Showing posts with label pray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pray. Show all posts

Learning to Pray: Resolving 3 Issues Teaches Us How to Pray (Continued)

Learning to Pray: Resolving 3 Issues Teaches Us How to Pray
Prayer to God

Spiritual Life | 3. Do You Pray to Seek Understanding of God’s Will and to Stand Witness for Him?
Sometimes in our lives we encounter issues that aren’t in line with our notions, like problems at work or in the home, or we may even be faced with some sort of catastrophe. When these things occur, most of us ask God to take away these unpleasant environments and give us peace and happiness. Even if we work hard or even give up our relationships and our jobs to serve God, if we encounter something like a major illness we’re unable to calm ourselves and seek God’s will, and pray that we may stand witness and satisfy God.

Believing in God Should Focus on Reality, Not Religious Rituals

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, believe in God
believe in God

"Message From God " | Believing in God Should Focus on Reality, Not Religious Rituals

How many religious customs do you observe? How many times have you rebelled against the word of God and gone your own way? How many times have you put into practice the word of God because you are truly considerate of His burdens and seek to fulfill His desire? Understand the word of God and put it into action. Be principled in your actions and deeds; this is not abiding by rules or to do so grudgingly just for show. Rather, this is the practice of truth and living by the word of God. Only practice such as this satisfies God. Any custom that pleases God is not a rule but the practice of truth.

Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of The Church of Almighty God

believe in Almighty God's word, the word of salvation, the last days
believe in Almighty God's word, the word of salvation, the last days


This book is a carefully-selected anthology of texts about the work arrangements of The Church of Almighty God between August 2003 and August 2017. In it are assembled the principles of the truth that God’s chosen ones must practice and abide by, the key issues they face in performing their duty, as well as important principles for carrying out the different work of the church and corresponding important fellowships and sermons.

18. The Light of Life Shining in the Devil’s Dark Den | The Overcomers’ Testimonies |

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God |  Christian

Picture of The Church of Almighty God

 The Light of Life Shining in the Devil’s Dark Den

Lin Ying    Shandong Province
My name is Lin Ying. I’m a Christian in the Church of Almighty God. Before I believed in Almighty God, I always tried to work with my own ability for a better life. But things ran counter to my wish; I got into trouble and was frustrated everywhere. Having fully experienced life’s hardships, I felt exhausted mentally and physically and felt extremely miserable. Just when I was distressed and helpless, a sister preached Almighty God’s end-time gospel to me. I read God’s words, “When you feel tired and when you slightly feel a sense of desolation of this world, do not feel perplexed and do not weep. Almighty God, the Watcher, is ready to embrace your coming at any time.” (from “The Sighs of the Almighty” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) I couldn’t help shedding tears. The motherly words of Almighty God greatly comforted me. I felt that I, like an orphan wandering for years, returned to the bosom of my family and was no longer lonely and helpless. From then on, I thirstily read God’s word every day. Through having meetings and fellowshipping with the brothers and sisters in the Church of Almighty God, I saw that they were so kind and honest. There was no jealousy, dispute, or intrigue among them. No matter who met any difficulty, others would sincerely fellowship about the truth and help him solve it, without making bargains or seeking rewards. What they lived out was God’s love. There, I received the release and happiness that I had never had. I deeply felt that the Church of Almighty God is a holy pure land and became certain that Almighty God is the only true God who can save men from the abyss of misery. Just when I was enjoying God’s love, the CCP government arrested and persecuted me illegally, breaking my joyful and pleasant life.

19. Experiencing the Cruel Persecution, I Believe in God More Firmly | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

19. Experiencing the Cruel Persecution, I Believe in God More Firmly

Zhao Rui    Shanxi Province

My name is Zhao Rui. By God’s grace, our whole family followed the Lord Jesus in 1993. In 1996, I, sixteen years old, was attracted by the Lord Jesus’ love and began to work and preach. However, before long, I saw the bitterly disappointing scenes: The co-workers fought overtly and covertly, pushed others aside, and contended for power and interest. The Lord’s teaching of “loving one another” seemed to have long been forgotten. The church life brought no enjoyment at all. Many brothers and sisters were passive and weak and stopped attending meetings. Facing the desolate miserable condition of the church, I was distressed and helpless. On the evening of the Chinese New Year’s Eve in 1998, I fell down to the ground and wept out my grief to God, “O Lord, where are you? When will you come back? Without your leading, how shall I walk the future way?” I thanked God that he heard my prayer. In July, 1999, under God’s wonderful manipulation and arrangement, I heard the end-time gospel of Almighty God, the returned Lord Jesus.

77 A Confession by a Son of Sin | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God,Church
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Liang Meihua

Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

Your kind attention and your last admonition awake me from my deep sleep for years
My unatonable transgressions are a painful memory for me striking my conscience
Being at a loss I pray to you with trembling searching my heart with bitter repentance
Whenever I hear the hymn “A Repentance,” tears gush out from my eyes. My feelings of pain, remorse, and self-reproach are beyond expression. I bitterly hate myself for being so blind and foolish that I did not know God’s work and became a ferocious wolf which hindered the lambs from entering into the kingdom and became the foremost of sinners who resisted Almighty God’s work. I bitterly hate myself for being so numb and obtuse that although I was disciplined by God many times, I did not examine myself but instead stepped up efforts to resist Almighty God. If it had not been for Almighty God’s extremely great mercy and salvation, I would have long since died an unnatural death. Here, to make up for the pain and grief I have brought to God and for my indebtedness to God, I cannot but expose my taint and evil deeds to you brothers and sisters so that you can take warning from them and therefore break free from being bound by the rumors and come before Almighty God soon.

116 The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last | Eastern Lightning

Picture of The Church of Almighty God-The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last

Guan Chao

Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province

I was formerly a co-worker in the “Justification by Faith Church.” In February 1992, I turned to the Lord. Later, I made a resolution before the Lord that I would devote all my life to Him. Since then, I pursued hard. I never missed any church meetings or Bible study meetings. In 1994, I became a preacher in the church, and in 1996, I began to preach in the co-workers’ meetings. So, I thought that I was most faithful to the Lord and was approved by the Lord. But I had never expected that when the Lord did His new work, I became a Pharisee of the present age, who crucified the returned Lord.