The Church of Almighty God | Conference by FOB Pushing Forward Improvement to Laws in Europe and Protection of Freedom of Belief

Conference by FOB Pushing Forward Improvement to Laws in Europe and Protection of Freedom of Belief

From January 18 to 19, 2018, the first large-scale conference on law and human rights was ushered in Florence, Italy. This conference was organized by the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) on the theme of "Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe, a Difficult Journey." The conference explored how to effectively protect the right to freedom of belief and religion for immigrants and refugees in Europe by legal means, with the aim to create a social environment where people can live in peace and mutual understanding. Famous human rights experts, religious scholars, jurists and lawyers from European countries including Italy, France, Denmark and England attended the conference and Christians from The Church of Almighty God in Italy were also invited to attend. During the conference, The Church of Almighty God became a focus of attention.

Eastern Lightning, Christ of the last days, Almighty God, is the reappearance of the Lord Jesus. Almighty God has expressed all the truths of purifying and saving man. The judgment before the great white throne has begun. God's sheep hear God's voice. Many of those who sincerely long for God's appearance have come before God's throne after hearing God's voice. Brothers and sisters, are you willing to attend the feast of the Lamb? The gate of The Church of Almighty God is open to all those who long for the truth and seek the true way. Feel free to message us if you have any questions.

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