Showing posts with label the Light of Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Light of Almighty God. Show all posts

94 I Fell in the Light of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, the Bible
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

94 I Fell in the Light of Almighty God

Zhou Liwei

Bei’an City, Heilongjiang Province

I was a church leader of the Pentecostal Church in Bei’an City. I turned to the Lord by grace in 1993. Since then, reading the Bible had been my great pleasure. Several months later, I began to teach hymns and give sermons in my church. I always reckoned myself as a loyal believer of the Lord, who was most worthy to see the Lord in the future. However, when the Lord truly came, I became one who resisted His new work.