Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of The Church of Almighty God

believe in Almighty God's word, the word of salvation, the last days
believe in Almighty God's word, the word of salvation, the last days


This book is a carefully-selected anthology of texts about the work arrangements of The Church of Almighty God between August 2003 and August 2017. In it are assembled the principles of the truth that God’s chosen ones must practice and abide by, the key issues they face in performing their duty, as well as important principles for carrying out the different work of the church and corresponding important fellowships and sermons. It is an indispensable guide for the leaders and workers of the church in doing their work, and for God’s chosen ones in performing their duty. Because these arrangements, fellowships and sermons concerning the work of the church were based on practical problems and difficulties happening in the church at the time, they served to water, provide for, lead, and guide God’s chosen ones in their entry into the life. It can be said that these arrangements, fellowships and sermons are a true testimony to how God’s chosen ones in China pursued the truth, yearned for the light, followed God, and did battle with the forces of Satan. They represent the process by which God’s chosen ones in China experienced God’s work of the last days, put aside their families and the world, and expended themselves in performing the duties of created beings. Retracing this path, we observe footprints of the Holy Spirit’s efforts in guiding God’s chosen ones, and truly behold the progression of the China’s chosen ones’ life experiences from shallow to profound, which is entirely thanks to God’s leadership, and God’s perfection of them. The facts prove that God’s work during the last days is the work of conquering and saving man, and, moreover the work of making man perfect.

When God appeared to work in the last days in China, He made an exception by raising up and using a person who, to all appearances, appeared supremely ordinary, and who, like Moses during the Age of Law, guided the chosen ones of China. Ruthlessly hunted and persecuted by the great red dragon, these chosen ones turned their back on the great red dragon, they broke away from its dark influence, fully entered into the work of God, entered into the words of God, enjoyed the leadership, guidance, enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit, and wholly entered into the right track of faith in God. As they experienced God’s work, God’s chosen ones’ firm belief in the omnipotence and wisdom of God, and their reliance on the truths of God’s words to overcome the frantic pursuit, unremitting surveillance, lies and slander, and ruthless persecution of the great red dragon, became testimony to God’s victory over Satan. Though this book is a record of the work of a single person who was used by God, it represents the life experiences of all of God’s chosen ones as they were conquered, saved, and made perfect by God’s work of the last days, as well as the life experiences of a group of overcomers whom the incarnation of Almighty God created and gained in China, bearing full testimony to the righteous disposition, almightiness and wisdom of God during His work of the last days. This book indicates the path that God’s chosen ones should take when they believe in God, how they should pursue the truth, and how they should perform their duty and serve God. So too does it clarify the principles and significance behind these things. It is greatly beneficial and edifying to people’s entry into life.
All of the work done by the one used by God was in order to guide God’s chosen ones to experience the work of God and enter into the reality of God’s words. Today, God’s chosen ones have seen the great significance of pursuing the truth, and they have begun to focus on pursuing the truth and entering reality. They are able to identify and reject the delusions of evil spirits and the disruption, interference, division, and depredation of the false Christs and antichrists, and have laid a foundation in the true way—all of which marks their entry onto the right track of belief in God. Only when God’s work is about to be complete did God’s chosen ones truly see that each time God becomes flesh He does indeed need to raise people up to cooperate with Him. Without several people of one heart and one mind with God to cooperate in His work, God’s chosen ones would have had great difficulty entering onto the right track of the belief in God, which is a fact which no one can deny. Therefore, God’s chosen ones’ submission to God’s orchestrations and arrangements can never be wrong.
Today, God’s chosen ones have personally tasted the hardship of God’s work. Mankind has been too profoundly corrupted by Satan and, quite simply, has become a devil bereft of all humanness. It is too difficult for them to escape the influence of Satan and be saved by God in their belief in God; without the person who has achieved God’s salvation and perfection who is used by the Holy Spirit to guide God’s chosen ones, it would be very hard for corrupt mankind to be saved. Escaping the influence of Satan involves at least seven dangers: 1. The brutal suppression, harassment, and persecution of the great red dragon; 2.The lies and deceptions of religious fraudsters; 3. The delusions and deceptions from the work of evil spirits; 4. The deception, stricture, and oppression of false leaders and false workers; 5. The lies, deception, division and depredation of false Christs and antichrists; 6. The lies and deception of different satanic philosophies, satanic poisons, and heretical fallacies; 7. The conceptions, imaginings, absurdities and natures inherent in corrupt mankind. It can be said that these seven obstacles are the dangers, pitfalls, and labyrinths facing those who believe in God. Without the pursuit of the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit, people would be incapable of making it through them. In particular, in the course of experiencing God’s work, we can see all manner of false leaders, false workers, false Christs and antichrists, each tramping across the land like roaring lions, searching for people to devour. Without the watering, provision, leadership and protection of the one used by the Holy Spirit, entry onto the right track of the faith in God would not be easy. On the path of entry into the Kingdom, one must pass through so many dangers, pitfalls, and labyrinths to truly escape the influence of Satan. The lying, deceitful work of evil spirits alone are overcome with great difficulty; without the truth, there would be no way of identifying them. So, too, is there the deception of the false Christs and antichrists, who are so dangerous; without the truth, they would be very difficult to identify. And there are the various absurd heresies, religious conceptions and specious spiritual doctrines; if people did not understand the truth, they would have great difficulty escaping them. And the absurdities, prejudices, conceptions, imaginings and satanic nature within people; without the revelations of God’s words and the watering and provision of those who understand the truth, people would have great difficulty overcoming them. All of this is the control that Satan’s influence exerts over mankind. Without the leadership of the one used by the Holy Spirit, how difficult it would be to escape the influence of Satan! Today, thinking back on the path of these experiences, we cannot help but sigh: it truly was the work of God that saved God’s chosen ones. In one regard, the incarnate God spoke, judging, chastising, and conquering man, and saving man, and in the other, the one used by the Holy Spirit guided God’s chosen ones in entering the reality of the truth—but overall, it was the Holy Spirit who led and guided God’s chosen ones in entering onto the right track of the belief in God, step-by-step. Experiencing each of these steps allowed people to truly see how difficult it is for God to save corrupt mankind, and just how real God’s love for mankind is. That God’s chosen ones can be saved is, indeed, thanks to the work of God, it is entirely the result of the perfection of the work of the Holy Spirit, and glory is given to Almighty God.
These work arrangements, fellowships and sermons are, after all, the work and experiences of the one used by God; although there is the enlightenment, illumination, leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and they are directed by the work of the Holy Spirit, they are but the experiences and testimony of man, and moreover, the words of man. They do not represent God’s words, and so are only provided to God’s chosen ones as spare-time reading.
Source from: Eastern Lightning | Books

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