Showing posts with label God’s word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s word. Show all posts

105 I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Word of Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
 I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Word of Almighty God | The Church of Almighty God

Wei Wei

Zhoukou City, Henan Province

I was once a co-worker of the “Justification by Faith Church.” In those years, I read many materials of slandering and blaspheming the “Eastern Lightning” and heard many rumors that defamed this way, such as these: “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a false Christ, a deceiver, and if anyone withdraws from them after accepting it, they will gouge out his eyes or break his legs;” “There is poison in their books, and one will be ‘under a spell’ and follow them muddleheaded after reading the books;” and so on. So, I hated the followers of the “Eastern Lightning” to the core and avoided them like the plague. To prevent the brothers and sisters from being deceived and prove my loyalty to the Lord, I did my utmost to spread rumors, and I often warned the believers: Be cautious of the “Eastern Lightning”; never receive strangers!

26. The Dark Prison Life Made Me Love God More Resolutely | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

The Dark Prison Life Made Me Love God More Resolutely

Meng Yong    Shanxi Province
I’m honest by nature and always bullied by others. So I tasted all the coldness of the human world and felt life was empty and meaningless. After I believed in Almighty God, through reading God’s word and living the church life, I enjoyed the peace and happiness I had never had and saw that the brothers and sisters in the Church of Almighty God love each other and are close as family members. This made me know that only God is righteous and only in the Church of Almighty God, there is light. Through personally experiencing the work of Almighty God for several years, I truly tasted that Almighty God’s word can indeed change and save man and Almighty God is love and salvation. In order that more people could enjoy God’s love and pursue to receive God’s salvation, the brothers and sisters and I rushed to cooperate in the gospel work. Unexpectedly, we were arrested and persecuted by the CCP government.

133 I, the Foremost of Sinners, Finally Fell Before God’s Word | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
 I, the Foremost of Sinners, Finally Fell Before God’s Word | Eastern Lightning

Du Lingli

Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province

Paul once said, “I am the foremost of sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). I today feel very much the same, because I was once an “activist” who resisted Almighty God’s end-time new work. For as long as six years, I had frenziedly resisted and condemned God’s new work and never made any investigation, shutting the door on the salvation coming upon me over and over again. … Looking back to the past, I feel extremely regretful. No words can express the feeling of indebtedness in my heart.

19. Experiencing the Cruel Persecution, I Believe in God More Firmly | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

19. Experiencing the Cruel Persecution, I Believe in God More Firmly

Zhao Rui    Shanxi Province

My name is Zhao Rui. By God’s grace, our whole family followed the Lord Jesus in 1993. In 1996, I, sixteen years old, was attracted by the Lord Jesus’ love and began to work and preach. However, before long, I saw the bitterly disappointing scenes: The co-workers fought overtly and covertly, pushed others aside, and contended for power and interest. The Lord’s teaching of “loving one another” seemed to have long been forgotten. The church life brought no enjoyment at all. Many brothers and sisters were passive and weak and stopped attending meetings. Facing the desolate miserable condition of the church, I was distressed and helpless. On the evening of the Chinese New Year’s Eve in 1998, I fell down to the ground and wept out my grief to God, “O Lord, where are you? When will you come back? Without your leading, how shall I walk the future way?” I thanked God that he heard my prayer. In July, 1999, under God’s wonderful manipulation and arrangement, I heard the end-time gospel of Almighty God, the returned Lord Jesus.

16. God Is the Power of My Life | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God,Church

Picture of The Church of Almighty God-God Is the Power of My Life

 God Is the Power of My Life

Xiaohe    Henan Province
How time flies! Fourteen years have flashed by since I followed Almighty God. In these years, although I have undergone various trials and hardships and frustrations, with the company of God’s word and God’s love and mercy, I’ve been especially enriched in my heart. During these fourteen years, what was most deeply engraved on my heart was my being arrested in August, 2003. After I was arrested that time, I was cruelly tortured by the CCP police and was almost disabled. It was Almighty God who cared for and kept me and led me with his word of life time after time, so that I overcame the cruel tortures of the devils and stood testimony. In the experience, I deeply felt that the power of Almighty God’s word is transcendent and Almighty God’s life force is great. I firmly believed that Almighty God is the only true God who rules over everything and controls all things and is even more my only salvation and reliance. No hostile force can take me away from God’s hand or hinder my footsteps of following God.

116 The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last | Eastern Lightning

Picture of The Church of Almighty God-The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last

Guan Chao

Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province

I was formerly a co-worker in the “Justification by Faith Church.” In February 1992, I turned to the Lord. Later, I made a resolution before the Lord that I would devote all my life to Him. Since then, I pursued hard. I never missed any church meetings or Bible study meetings. In 1994, I became a preacher in the church, and in 1996, I began to preach in the co-workers’ meetings. So, I thought that I was most faithful to the Lord and was approved by the Lord. But I had never expected that when the Lord did His new work, I became a Pharisee of the present age, who crucified the returned Lord.

57 I Shed Tears of Regret Before God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, the Bible
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Meng Shuhua

Kangping County, Liaoning Province

In 1993, I believed in the Lord Jesus (attending service in the Three-Self Church) in order that my husband’s disease could be cured. To pay his medical treatment, we were in deep debt. After his death, the heavy debt threw our family into poverty. So the Lord Jesus became the only reliance in my life. I pursued zealously in those years. In 1997, as jealousy, dispute, and scramble for power and position in the church intensified and I couldn’t bear it, I left the Three-Self Church and began to attend service in the “Way of Life Church.” My zeal and knowledge won me trust from Teacher Huang in the head church and the brothers and sisters, and I became a church leader. Soon, the number of believers in my church reached over one hundred. I took the church as my home and went around among the brothers and sisters preaching and sustaining them. However, I had never expected that I would become a latter-day Pharisee who hindered the spreading of Almighty God’s gospel of the last days.

Chapter 5 You Must Know the Truths About the Incarnation of God

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

1. What Is the Incarnation? What Is the Substance of the Incarnation?

Relevant Words of God:

The first incarnate God lived upon the earth for thirty-three and a half years, yet He performed His ministry for only three and a half of those years. Both during the time He worked, and before He began His work, He was possessed of normal humanity. He inhabited His normal humanity for thirty-three and a half years. Throughout the last three and a half years He revealed Himself to be the incarnate God. Before He began performing His ministry, He appeared with ordinary, normal humanity, showing no sign of His divinity, and it was only after He began formally performing His ministry that His divinity was made manifest. His life and work during those first twenty-nine years all demonstrated that He was a genuine human being, a son of man, a flesh; for His ministry only began in earnest after the age of twenty-nine. The meaning of incarnation is that God appears in the flesh, and He comes to work among man of His creation in the image of a flesh. So, for God to be incarnated, He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity; this, at the very least, must be true. In fact, the implication of God’s incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh, God in His very essence becomes flesh, becomes a man. His incarnate life and work can be divided into two stages. First is the life He lives before performing His ministry. He lives in an ordinary human family, in utterly normal humanity, obeying the normal morals and laws of human life, with normal human needs (food, clothing, shelter, sleep), normal human weaknesses, and normal human emotions. In other words, during this first stage He lives in non-divine, completely normal humanity, engaging in all the normal human activities. The second stage is the life He lives after beginning to perform His ministry. He still dwells in the ordinary humanity with a normal human shell, showing no outward sign of the supernatural. Yet He lives purely for the sake of His ministry, and during this time His normal humanity exists entirely in service of the normal work of His divinity; for by then His normal humanity has matured to the point of being able to perform His ministry. So the second stage of His life is to perform His ministry in His normal humanity, is a life both of normal humanity and of complete divinity. The reason that, during the first stage of His life, He lives in completely ordinary humanity is that His humanity is not yet equal to the entirety of the divine work, is not yet mature; only after His humanity grows mature, becomes capable of shouldering His ministry, can He set about performing His ministry. Since He, as flesh, needs to grow and mature, the first stage of His life is that of normal humanity, while in the second stage, because His humanity is capable of undertaking His work and performing His ministry, the life the incarnate God lives during His ministry is one of both humanity and complete divinity. If from the moment of His birth the incarnate God began His ministry in earnest, performing supernatural signs and wonders, then He would have no corporeal essence. Therefore, His humanity exists for the sake of His corporeal essence; there can be no flesh without humanity, and a person without humanity is not a human being. In this way, the humanity of God’s flesh is an intrinsic property of God’s incarnate flesh.
from “The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

20. Isn’t belief in Almighty God a betrayal of the Lord Jesus? Isn’t this apostasy?

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

20. Isn’t belief in Almighty God a betrayal of the Lord Jesus? Isn’t this apostasy?

Bible Reference:
“Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write on him my new name” (Rev 3:12).
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Rev 1:8).
“And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give you thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which are, and were, and are to come; because you have taken to you your great power, and have reigned” (Rev 11:16-17).

118 I Was Conquered by Almighty God’s Word During My Resisting Him

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, church
Almighty God|118 I Was Conquered by Almighty God's Word During My Resisting Him

Li Jun

Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province

I was formerly a key co-worker of the Justification by Faith Church, and I lived in Shuangyashan City. In 1992, I turned to the Lord Jesus because of my wife’s long-term illness. Not long afterward, my wife gradually grew better, and a year later she recovered. To repay the Lord’s love, my wife and I pursued hard, and we never lagged behind in attending meetings and preaching the gospel. Later, I was assigned by our church to work in other places and support the churches there all year round. At that time, I was full of enthusiasm and felt that believing in the Lord was the most meaningful thing and at no time would I leave the Lord.

Discover the Mysteries of the Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell"

Fu Jinhua was an elder of a house church in China. Like many other Christians, she enthusiastically dedicated herself to the Lord, and toiled hard in her labor for Him. She was particularly self-confident, and thought herself to be someone who truly loved the Lord. Having followed the Lord for many years, she wholeheartedly believed that the Bible was inspired by God, and that the words in the Bible were all God's words. Therefore, in her mind, she equated believing in the Lord with believing in the Bible. She thought that those who departed from the Bible could not be called followers of the Lord. She also believed that she needed only to adhere to the Bible to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord descends with the clouds. So when a bunch of people began to testify to Almighty God's work of the last days, Fu Jinhua believed in the misconceptions of the religious pastors and elders, and never sought to investigate things any further. One day, Fu Jinhua visited Sister He, a fellow member of the church. Sister He spoke about her own confusion: "The prophecies about the Lord's return have basically all come true, and the Lord is supposed to have come back already. So why haven't we beheld the Lord descending with the clouds yet?" Her co-worker Fang Jianjie also mentioned: The four blood moons have appeared, which means that great disasters will soon befall us. According to the prophecies from the books of the prophets and the Book of Revelation, the Church of Philadelphia will be raptured before the great disasters, and God will nourish His servants and handmaids with His Spirit to make complete a group of overcomers before the disasters. If we are not raptured before the disasters, we will most likely perish among these great disasters. But now, "the Eastern Lightning" has testified that the Lord Jesus has already returned, expressed the truth, and made complete a group of overcomers. Does this fulfill the prophecies from the Bible? Is the Eastern Lightning the manifestation of the Lord and His work? After listening to her co-workers, Fu Jinhua fell into deep reflection and began to reassess these matters …

24 Since the Lord Jesus and Almighty God are one God, can’t I also be saved by believing in Jesus?

Picture of The Church of Almighty God

24 Since the Lord Jesus and Almighty God are one God, can’t I also be saved by believing in Jesus?

The answer from God’s word:

To man, God’s crucifixion concluded the work of God’s incarnation, redeemed all of mankind, and allowed Him to seize the key to Hades. Everyone thinks God’s work has been fully accomplished. In actuality, to God, only a small part of His work has been accomplished. He has only redeemed mankind; He has not conquered mankind, let alone changed the ugliness of Satan in man. That is why God says, “Although My incarnate flesh went through the pain of death, that was not the whole goal of My incarnation. Jesus is My beloved Son and was nailed to the cross for Me, but He did not fully conclude My work. He only did a portion of it.” Thus God began the second round of plans to continue the work of the incarnation. God’s ultimate intention is to perfect and gain everyone rescued from Satan’s hands, which is why God prepared again to risk dangers to come into flesh.

from “Work and Entry (6)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

94 I Fell in the Light of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, the Bible
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

94 I Fell in the Light of Almighty God

Zhou Liwei

Bei’an City, Heilongjiang Province

I was a church leader of the Pentecostal Church in Bei’an City. I turned to the Lord by grace in 1993. Since then, reading the Bible had been my great pleasure. Several months later, I began to teach hymns and give sermons in my church. I always reckoned myself as a loyal believer of the Lord, who was most worthy to see the Lord in the future. However, when the Lord truly came, I became one who resisted His new work.