Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Best Christian Family Movie "Where Is My Home" | God Gave Me a Happy Family

Wenya's parents separated when she was two, and after that she lived with her father and stepmother. Her stepmother couldn't stand her and was always arguing with her father. He had little choice—he had to send Wenya to her mother's house, but her mother was fully focused on running her business and didn't have any time to take care of Wenya, so she was often shuttled off to her relatives' and friends' homes to be fostered. After so many years of a life of foster care, young Wenya felt lonely and helpless, and longed for the warmth of a home.

103 Yesterday’s Resistance, Today’s Remorse

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Wei Shuyao

Xinyi City, Jiangsu Province

I was formerly a leader’s assistant in the Justification by Faith Church. I had believed in Jesus for over twenty years and been trained in a theological seminary, so I was very much looked up to by the brothers and sisters in our churches. We were in charge of over thirty churches and had contact with the churches in Beijing, Guangdong, Shandong, Hubei, and other places. The churches had been very prosperous a few years before, but somehow they turned more and more desolate in recent years. The believers became fewer and fewer, and many of them were converted to “Eastern Lightning,” and even some leaders who had believed in God for many years were “deceived.” I had long since heard that those of “Eastern Lightning” were very aggressive and that they did nothing but steal “sheep” from churches. To protect the “sheep,” I racked my brains and took many precautions in our churches, but all in vain. Seeing that the number in our churches decreased, I felt more and more hatred for those who preached “Eastern Lightning.”

130 Almighty God’s Word Conquered My Hardened Heart

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Almighty God's Word Conquered My Hardened Heart | GOSPEL OF THE DESCENT OF KINGDOM

Almighty God’s Word Conquered My Hardened Heart

Fan Ni

Rizhao City, Shandong Province

In autumn of 2001, I went back home for the National Day holiday. Before I arrived at home, I heard from a classmate that now there was a very powerful “heresy” called the “Eastern Lightning,” and my mother had been “deceived” by it for seven months. At the news, I was overwhelmed with anxiety, and I hurried to my uncle’s home (who was a preacher I adored). Before I asked anything about my mother, he said to me, “Your mother has accepted the ‘Eastern Lightning,’ and she runs around outside all day long. She went to the brothers’ and sisters’ homes to preach the gospel and even didn’t leave when they drove her. She has really disgraced me. Brothers and sisters in the church all came to ask me what to do with her, and I said to them that I didn’t acknowledge her as my sister anymore, she had been expelled by the church, and they could just drive her away. I heard that those people had discarded the Bible but read a so-called little scroll. That book is very powerful. Once you read it, you will be captivated. Do be careful, Xiao-ni. You must stand the ground. Though she is your mother, this is about belief. That doesn’t count…” Every word of my uncle pierced my heart, and I couldn’t help feeling nervous. “So it is true that the ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a heresy! Otherwise, how could my uncle speak about my mother in that way? How could my mother become like this now? Is it really true that she refused to leave others’ homes even when they drove her? …” I was sad and frightened. How I hoped that my uncle could draw her back! But from his words, I could know that my mother was already “irredeemable.” At that time, I just wanted to go home quickly to see my mother.

8. How a Son of Disobedience Was Conquered by the Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God | How a Son of Disobedience Was Conquered by the Almighty God

Sun Yongping

Datong City, Shanxi Province

I am Sun Yongping, formerly a co-worker of a house church. Because I was single, without family burdens, and was willing to pursue to make progress, the church paid special attention to training me. So I often had chances to work and study in other places. In recent years, every time I went to work out of town, I came back loaded with rumors about “the Eastern Lightning.” Unconsciously, I was deeply poisoned. Especially after I read a book called Refute the Cult the Eastern Lightning, I was more encouraged to resist the Almighty God. Without verification or investigation, I had a strong aversion and hostility to this “way” that I knew nothing about. So, I joined others in rebuking and refuting “the Eastern Lightning,” and even mobilized all the brothers and sisters to curse “the Eastern Lightning” in their daily prayers. Meanwhile, I also heard the rumors say, “The means of ‘the Eastern Lightning’ is extremely cruel. If you do not accept what they preach, they will use violence on you, such as gouging out your eyes, cutting off your nose, or cutting off your ears. Besides, they will seduce you with beauty or buy you off with money. And as long as you accept their ‘way,’ they will give you whatever you lack. …” Soon those rumors were spread everywhere. The entire religious world accepted them to be true. And I felt more hatred, hostility, and fear toward this “way.” All day long I lived in dread, fearing that I might “lose my footing” and fall into the “trap” of “the Eastern Lightning.”

The Mystery of Godliness (4) - Only God Incarnate Can Do the Work of Judgment in the Last Days | Eastern Lightning

The Eastern Lightning testifies that God has incarnated in the last days to do the work of judgment Himself. And yet God's work in the Age of Law was done by using Moses. So can't God's work of judgment in the last days be done in the same way, by using people? Why does God need to incarnate and do it Himself? Almighty God says, "The work of judgment is God's own work, so it must naturally be done by God Himself; it cannot be done by man in His stead. Because judgment is the conquering of man through the truth, it is unquestionable that God still appears as the incarnate image to do this work among men" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

105 I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Word of Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
 I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Word of Almighty God | The Church of Almighty God

Wei Wei

Zhoukou City, Henan Province

I was once a co-worker of the “Justification by Faith Church.” In those years, I read many materials of slandering and blaspheming the “Eastern Lightning” and heard many rumors that defamed this way, such as these: “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a false Christ, a deceiver, and if anyone withdraws from them after accepting it, they will gouge out his eyes or break his legs;” “There is poison in their books, and one will be ‘under a spell’ and follow them muddleheaded after reading the books;” and so on. So, I hated the followers of the “Eastern Lightning” to the core and avoided them like the plague. To prevent the brothers and sisters from being deceived and prove my loyalty to the Lord, I did my utmost to spread rumors, and I often warned the believers: Be cautious of the “Eastern Lightning”; never receive strangers!

The Four Major Emergencies That Must Be Resolved as Soon as Possible Upon Discovery

Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Be Closer to God | The Four Major Emergencies That Must Be Resolved as Soon as Possible Upon Discovery

The fundamental responsibility of the church’s leaders and workers is to guide God’s chosen people to eat and drink God’s words, understand the truth, and enter reality. If a leader or a worker of the church cannot see clearly what God’s entrustment is and engages in misconduct, they are doing evil and resisting God.

124 Before the Truth, I Finally Confessed Myself to Be an Evil Servant | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Picture  of  The  Church  of  Almighty  God

Zhang Wenbiao

Fushun City, Liaoning Province

My name is Zhang Wenbiao. In the fall of 1994, I believed in Jesus in the Slain Church. Soon I was appointed as a leader in charge of shepherding and sustaining one hundred and fifty believers of ten churches.

16. God Is the Power of My Life | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God,Church

Picture of The Church of Almighty God-God Is the Power of My Life

 God Is the Power of My Life

Xiaohe    Henan Province
How time flies! Fourteen years have flashed by since I followed Almighty God. In these years, although I have undergone various trials and hardships and frustrations, with the company of God’s word and God’s love and mercy, I’ve been especially enriched in my heart. During these fourteen years, what was most deeply engraved on my heart was my being arrested in August, 2003. After I was arrested that time, I was cruelly tortured by the CCP police and was almost disabled. It was Almighty God who cared for and kept me and led me with his word of life time after time, so that I overcame the cruel tortures of the devils and stood testimony. In the experience, I deeply felt that the power of Almighty God’s word is transcendent and Almighty God’s life force is great. I firmly believed that Almighty God is the only true God who rules over everything and controls all things and is even more my only salvation and reliance. No hostile force can take me away from God’s hand or hinder my footsteps of following God.

Success or Failure Depends on the Path That Man Walks | The Church of Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
Success or Failure Depends on the Path That Man Walks | The Church of Almighty God
Most people believe in God for the sake of their future destination, or for temporary enjoyment. For those who have not undergone any dealing, belief in God is for the sake of entering into heaven, in order to gain rewards. It is not in order to be made perfect, or to perform the duty of a creature of God. Which is to say that most people do not believe in God in order to fulfill their responsibility, or to complete their duty. Rarely do people believe in God in order to lead meaningful lives, nor are there those who believe that since man is alive, he should love God because it is Heaven’s law and earth’s principle to do so, and is the natural vocation of man. In this way, although different people each pursue their own goals, the aim of their pursuit and the motivation behind it are all alike, and, what’s more, for most of them the objects of their worship are much the same. Over the last several thousand years, many believers have died, and many have died and been born again. It is not just one or two people who seek after God, nor even one or two thousand, yet the pursuit of most of these people is for the sake of their own prospects or their glorious hopes for the future. Those who are devoted to Christ are few and far between. Many devout believers have still died ensnared in their own nets, and the number of people who have achieved success, moreover, is pifflingly small. To this day, the reasons why people fail, or the secrets of their success, are still unknown. Those who are obsessed with seeking after Christ have still not had their moment of sudden insight, they have not gotten to the bottom of these mysteries, because they simply do not know. Though they make painstaking efforts in their pursuit, the path they walk is the path of failure once walked by their predecessors, and not the one of success. In this way, regardless of how they seek, do they not walk the path that leads to darkness? Is what they gain not bitter fruit? It is hard enough to predict whether the people who emulate those who succeeded in times past will ultimately come to fortune or calamity. How much worse are the odds, then, for the people who seek by following in the footsteps of those who failed? Do they not stand an even greater chance of failure? What value is there to the path they walk? Are they not wasting their time? Irrespective of whether people succeed or fail in their pursuit, there is, in short, a reason why they do so, and it is not the case that their success or failure is determined by seeking however they please.

96 Almighty God’s Word Aroused My Heart——The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Picture of  The Church of Almighty God - Almighty God’s Word Aroused My Heart

Li Tieyin

Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province

I was formerly a leader of the True Jesus Church. After I believed in the Lord through grace in 1996, I studied the Bible assiduously and preached in the church. Not long afterward, I was promoted to an important position where I was responsible for shepherding a church of over 1,000 believers. While serving the Lord, I was earnestly expecting the second coming of the Savior Jesus, expecting him to take us back to the heavenly home sooner. But I had never thought that when the Lord really returned, I actually became an arch-criminal resisting God.

77 A Confession by a Son of Sin | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God,Church
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Liang Meihua

Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

Your kind attention and your last admonition awake me from my deep sleep for years
My unatonable transgressions are a painful memory for me striking my conscience
Being at a loss I pray to you with trembling searching my heart with bitter repentance
Whenever I hear the hymn “A Repentance,” tears gush out from my eyes. My feelings of pain, remorse, and self-reproach are beyond expression. I bitterly hate myself for being so blind and foolish that I did not know God’s work and became a ferocious wolf which hindered the lambs from entering into the kingdom and became the foremost of sinners who resisted Almighty God’s work. I bitterly hate myself for being so numb and obtuse that although I was disciplined by God many times, I did not examine myself but instead stepped up efforts to resist Almighty God. If it had not been for Almighty God’s extremely great mercy and salvation, I would have long since died an unnatural death. Here, to make up for the pain and grief I have brought to God and for my indebtedness to God, I cannot but expose my taint and evil deeds to you brothers and sisters so that you can take warning from them and therefore break free from being bound by the rumors and come before Almighty God soon.

Praise Song "Song of Heartfelt Attachment" | Eastern Lightning

        Here is One, He is God in the flesh.
What He says, what He does, all is the truth.
His wisdom, His righteousness, I love them all.
Meeting Him, having Him, I am so blessed.
Here is One, He is God in the flesh.
What He says, what He does, all is the truth.
His wisdom, His righteousness, I love them all.
Meeting Him, having Him, so blessed am I.
His heart, His love have me conquered.
Give Him love, follow Him, oh my beloved.
I love Him, I feel sweet, suffer for Him.
Gain Him, live for Him, forever love Him.

A Song of Praise From Christians' Hearts | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" (Christian Video) | Eastern Lightning

The Heart’s Voice of a Created Being

I wanted to cry, but no place felt right. 
I wanted to sing, but no song was found. 
I wanted to express the love of a created being. 
Searching high and low, but no words could say, could say just how I feel.                      Practical and true God, the love inside my heart. 
I lift my hands in praise, I rejoice that You came into this world. 

God Himself, the Unique III

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
Picture  of  The  Church  of  Almighty  God - God's  Word 

God Himself, the Unique III

God’s Authority (II)

Today we will continue our fellowship about the topic of “God Himself, the Unique.” We have already had two fellowships on this subject, the first concerning God’s authority, and the second concerning God’s righteous disposition. After listening to these two fellowships, have you gained a new understanding of God’s identity, status, and substance? Have these insights helped you achieve a more substantive knowledge and certainty of the truth of God’s existence? Today I plan to expand upon the topic of “God’s authority.”

New Heaven and New Earth | Stage Play Drama "Chinese Choir 13th Performance" | the Church of Almighty God

The Chinese Choir Episode 13 of the Church of Almighty God comprises various performances like Peking Opera, rock, Haozi, Latin dance, and animation. It vividly presents the journey where man, though corrupted and deceived by Satan, receives God’s salvation and returns to Him after rejecting Satan.
In the old world ruled by Satan, man is corrupt and depraved, struggling painfully in sin. Worse than that, God’s chosen people are suffering from suppression and slaughter. The human world is like hell, utterly dark and extremely miserable. Just when Satan, the great red dragon, commits evil in a rampant way and resists God to the utmost, the lightning flashes forth from the East: Almighty God, Christ of the last days, comes to earth personally and expresses the words, bringing the true light, wrath, and judgment. In God’s majestic judgment, Satan is revealed in its true form and reduced to ashes by God’s wrath. Taking God’s word as the sharp sword, God’s chosen people are no longer controlled or manipulated by Satan and finally defeat it. They ultimately regain the sanctity they once possessed and return to God’s throne, singing and dancing with joy to celebrate the complete accomplishment of God’s work!
Recommendation: Eastern Lightning

The Hymn of God's Word "Do You Wish to Know the Root of Why the Pharisees Opposed Jesus?"

Do you wanna know why the Pharisees opposed Jesus? Do you wanna know what their substance is? They were full of fantasies about the Messiah, only believing in His coming, not seeking truth of life till today. They’re still waiting for Him, still not knowing the way of truth or life. 
Do you wanna know why these silly folk didn’t gain God’s blessing? Do you wonder how they failed to behold the Messiah? They opposed Jesus, not knowing He spoke the way of truth, didn’t understand the Messiah or the Holy Spirit’s work, never seen or been with Him. They paid empty tributes to His name and all the price to resist Him.
Disobedient, stubborn, arrogant, they held stubbornly this belief: Though profound was His preaching and authority on high, only if He’s called Messiah were they willing to concede. But these are ramblings man should ridicule and label as grandiose fantasies.
God is asking you: Are you not gonna repeat the Pharisees’ mistakes? Since you do not understand Jesus Christ, are you able to discern the way of truth and way of life, watch the Holy Spirit’s work and follow in His light? Can you guarantee you’ll not oppose Christ? If no, then you’re on the brink of death, not life. 
 from “When You Behold the Spiritual Body of Jesus Will Be When God Has Made Anew Heaven 

Recommendation, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

57 I Shed Tears of Regret Before God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, the Bible
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Meng Shuhua

Kangping County, Liaoning Province

In 1993, I believed in the Lord Jesus (attending service in the Three-Self Church) in order that my husband’s disease could be cured. To pay his medical treatment, we were in deep debt. After his death, the heavy debt threw our family into poverty. So the Lord Jesus became the only reliance in my life. I pursued zealously in those years. In 1997, as jealousy, dispute, and scramble for power and position in the church intensified and I couldn’t bear it, I left the Three-Self Church and began to attend service in the “Way of Life Church.” My zeal and knowledge won me trust from Teacher Huang in the head church and the brothers and sisters, and I became a church leader. Soon, the number of believers in my church reached over one hundred. I took the church as my home and went around among the brothers and sisters preaching and sustaining them. However, I had never expected that I would become a latter-day Pharisee who hindered the spreading of Almighty God’s gospel of the last days.

Gospel Movie Trailer "My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom"

      Song Ruiming was a pastor of a certain church in South Korea. Over many years of his belief in the Lord, he had been pursuing fervently, spending and working for the Lord, waiting for the Lord to come and rapture him to the kingdom of heaven. However, in recent years, what laid before him was the increasingly desolate church that lost the work of the Holy Spirit: The preachers had nothing new to talk about, and believers were all weak and passive. At the crucial point of welcoming the Lord’s return, the religious world was subject to such a fierce famine. Song Ruiming felt confused and lost for this situation. Right at that time, a repatriated missionary who had ever evangelized in China told him something about a rising church in China—the Eastern Lightning: The Eastern Lightning is testifying that the Lord Jesus has come back and that He is Almighty God, and they are frenziedly condemned and resisted by the CCP government and the religious world. What he said reminded Song Ruiming of the fact that while the Lord Jesus was preaching and working, He suffered the same thing—the condemnation and rejection of the religious world and the ruling regime. Also, Song Ruiming realized that the church condemned and persecuted most seriously by the CCP should be the church that comes from God because the CCP is an atheist party that opposes God the most. As such, Song Ruiming made his decision to go to China and investigate the Eastern Lightning there. After Song Ruiming and Missionary Cui Cheng’en arrived in China, they suffered some frustration and finally met Co-worker Chen Xin who was looking into the Eastern Lightning. Through reading Almighty God’s words, Song Ruiming found that all that Almighty God says is the truth and is exactly the voice of God. He sensed the Eastern Lightning is far more likely to be the reappearance and work of the Lord! However, when he gathered with the preachers of the Eastern Lightning to hear their testimony about Almighty God’s work of the last days, a religious co-worker in China betrayed them by reporting them to the police. As a result, Song Ruiming and Cui Cheng’en were captured by the CCP police and were forcibly sent back to South Korea. Back to his own country, Song Ruiming was particularly lost and distressed and he tried every possible means to contact the Church of Almighty God. It lasted until one day he came across the Korean website of the Church of Almighty God online. He then learned that the Eastern Lightning was already spread to South Korea and there was the Church of Almighty God established there. This news came as a great surprise to Song Ruiming, and he gathered the brothers and sisters in his church and took them to the Church of Almighty God for an investigation of Almighty God’s work of the last days. Through the fellowship and testimony of the preachers, Song Ruiming and his fellow believers made certain that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, and readily accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. As such, they were raptured before God’s throne and found the path to the kingdom of heaven. His dream of the heavenly kingdom has finally come true!

Chapter 5 You Must Know the Truths About the Incarnation of God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

1. What Is the Incarnation? What Is the Substance of the Incarnation?

Relevant Words of God:

The first incarnate God lived upon the earth for thirty-three and a half years, yet He performed His ministry for only three and a half of those years. Both during the time He worked, and before He began His work, He was possessed of normal humanity. He inhabited His normal humanity for thirty-three and a half years. Throughout the last three and a half years He revealed Himself to be the incarnate God. Before He began performing His ministry, He appeared with ordinary, normal humanity, showing no sign of His divinity, and it was only after He began formally performing His ministry that His divinity was made manifest. His life and work during those first twenty-nine years all demonstrated that He was a genuine human being, a son of man, a flesh; for His ministry only began in earnest after the age of twenty-nine. The meaning of incarnation is that God appears in the flesh, and He comes to work among man of His creation in the image of a flesh. So, for God to be incarnated, He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity; this, at the very least, must be true. In fact, the implication of God’s incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh, God in His very essence becomes flesh, becomes a man. His incarnate life and work can be divided into two stages. First is the life He lives before performing His ministry. He lives in an ordinary human family, in utterly normal humanity, obeying the normal morals and laws of human life, with normal human needs (food, clothing, shelter, sleep), normal human weaknesses, and normal human emotions. In other words, during this first stage He lives in non-divine, completely normal humanity, engaging in all the normal human activities. The second stage is the life He lives after beginning to perform His ministry. He still dwells in the ordinary humanity with a normal human shell, showing no outward sign of the supernatural. Yet He lives purely for the sake of His ministry, and during this time His normal humanity exists entirely in service of the normal work of His divinity; for by then His normal humanity has matured to the point of being able to perform His ministry. So the second stage of His life is to perform His ministry in His normal humanity, is a life both of normal humanity and of complete divinity. The reason that, during the first stage of His life, He lives in completely ordinary humanity is that His humanity is not yet equal to the entirety of the divine work, is not yet mature; only after His humanity grows mature, becomes capable of shouldering His ministry, can He set about performing His ministry. Since He, as flesh, needs to grow and mature, the first stage of His life is that of normal humanity, while in the second stage, because His humanity is capable of undertaking His work and performing His ministry, the life the incarnate God lives during His ministry is one of both humanity and complete divinity. If from the moment of His birth the incarnate God began His ministry in earnest, performing supernatural signs and wonders, then He would have no corporeal essence. Therefore, His humanity exists for the sake of His corporeal essence; there can be no flesh without humanity, and a person without humanity is not a human being. In this way, the humanity of God’s flesh is an intrinsic property of God’s incarnate flesh.
from “The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh