Showing posts with label Gospel song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel song. Show all posts

"Rise Up, Cooperate With God" | Gospel Music


The Hymn of God's Word "Rise Up, Cooperate With God" | Gospel Songs

1. Offer up your whole being! What you will eat or wear, what your future will be, all are in the hand of God. God will prepare what is good for you.

2. Rise up, cooperate with God! Sincerely spending for God, God will not mistreat you. Rise up, cooperate with God! Offer yourself to God, and God will bless you with everything. Rise up!

"Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

2019 Gospel Worship Song video | "Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God"

"Eternal Praise and Thankfulness to God Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth to cleanse mankind. We are raised before God. How joyful it is to enjoy His words. We assemble and pray, praising God to our heart’s content. Understanding the truth, we are set free. God’s words reveal mysteries, they are the truth. They conquer our hearts, fully. What a supremely rare blessing it is to receive the way of everlasting life bestowed by God.

"What the Young Must Pursue"

English Gospel Song With Lyrics "What the Young Must Pursue"

Prejudiced eyes and deceit are not what the youth should have. Awful and destructive ways are not how the youth should act. They should have aspirations, ardently strive to advance, not lose heart over their prospects, keep faith in life, the future. Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth. Pursue all things beautiful, gain reality of positive things. Be responsible towards life. You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.

2019 Christian Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

2019 Christian Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

When Jesus came to the world of man, He ended the Age of Law, and He brought the Age of Grace. In the last days God became flesh once more, He ended the Age of Grace and He brought the Age of Kingdom. Those who accept the second incarnation of God will be led to the Kingdom Age and accept God’s guidance.

"Sing and Dance in Praise of God"

2019 English Gospel Songs | "Sing and Dance in Praise of God"

Christ of the last days has appeared to work and save man. He reveals God’s love by watering, nourishing and guiding man. God’s words possess warmth and power, they conquer our heart. We eat, drink and enjoy God’s words, we attend the feast. By eating and drinking God’s words, pondering and fellowshiping them, the Holy Spirit enlightens us, and we understand the truth. We cast off worldly ties and perform our duty. What a blessing it is to enter God’s kingdom! Sing and dance in praise of God, in praise of God.

God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore

Smiley face

English Gospel Songs | God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore

What do You ask for as You bear great humiliation? Who do You labor and worry for? Hurrying here and there to carry out God's will, You think only of this work. In the tiger's den, You express truth to save man, quietly endure rejection and slander. Yes, Your love be extolled, forevermore, forevermore. Yes, Your love be extolled, forevermore, forevermore.

The Words the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word"

Message from God | The Words the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word"

Almighty God says, "God created the world with the word, leads men throughout the universe with the word, conquers and saves them with the word. Finally, He shall use the word to bring the entire world of old to an end. Only then is the management plan wholly complete. Throughout the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to do His work and achieve the results of His work; He does not work wonders or perform miracles; He merely does His work through the word. Because of the word, man is nourished and supplied; because of the word, man gains knowledge and true experience.

2019 Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?"

The Church of Almighty God | 2019 Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?"

Are you aware of the burden, the duty, and the commission on your shoulder? Where is your historic sense of mission? How will you be a good master in the next age? Is your sense of masterhood strong? How will you explain the master of all things? Is it really the master of all living things, or master of all the material world? What’s your plan on the next step of work?

God Saves Man on the Earth | Korean Choir "The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 15"

Best choir song | God Saves Man on the Earth | Korean Choir "The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 15"

Songs of Choir: 1. God Confers All His Wishes Upon Man 2. The Main Purpose of God’s Work in the Flesh

God Confers All His Wishes Upon Man

1. From the beginning until today, only man has been capable of conversing with God. That is, among all living things and creatures of God, none but man has been able to converse with God. Man has ears that enable him to hear, and eyes that let him see, he has language, and his own ideas, and free will. He is possessed of all that is required to hear God speak, and understand God’s will, and accept God’s commission, and so God confers all His wishes upon man, wanting to make man a companion who is of the same mind with Him and who can walk with Him.

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" | Gospel Music

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" | Gospel Music

One day, you will feel that the Creator is no longer a riddle, that the Creator has never been hidden from you, that the Creator has never concealed His face from you, that the Creator is not at all far from you, that the Creator is no longer the One that you constantly long for in your thoughts but that you cannot reach with your feelings, that He is really and truly standing guard to your left and right, supplying your life, and controlling your destiny, controlling your destiny. He is not on the remote horizon, nor has He secreted Himself high up in the clouds.

Praise the Coming of God | Christian Song | "The Kingdom Anthem III All People, Shout for Joy"

Praise the Coming of God | Christian Song | "The Kingdom Anthem III All People, Shout for Joy"

All people regain their sight in God's light. All people enjoy good things in God's word. Setting forth from the East, God shines His glorious light and all nations are lit up.

In the kingdom, man and God live in boundless joy. All of mankind toiling hard, faithfully serving God. All people shout for joy. In the kingdom, man and God live in harmony. Heaven and earth so intertwined. A life so honey-sweet. All people shout for joy. Now's the moment, God's begun His life in heaven. Satan disturbs no more, God's people rest in His kingdom.

English Christian Song 2018 "Do You Know God's Work"

English Christian Song 2018 "Do You Know God's Work"


God's work in the flesh is not spectacular, nor is it shrouded in mystery. It's real and actual, like one and one is two; it's not hidden and there's no duplicity. All people see is authentic, so is the truth and knowledge they attain. When the work comes to its end, their knowledge of Him will be renewed. And the conceptions of those, who truly seek Him will all be gone. This isn't just the effect of His work on Chinese people, but reflects His work of conquering all of man, reflects His work of conquering all of man.

New 2018 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"

New 2018 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"


God has a 6,000-year management plan, split into three phases, each called an age. Age of Law first, then Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom is the final phase. While God’s work differs in each, it all accords to what mankind needs, or to be more precise, it accords to the tricks used by Satan while battling Him. The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat, to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks, thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.

The Church of Almighty God | Do You Really Know the Returned Jesus Christ? | Gospel Music "The Identity of Christ Is God Himself"

Do You Really Know the Returned Jesus Christ? | Gospel Music "The Identity of Christ Is God Himself" 

      The divinity of Christ is above all mankind. He’s the highest authority among all created beings. This is His divinity, disposition and being. These are what determine the identity of Him. Normal is His humanity, in different roles He speaks, and utterly He obeys God, yet He is still God, there’s no doubt. Christ’s normal humanity, those fools feel it’s a flaw. They refuse to acknowledge Him, though He’s shown His divinity.

The Church of Almighty God | The Kingdom of God Is Come | Gospel Song | "God's Name Will Be Magnified Among the Gentile Nations"

The Kingdom of God Is Come | Gospel Song | "God's Name Will Be Magnified Among the Gentile Nations" 

      The purpose of God’s judgment is to encourage man’s obedience; the purpose of God’s chastisement is to allow for man’s transformation. Though God’s work is for His management’s sake, none of what He does isn’t good to man. God wants the lands beyond Israel to obey as the Israelites did, to make them into real men, so that in the lands beyond Israel God’s foothold shall be gained. This is the management of God. It’s His work in the lands of the Gentiles.