Showing posts with label Christian life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian life. Show all posts

God’s Blessings: I May Not Be Rich, but I’m Very Fortunate

God’s Blessings: I May Not Be Rich, but I’m Very Fortunate

By Bong, Philippines 

“Principal, please give my child a chance and let him take the examination!” My mother’s eyes implored the principal as she spoke in a slightly trembling voice.

Keeping a straight face, the principal said, “No, the school has rules. A child can only take the examination when the exam fee has been paid!”

Christian Life | I No Longer Struggle With Sin

Christian Life | I No Longer Struggle With Sin

By Anna

Editor’s Note: Are you still struggling in the agony of sin? Are you discouraged and disappointed because you live trapped in a cycle of sinning and repentance? What must we do to escape the bondage of sin? I hope reading this article will be of some help to you.

Weeping in Sin

In 2001, I followed my mother in believing in the Lord, and not long after, I joined the church and began my service. I saw that my brothers and sisters were able to love one another, just like a family, which made me feel especially close to them. I enjoyed attending meetings and singing hymns in praise of the Lord with my brothers and sisters, and in my heart, I thought of the church like my own family. After that, I tested into a theology institute and began studying the Bible.

Enlightenment From a Story of King Solomon—Path of Discerning the True Christ From False Ones

Lord Jesus, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Spiritual Life | Enlightenment From a Story of King Solomon—Path of Discerning the True Christ From False Ones

During my free time, I read a story about Solomon from the internet. A king from a neighboring country gave, as a present, two uncommon and rare flower baskets to Solomon. The flowers of one of the flower baskets were real and the flowers of the other basket were fake. However, the flowers of both baskets looked extremely similar. There was almost no way to distinguish the real flowers from the fake flowers just by looking at their appearance.

Christian Faith Based Movie (Trailer) | "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls"

Christian Life Based Movie (Trailer) | "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls"

Yu Congguang is an evangelist who makes a dangerous escape from a CCP mass arrest. Afterward, he makes his way to the home of Three-Self Patriotic Movement Christian Chen Song'en. Chen Song'en's Three-Self Patriotic Movement church is demolished by the CCP, and some in the church, after listening to the teachings of their pastors and elders, pray for the CCP regime, believing that by doing so, they are keeping the words of the Lord Jesus, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).

Spiritually Parched, She Finally Drinks From the River of Life (Part 1)

Christian Life | Spiritually Parched, She Finally Drinks From the River of Life (Part 1)

I was born into a family of Christians—I’m the third generation of believers. I’ve gone to church to worship the Lord with my family ever since I was little, and after growing up I took on positions of service in the church like deacon, exhorter, and accountant. Throughout my entire 70-year journey, I have always looked to the Lord.

I Learned to Discern Between the True Christ and False Christs and Welcomed Jesus Christ’s Return (Part 1)

By Xiangwang, Malaysia

Editor’s Note: We are now at the crucial time of the Lord’s return. Because they believe in what the pastors and elders say, some believers fear being deceived by false Christs and so have become passive and guarded to the point where, even when they hear someone testifying that the Lord has returned, they still won’t dare to seek the way. Although by doing this they avoid being deceived by false Christs, they also become prone to rejecting the true Christ. So then, how exactly can one welcome the Lord’s return whilst at the same time be on one’s guard against false Christs? Sister Xiangwang found the answer, so let’s have a look together at her experiences.

2019 Christian Family Movie | "A Mother's Love" | A Heart-touching Christian Story

Christian Life | "A Mother's Love" | A Heart-touching Christian Short Film

"Knowledge can change your fate" and "The son becomes a dragon, the daughter becomes a phoenix" are the hopes that nearly all parents have for their children. To ensure that her daughter Jiarui is able to pass her university entrance exams and test into a good university, Xu Wenhui decides to retire from her job as a sales director to accompany Jiarui as she studies to retake her tests.

Testimony of Faith: How to Overcome the Temptations of Satan (Part 2)

overcome, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
pray to God

Christian Life | Testimony of Faith: How to Overcome the Temptations of Satan (Part 2)

Though when I was tempted this time, I had understood God’s will and not been caught out by Satan’s deceitful scheme, Satan was not quite done yet. Not long after, Satan began to attack me once again.
One day, I suddenly and inexplicably developed a high fever and my temperature soared to 39.2 degrees. I quickly found a nurse and asked for an injection to combat my fever, but although my fever abated somewhat for a short time, it then returned, and I had to keep a cold towel pressed to my head even on such cold days. I passed two days like this and still my fever did not abate.

Christian Reflection: Does Pursuing an Exceptional Life Bring True Happiness? (Part 2)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Reading God's words

Christian Life | Christian Reflection: Does Pursuing an Exceptional Life Bring True Happiness? (Part 2)

With the Coming of the Gospel, She Is Filled With God’s Love

God heard Ai’s prayers and reached out His hand of salvation to her. Sister Liu, a friend Ai hadn’t seen for many years, came to see her, and when she heard about Ai’s situation, she read this passage of God’s word to her, “The Almighty has mercy on these people who have suffered deeply. At the same time, He is fed up with these people who have no consciousness, because He has had to wait too long to get an answer from humanity. He wishes to seek, to seek your heart and your spirit, to bring you water and food, and to awaken you, that you may no longer be thirsty and hungry.

"The Way of Human Conduct" | Be an Honest Man That God Loves

Christian Life | "The Way of Human Conduct" | Be an Honest Man That God Loves

Since a young age, Cheng Jianguang's parents and teachers taught him that rules such as "Harmoniousness is a treasure, forbearance is a virtue," "Keeping silent on the faults of good friends makes for a long and good friendship," "Though you see wrong, it's best to say little" were the touchstones for maintaining good relationships with other people.

"It's Good to Believe in God" | God Has Given Me a Happy Life

Christian Life | "It's Good to Believe in God" | God Has Given Me a Happy Life

To earn enough money to live a good life, Ding Ruilin and her husband put in bitterly hard work to open and run a business. But, thanks to the CCP government's exploitation and abuse, they remain heavily in debt, and have no choice but to go abroad to work. To make more money, Ding Ruilin takes on two jobs. The heavy burden of her work and the indifference of the people around her make her realize the pain and helplessness of living for money. In the midst of her pain and confusion, she meets high school classmate Lin Zhixin.

As a Christian Believing in God, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected! (1)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, prayer
prayer to Almighty God

Christian Life | As a Christian Believing in God, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected! (1)


Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,

I get very tired from working during the day, and I do not sleep very well at night. As a result, I am not willing to make it to gatherings on time. I do not like to be restricted. I feel that if I have spiritual needs, as long as I look for my brothers and sisters to chat during those times, it should be fine. I wonder what the cause of this issue is. How should I resolve this?

An Jing

The Importance of Coordination in Service

prayed, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Christian life of the Church of Almighty God
                               Christian Life | By Mei Jie, Shandong Province

The church recently issued a work arrangement requiring church leaders at all levels to set up a partner (a co-worker to work alongside them). At the time I thought this was a good arrangement. I was of a low caliber and I really did need a partner to help me complete all types of work in the church.

Christian Variety Show | "Police Plots" | English Short Skit

Christian Short Film | Christian Variety Show | "Police Plots" | English Short Skit

In order to eliminate religious beliefs, the atheist CCP government frequently adopts measures for surveilling Christians such as conducting stakeouts and tailing them in an attempt to make a clean sweep of them. The sketch Police Plots is about the collusion of evil CCP officers in disguise and an auxiliary officer, a donkey in a lion's skin, who carry out a stakeout to arrest Christians gathering at the home of Zhao Yuzhi. How will Zhao Yuzhi and her family deal with the Chinese police's sinister trickery? What troubles will befall them?

Christian Variety Show | "Gathering in a Cowshed" Skit | It's So Hard to Believe in God in China

Spiritual Life | Christian Variety Show | "Gathering in a Cowshed" Skit | It's So Hard to Believe in God in China

Currently, the atheist CCP government's persecution of Christians is increasing by the day. Believers are facing restrictions on practicing their faith at every turn; they can't even find a place to gather in peace. Left with no other choice, Liu Xiumin can only host a gathering with her brothers and sisters in her cowshed. But while they are gathering, village cadres come one after another to look around, making various excuses, and then even bring the CCP police in…. Will Liu Xiumin and her brothers and sisters be able to successfully hold their gathering?

Christian Life | A Different Experience of Job Seeking

Liang Xin
In today’s society, there are all different kinds of major enterprises and there seems to be a myriad of employment opportunities, but year after year, college graduates are a dime a dozen. The market of qualified employment candidates is so overcrowded you can’t gain a foothold, so the difficulty of finding employment after graduation has become a very practical problem. For every young person on the cusp of entering society after school, the most headache-inducing issue that they have to face is finding work, particularly at a good company. Everyone puts on their best face and racks their brains trying to squeeze their way in—the competition and pressure are intense. I, approaching graduation, had no choice but to face the plight of finding a job just like everybody else. The only thing different about me is that I’m a Christian and I believe that everything is prepared by God. However …

Tossing Resumes to the Wind, the Arduous Path of a Job-Seeker
As recruitment banners from all sorts of major companies began appearing and all kinds of recruitment ads were put up all over campus, students all crowded in front of the advertising board with the intention of reading every single recruitment notice. Work locations, salary, and recruitment conditions were our primary daily topics of conversation.