to God, help people gain supply and edification, and bring people onto the right path to believing in God.

Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of The Church of Almighty God

believe in Almighty God's word, the word of salvation, the last days
believe in Almighty God's word, the word of salvation, the last days


This book is a carefully-selected anthology of texts about the work arrangements of The Church of Almighty God between August 2003 and August 2017. In it are assembled the principles of the truth that God’s chosen ones must practice and abide by, the key issues they face in performing their duty, as well as important principles for carrying out the different work of the church and corresponding important fellowships and sermons.

If I Were Not Saved by God | Eastern Lightning

If I were not saved by God, I would still be drifting in the world,
struggling painfully in sin, living without any hope.
If I were not saved by God, I would still be trampled by the devils,
enjoying the pleasures of sin, not knowing where is the path of human life.
It is Almighty God who saves me; God’s words have purified me.
Through God’s judgment and chastisement, my corrupt disposition has changed.
All the truth that God expresses has given me a new life.
I have seen God face to face and tasted God’s true love.
Finally I have understood, it’s God’s loving hand that has led me
to hear the voice of God and be raised before God’s throne,
to attend Christ’s marriage feast and get God’s purification and perfection. 
What was hoped for years is realized today; I have finally got God’s salvation.

God’s Love Never Fails | Short Film "A New Life Out of Tortures"

Li Yan was a leader of the Church of Almighty God. Once on her way to a meeting, she was arrested by the CCP government without reason and was cruelly tortured by the devils. When they found her pregnant through the examination, without her knowing it, the CCP lackeys made her abort with drugs, such a sinister means. In order to cover the crime, they even savagely gave her injections causing “dementia.” And they forced her to take the pills causing schizophrenia for five months, in an attempt to make her demented and lose memory. Li Yan was damaged and fell into a trance, and gradually she had hallucinations and a stupor…. Overwhelmed with distress, she was in despair and tried to commit suicide many times. However, Almighty God inspired and guided her with words time after time, and also let the sisters in jail help her. Thus, gradually she got back to a normal mentality.... Almighty God especially kept and led her in the devil’s dark den, so that she stood tenaciously in the tortures of the devils, walked out of the valley of the shadow of death step by step, and saw the light again. …
Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.