Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts

Enlightenment From a Story of King Solomon—Path of Discerning the True Christ From False Ones

Lord Jesus, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Spiritual Life | Enlightenment From a Story of King Solomon—Path of Discerning the True Christ From False Ones

During my free time, I read a story about Solomon from the internet. A king from a neighboring country gave, as a present, two uncommon and rare flower baskets to Solomon. The flowers of one of the flower baskets were real and the flowers of the other basket were fake. However, the flowers of both baskets looked extremely similar. There was almost no way to distinguish the real flowers from the fake flowers just by looking at their appearance.

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 2) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

be saved, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Christian Life | The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 2) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

However, when I shared the gospel with my wife, she would not accept it. Then, I asked the brothers and sisters from the church to come and share the gospel with my wife, but she still wasn’t willing to listen and she didn’t want to have them as guests. In light of these circumstances, I could only entrust my eager hopes for my wife to God.

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 1) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

Teachings of Jesus Christian | The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 1) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

When I was young, my mom and dad often argued, and my mom frequently suffered beatings and abuse at the hands of my dad. She carried so much rancor in her heart that she died quite young. Thereafter I promised myself: When I grow up and start a family, I will be good to my wife and create a happy and peaceful family. I would not repeat the failures of my mother and father’s marriage.

"The Most Wonderful Blessing"

The Judgement of God Is the Grace of God | "The Most Wonderful Blessing" (A Real-Life Story)

The drama The Most Wonderful Blessing is the story of a preacher in a house church. He believed that just by giving up his home and his job, and working and preaching the gospel he could gain God's blessing. After accepting Almighty God's work of the last days he continued on as usual, and as a leader in the church focused only on working hard while neglecting to put God's words into practice. He often relied on his own corrupt disposition in his affairs.

Christian Reflection: Does Pursuing an Exceptional Life Bring True Happiness? (Part 2)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Reading God's words

Christian Life | Christian Reflection: Does Pursuing an Exceptional Life Bring True Happiness? (Part 2)

With the Coming of the Gospel, She Is Filled With God’s Love

God heard Ai’s prayers and reached out His hand of salvation to her. Sister Liu, a friend Ai hadn’t seen for many years, came to see her, and when she heard about Ai’s situation, she read this passage of God’s word to her, “The Almighty has mercy on these people who have suffered deeply. At the same time, He is fed up with these people who have no consciousness, because He has had to wait too long to get an answer from humanity. He wishes to seek, to seek your heart and your spirit, to bring you water and food, and to awaken you, that you may no longer be thirsty and hungry.

Spiritual Awakening of a “White Angel” (Part 1)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian life
Christian Life

Christian Life | Spiritual Awakening of a “White Angel” (Part 1)

I am a retired obstetrics and gynecology attending physician. Most of my life was spent in an overworked void. I racked my brains to pursue status, fame and fortune and was unscrupulous in my efforts to make money, busy rushing around for several decades. I even betrayed my own conscience and personality and lost my humanity and rationality, living without any meaning. Until one day when I read the word of Almighty God and saw the truth that I had been corrupted by Satan I gradually had a spiritual awakening….

2019 Christian Family Movie | "A Mother's Love"

2019 Christian Family Movie | "A Mother's Love"

"Knowledge can change your fate" and "The son becomes a dragon, the daughter becomes a phoenix" are the hopes that nearly all parents have for their children. To ensure that her daughter Jiarui is able to pass her university entrance exams and test into a good university, Xu Wenhui decides to retire from her job as a sales director to accompany Jiarui as she studies to retake her tests.

Testimony of Returning to God: My Debate With Pastor Jin, a “Spiritual Father”

return to God, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
return to God

Serving GodTestimony of Returning to God: My Debate With Pastor Jin, a “Spiritual Father”

In the eleven years my husband and I have been believers, we always attended gatherings at Pastor Jin’s church. He’s really well versed in the Bible and is quite well known in our area. In Bible studies he always explained things very systematically and I would go to him every time there was an issue I didn’t understand, and he’d resolve it using passages from the Bible. Every holiday I would take some fruit to pay a visit to him and he was always really warm with our entire family. He would always pray for us when something cropped up in our family and he was always very loving with the other believers, as well. I felt that Pastor Jin was genuinely serving the Lord so I looked up to him; I adored him. I felt that he was our spiritual father.

Bible Story Study: Why Did Job Curse the Day of His Birth?

the Bible, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
the Bible Story ---- Job

Spiritual Life | Bible Story Study: Why Did Job Curse the Day of His Birth?

It is dusk, and a grey-haired old man was sitting by the ashes of his fire, his exposed skin densely covered in painful boils, the surface of the boils broken and suppurating in a horrifying scene.
The old man’s expression showed that he was extremely sorrowful, yet he remained silent and, picking up a potsherd, he began to scrape at the boils.
After a long while, he said, “Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, There is a man child conceived” (Job 3:3).

Is the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven or on Earth?

Christian Life | Gospel Movie Clip "Yearning" (4) - Is the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven or on Earth?

Many people who have faith in the Lord believe that the kingdom of heaven is in heaven. Is this really the case? The Lord's Prayer says: "Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:9-10). The Book of Revelation says, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ" (Revelation 11:15).

I Found the True Light (Audio Article) | Gospel Testimonies

Qiuhe, Japan

I was born in a Catholic family. Since I was little, I attended Mass at church with my grandparents. Due to the influence of my environment and my belief in God, I learned to chant many different scriptures and practice various rituals.

In 2009, I arrived in Japan to study. One time, in a fellow student’s dorm room, I met by chance a Christian small group leader who had come to spread the gospel. I thought: Protestants and Catholics believe in the same God. They both believe in the Lord Jesus. As a result, I accepted the small group leader’s invitation to join him at the church. After listening to the pastors preach and hearing some brothers and sisters talk about the Bible, I had some understanding about the Lord Jesus’ life. This caused me to have more faith in the Lord. However, after a few months, the pastors and the preachers asked us to donate tithe every week. Also, each week, we were to hand out pamphlets to spread the gospel. Sometimes, we were so tired that we would snooze during Sunday service. We no longer had a normal routine in our life. At that time, some of us were both working and studying. Not only did we have to make money to pay for our studies, but we also needed money for our everyday expenses. Our lives were already quite difficult, but they still wanted us to give them our money and our energy. We were under a lot of stress and pain. Gradually, I discovered that the pastors and the preachers were not truly people that served the Lord. Normally, since they were those who shepherded the church, they should have been helping us grow in our spiritual lives. However, they did not care about our lives. They did not think at all about our practical problems. Instead, they wanted our energy and our money. Everything they did was to help expand their church and consolidate their status and their influence. At this time, we felt like we had been deceived. Consequently, a few of my brothers and I left the church.

Where Does This Voice Come From? (Audio Article)

Shiyin, China

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God
I was born in a religious family, and I have many relatives who are preachers. From the time I was young, I followed my parents in believing in the Lord. After I grew up, I addressed to the Lord in prayer: If I could find a husband who believed in the Lord, I would offer myself up together with him in service to the Lord. After I got married, my husband really did believe in the Lord, and in fact became a full time devoted preacher. In order for my husband to feel at ease in his work for the sake of the Lord, and to be able to fulfill his commitment in the presence of the Lord, I actively undertook the burdens of running a household. Although it was a little bit difficult and tiring, my heart was filled with joy and peace no matter how much suffering I endured because I had the Lord as my support.

A Doctor’s Experience of Metamorphosis (1) | Gospel Testimonies

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, true way

Eastern Lightning | A Doctor’s Experience of Metamorphosis (1) | Gospel Testimonies 

Liu Jing

When I was a child, whenever my mother took me to the hospital to see a doctor and I saw all the doctors and nurses in their white gowns scurrying around, I always thought that they looked like angels in white. I was full of admiration for them, and I used to think: If I could be an angel in white too when I grow up, that would be so great! As a young adult, my school grades were exceptionally good and I was able to pass the entrance exam for medical college, and eventually my heartfelt wish came true when I was sent to a certain city hospital to begin my career as a doctor. You can’t imagine how happy I was on the first day that I put on a white gown! The professional duty of doctors is to cure illness and prevent death, and that makes the profession highly respected, lofty! I was determined to live up to the nickname, angels in white, by being a totally responsible and professional doctor committed to relieving the suffering of my patients.

Eastern Light—My Salvation

Smiley face

Eastern Light—My Salvation

Thunder and lightning storms shock and awake those who slumber. Those in darkness see the true light and stir with excitement. My Savior, eastern light, His coming brings light to mankind. God's chosen people hear His voice and attend the rich feast. Eastern light is hope for mankind, guiding them into a joyful and brilliant tomorrow. The Sun of righteousness appears, the kingdom comes. Around the throne, the chosen ones praise God.

A Bit of Understanding of Being Saved

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Testimonies

Christian Life | By Lin Qing, Shandong Province
After becoming a Christian I always believed that as long as I put everything aside and expended myself for God, did the work of the church well, I didn’t give up my duty or betray God no matter what tribulations or pain I suffered, and could follow Him until the end, I would be someone God would be pleased with. I thought that I could gain God’s salvation and I would be able to remain. So I gave up my family and fleshly enjoyments, and spent every day rushing around, busy in the church. This is how I came to believe that I had already walked the path of salvation by God, and all I had to do was follow Him to the very end.

Pledging My Life to Devotion

seeking God, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
picture by the Church of Almighty God

Testimonies | By Zhou Xuan, Shandong Province
April 3, 2003 was the most unforgettable day of my life. I went with a sister to preach the gospel to a potential believer. Little did I expect that she had been deceived by the rumors spread by the CCP, and she reported us to the police. As a result, four plain-clothes police came and aggressively forced the two of us into their vehicle and took us to the police station. On the road, my heart was extremely nervous, because there was a pager, a list of names of some of the members from our church, and a notepad in my bag.

Sufferings and Trials—the Blessings of Being Favored

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, gospel
Picture by the Church of Almighty God
Spiritual Life | By Wang Gang, Shandong Province

I lived in the countryside. Because my family was poor, I earned money by doing temporary jobs wherever I could find them; I thought that I could make a better life for myself through my physical labor. However, in modern Chinese society, I saw that there were no guarantees for the legal rights of migrant workers like me; my salary was frequently withheld for no reason at all. Time and time again I was cheated and taken advantage of by others. After a year’s worth of hard work, I didn’t receive what I was supposed to receive. I felt that this world is truly dark! Humans treat each other just like animals, where the strong prey on the weak; they contest with each other, fight hand-to-hand, and people simply can’t survive. In the extreme pain and depression of my spirit, and when I had lost faith in life, a friend of mine shared the gospel of the last days of Almighty God with me.

Walking Down the Bright Path of Life

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, reading God's words
Reading God's words

Spiritual Life | Walking Down the Bright Path of Life

Xieli, America

I used to be someone who would chase after the trends of the world, I wanted to abandon myself to a life of pleasure, and I just cared about the pleasures of the flesh. I would often go with my friends to KTV all night long, I would go for joyrides in the middle of the night, would go fishing out on the ocean, and travel all around in search of fine foods. I’d see others around me, and they too were all striving to eat well, wear nice things, and enjoy good things. I felt that these were the things that a man must work for in his life, that this is why a man must work hard to earn money, that this is the goal in life that everyone should have.

Arrogance and Conceit Has Become a Stumbling Block to My Seeking the Truth

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, believe in God

Spiritual Life | Arrogance and Conceit Has Become a Stumbling Block to My Seeking the Truth

Zhang Xiaobo

Qing’an County, Heilongjiang Province

I was formerly a dedicated team co-worker of the Wilderness Church in Qing’an County, Heilongjiang Province. In 1994, I believed in the Lord through grace. Inspired by the Lord’s love, I pursued very hard, and several months later, I began to preach. Only one year later, I began to formally lead the brothers’ meeting and the youth meeting. From then on, I studied the Bible even harder, and I gave up my prosperous business to dedicate and expend myself for the Lord with all my heart and strength. As time went by, all these became my capital for pride. I became more and more arrogant and self-contained, smugly believing that I was the one with whom God is most pleased.