What Kind of People Are the Poor in Spirit (Matthew 5:3)?

Lord Jesus, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Christian Life | What Kind of People Are the Poor in Spirit (Matthew 5:3)?

In one of my daily devotions, I read that the Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). I put down the Bible and began to contemplate this, “The Lord likes and blesses the poor in spirit, and theirs is the kingdom of heaven. But what kind of people are the poor in spirit? Are the poor in spirit those who appear on the outside to be humble, gentle, and loving to others?”

Inspirational Devotion: What Is Entering Into Rest?

God's will, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Following God's Will | Inspirational Devotion: What Is Entering Into Rest?

The Origin of Rest
It is recorded in the Bible, “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:2–3). In the beginning, God used six days to create the heavens, the earth, and all things within, and on the seventh day, when the work of creation was complete, He rested.

God's Word | "God Himself, the Unique VII" (Part 2) - "God Is the Source of Life for All Things (I)"

God's Word | "God Himself, the Unique VII" (Part 2) - "God Is the Source of Life for All Things (I)"

Almighty God says, "God is the Master of the rules that control the universe, He controls the rules that govern the survival of all things, and He also controls the universe and all things such that they can live together; He makes it so they do not go extinct or disappear so that mankind may continue to exist, man can live in such an environment through God's leadership.

Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God

Christian Life | Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God

Brothers and sisters, we’ve come before God. Eat and drink His words, it’s such a joy. God cares not how deep we see the truth, He’s pleased by our true words. We share experience, what we’ve learned, support each other, go forward hand in hand. We understand the truth, reflect upon ourselves, see our corruption, our flaws. Our prayers are what we feel, we speak to God from the heart. The more fellowship on His words, the more we understand His words and truth.

"I'm Willing to Submit to God's Work" | Thank God's Love | Korean Song

Christian Hymn "I'm Willing to Submit to God's Work" | Thank God's Love | Korean Song

O God! I beg You to do judgment work in me, purify and change me, allowing me to understand and obey Your will in all things. In Your salvation of me, there is Your supreme love, and Your will. In Your salvation of me, there is Your supreme love, and Your will. Although I’m rebellious and have corrupt disposition, and my nature is betrayal, I have understood Your will in saving man. I would that You give me more trials and suffering, allowing me to behold Your hand amid such suffering, and see Your deeds.

"God's Love for Man Is Most Genuine" - Theme Song From the Christian Movie "A Mother's Love"

"God's Love for Man Is Most Genuine" - Theme Song From the Christian Movie "A Mother's Love"

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd.

"Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

Christian Life | "Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth to cleanse mankind. We are raised before God. How joyful it is to enjoy His words. We assemble and pray, praising God to our heart’s content. Understanding the truth, we are set free. God’s words reveal mysteries, they are the truth. They conquer our hearts, fully. What a supremely rare blessing it is to receive the way of everlasting life bestowed by God. Merrily, we sing songs of praise, in eternal praise and thankfulness to Almighty God!