Showing posts with label God's salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's salvation. Show all posts

The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Excerpt 4)

The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Excerpt 4)

   Almighty God says, "No one is more suitable, and qualified, than God in the flesh for the work of judging the corruption of man's flesh. If judgment were carried out directly by the Spirit of God, then it would not be all-embracing. Furthermore, such work would be difficult for man to accept, for the Spirit is unable to come face-to-face with man, and because of this, the effects would not be immediate, much less would man be able to behold the unoffendable disposition of God more clearly.

Testimonies of Life Experiences | Bye Bye, Games!

Testimonies of Life Experiences | Bye Bye, Games!


In June, 2016, during my spare time off duty, I started to search on the internet for all sorts of games with my tablet computer. One day at noon, I found a role-playing game. There were many aspects to that game that were similar to those of the internet games that I liked in the past. The 3D graphics were extremely detailed and the fight scenes were very exciting. Based on my experience of playing games, I could confirm that this game was exactly the type that I liked. Actually, I knew that playing games was not good. However, I thought that since I was only using my spare time to play this game a little bit, as long as I did not become lost within the game, it would be fine. In the afternoon, without scruple, I spent two hours of time on the game until I had a good command of all the operations associated with its different functions. Unconsciously, I was secretly delighted: I have finally found a good game to play! In this way, during a time when I let my guard down, temptation quietly befell me.

Christian Life | How God Saved My Marriage

Christian Life | How God Saved My Marriage

By Li Zhen

Ling Fan’s father had an affair when she was three years old; her mother divorced him in a fury and took Ling Fan along with her into her second marriage. But her stepfather never liked Ling Fan and would often beat her for no reason at all, terribly wounding little Ling Fan’s spirit. She thought every single day about how she could escape that home that brought her so much suffering while also looking forward to forming her own happy family after growing up. After getting married at 23 years old, she finally had her own home. She thought she’d be able to live in happiness, but reality didn’t turn out as she had imagined.

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 2) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

be saved, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Christian Life | The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 2) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

However, when I shared the gospel with my wife, she would not accept it. Then, I asked the brothers and sisters from the church to come and share the gospel with my wife, but she still wasn’t willing to listen and she didn’t want to have them as guests. In light of these circumstances, I could only entrust my eager hopes for my wife to God.

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 1) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

Teachings of Jesus Christian | The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 1) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

When I was young, my mom and dad often argued, and my mom frequently suffered beatings and abuse at the hands of my dad. She carried so much rancor in her heart that she died quite young. Thereafter I promised myself: When I grow up and start a family, I will be good to my wife and create a happy and peaceful family. I would not repeat the failures of my mother and father’s marriage.

Disturbances From the “May 28” Rumor (Part 2)

God's word, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Spiritual Warfare | Disturbances From the “May 28” Rumor (Part 2)

Searching the Truth of the Facts, I Saw Clearly the Root of the CCP Shifting Blame to The Church of Almighty God
After that, I no longer guarded myself against the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God. Whenever I had the time I would read the word of God and look at the videos, movies, music videos, hymns, musicals and other works put out by The Church of Almighty God. The more I looked at all this, the more I felt provided for, and the more pleasure I felt. I affirmed from my heart that Almighty God is the appearance of the Lord Jesus.

The Best Education (Part 1)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's words
reading God's words

Christian Life | The Best Education (Part 1)

Liu Ying
I am 50 years old this year and from a young age I lived in a very remote and backward poor mountain village. There were eight people in my family, my maternal grandparents at the top and four brothers and sisters at the bottom, with only one person, my father, earning a wage in the production team. My family was so poor that we did not even have enough polenta and corn bread to eat. I was extremely jealous when I saw others eating steamed buns and thought: When will I be able to eat steamed buns? When will I ever not be hungry?

Testimony of Returning to God: My Debate With Pastor Jin, a “Spiritual Father” (Continued)

reading God's words, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
reading God's words

Christian Life | Continuing on the True Way but Cursed by the Pastor

For the following two weeks, Pastor Jin would come to the fruit stand to talk to me from time to time, trying to convince me to return to his church, which I never agreed to. Seeing I wouldn’t listen to him, his humiliation morphed into anger.

Have You Come Alive?

Message from God | Have You Come Alive?

When you have achieved the living out of normal humanity, and have been made perfect, although you will be unable to speak prophecy, nor of any mysteries, you will be living out and revealing the image of a human. God created man, after which man was corrupted by Satan, and this corruption has made people into “dead bodies”—and thus, after you have changed, you will be different from these dead bodies. It is the words of God that give life to people’s spirits and cause them to be reborn, and when people’s spirits are reborn they will have come alive.

What Should I Do After My Husband Has an Affair? (Part 1)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's love
walking on the river side

Christian Life | What Should I Do After My Husband Has an Affair? (Part 1)

By Shijie
Romance novels were my companions as I grew up. Whenever I read stories about male and female protagonists swearing to uphold their love and going through untold hardships before finally achieving their desires, I was always moved to tears. From that time on, such ideas as “till death do us part” and “love is supreme” became deeply rooted in my heart, and I began to yearn for the kind of sincere love that I found in these novels, to look forward to having a happy and blissful marriage, and to long to be able to find a life-long partner in the future.

With Life Hanging by a Thread, the Hand of God Came to the Rescue (Audio Article)

Ling Wu, Japan

“If I were not saved by God, I would still be drifting in this world,

struggling hard and painfully in sin, every day bleak and hopeless.

If I were not saved by God, I’d still be crushed below the devil’s feet,

snared in sin and its enjoyments, ignorant of what my life would be.

It’s Almighty God who saves me; all God’s words have purified my heart.

Through God’s judgment and His chastisement, my corrupted disposition’s changed.

All the word and truth God expresses, it has all given me new life.

I have seen my God face to face and have tasted God’s true love.

Finally I’ve understood God’s loving hand holds mine as we go.

Now I have heard the voice of God and been raised before God’s throne.

The feast of my Christ I attend, to be perfected and purified by Him.

What I’d hoped for is finally realized, I have now been saved by God.”

A Doctor’s Experience of Metamorphosis (2) | Gospel Testimonies

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God
These words of God’s and the fellowshiping of my colleague moved me to the bottom of my heart. I remembered how I used to act with conscience when treating my patients, always upholding the doctor’s oath to prevent death and heal disease. But after being mocked by my colleagues, criticized by the senior management, and seduced by the thought of material gain I too gradually succumbed to the evil trends. The bottom fell out of my morality and now I would do anything to make money without the slightest consideration for my patients’ plight or whether or not they lived or died. Yes, I did satisfy all of my material desires and win the admiration of those around me, but the glamour on the surface was never able to erase the pain I was feeling deep in my soul. What that deep place in my soul needed most wasn’t material comfort but God’s salvation, and it was only by coming before God, gaining the provision for life in His words that I was able to rid myself of Satan’s corruption and affliction and regain the likeness of a human being who has self-respect and integrity. As a result, I gladly accepted the work of the last days of Almighty God and soon began my church life with the brothers and sisters. We read God’s words and fellowshiped about truths, and I saw how the brothers and sisters were all innocent and open, being honest. Whenever they revealed their corrupt disposition, they were able to use God’s words to self-reflect and thus gain knowledge of themselves, and were able to seek truths to resolve problems. They supported each other and got along harmoniously without ever engaging in intrigue or back-biting. In all my years I had never encountered a group like this; it was like another world, and it was the life that I had been yearning for deep in my soul. I loved and treasured my new life and quickly integrated into the big, warm family.

A Hymn of Almighty God's Words | God Becomes Flesh to Save Mankind

Smiley face

A Hymn of Almighty God's Words | God Becomes Flesh to Save Mankind

Today is the day, have you seen? It's something for God to come among man. He's come to save man, defeat Satan— the reason for His incarnation. If not for this, He wouldn't work by Himself. God has taken on flesh to battle Satan and shepherd mankind, whose flesh is corrupted and whom God wants to save. God comes twice in the flesh to defeat Satan and save mankind. Only God can battle Satan in Spirit or in flesh.

The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church Life
Church Life of the Church of Almighty God

Spiritual Life | The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit

By Yuanzhi, Brazil

I was born in a small city in Northern China. In 2010, I followed my relatives to Brazil. In Brazil, I got acquainted with a Christian friend. He brought me to church to listen to sermons. But though I went three times, I never absorbed it. Afterward, because my job was keeping me busy, I didn’t go to church again until one day in June, 2015, when my friend brought me to church once more. This time, through what brothers and sisters shared, I had some understanding that the Lord Jesus is the Redeemer.

Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, gospel
the picture of The Church of Almighty God

Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

Zhang Jin, Beijing
August 16, 2012

I am an elder sister with two faulty legs. Even when the weather is nice out, I have some trouble walking, but when the floodwaters were about to swallow me up, God allowed me to miraculously escape danger.
It was July 21, 2012. That day a torrential rain fell, and I just happened to be out fulfilling my duty. After 4:00 p.m., the rain still hadn’t stopped. When our meeting was finished, I braved the rain and took a bus home.

God’s Wonderful Deeds Shown in Hurricane

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, be saved
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, be saved

God’s Wonderful Deeds Shown in Hurricane 

By Yi Zhi, United States

One day in February 2018, Yi Zhi was caught in a devastating hurricane. The squall knocked the land about with fury, making her house collapse, and the roof blown off, yet she was safe and sound. Yi Zhi deeply knew that it was because of God’s miraculous care and protection for her, so she was full of gratitude to God in her heart. Later on, during a gathering, she gladly shared with brothers and sisters her extraordinary experience of being protected by God in that great hurricane.