Showing posts with label Hymns | Eastern Lightning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hymns | Eastern Lightning. Show all posts
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Hymns of God's Words | The Life of Man Is Entirely Under God's Sovereignty

If a person only believes in fate but they are unable to know, if a person only believes in fate but they are unable to recognize, if a person only believes in fate but they are unable to submit, unable to accept the Creator's sovereignty over man's fate, their life would be a tragedy, their life would be lived in vain, their life would be a void, they can't submit to His dominion, they can't become a created being in the truest sense of the phrase, and enjoy the Creator's approval, enjoy it through the days. A person who knows God's sovereignty, they should be in an active state. A person who sees God's sovereignty, they should not be in a passive state. While accepting all things are fated, they've a right definition of fate: The life of man is entirely under God's sovereignty.

When one recollects the phases of one's journey, when one looks back upon the road one has walked, one sees that at every step God was guiding one's path, whether one's road was smooth or whether one's road was hard. God was planning it out with meticulous arrangements. One's been led to today unknowingly. What a great fortune that is to receive His salvation, to accept the Creator's sovereignty. A person who knows God's sovereignty, they should be in an active state. A person who sees God's sovereignty, they should not be in a passive state. While accepting all things are fated, they've a right definition of fate: The life of man is entirely under God's sovereignty.

If a person perceives God's sovereignty, they will more earnestly desire to submit to everything God has planned, to obey all God's arrangements. If a person perceives God's sovereignty, they will have determination and confidence to stop rebelling against God, to accept His orchestrations. A person who knows God's sovereignty, they should be in an active state. A person who sees God's sovereignty, they should not be in a passive state. While accepting all things are fated, they've a right definition of fate: The life of man is entirely under God's sovereignty.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh | Eastern Lightning

We welcome you to listen to English Gospel Songs for the Age of Kingdom from our Christian church. They all bring you into the age prophesied in Revelation of following the Lamb and singing new songs! We invite all truth seekers to stream or download these church hymns.

Hymns of God’s Words | Those Unrepentant People Who Are Trapped in Sin Are Beyond Salvation

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Hymns of God’s Words | Those Unrepentant People Who Are Trapped in Sin Are Beyond Salvation

Those who only think of their flesh and comforts, those whose faith is uncertain, those who practice witchcraft and sorcery, lecherous ones, tattered and worn, those who steal from God, taking sacrifices, who love bribes or idly dream of heaven, those arrogant and proud, striving for fame and wealth, those who spread impious words, those unrepentant people trapped in sin, are they not beyond salvation? Those unrepentant people trapped in sin, are they not beyond salvation?

Christian hymns | Song of Loving God Without Regrets

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Christian hymns | Song of Loving God Without Regrets

Verse 1 The road to the kingdom has many ups and downs. I hover between life and death, amid torture and tears. Without God's protection, who could make it to today? He planned our birth in the last days; we're fortunate to follow Christ. God humbled Himself to be man, suffering great shame. How am I human if I don't love God? I shall love God forever without regrets.

Hymns of God’s Words | Only Through Painful Trials Can You Know God's Loveliness

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Hymns of God’s Words | Only Through Painful Trials Can You Know God's Loveliness

Pursuing God's satisfaction is practicing God's words with love for God. No matter the time, if others lack strength, inside, your heart still loves God anyway, deeply yearns for and misses God, this is actual stature. Only through hardship and refinement can man know of God's loveliness. Having experienced till now, man knows part of God's loveliness. But it's still not enough, 'cause man is so lacking. He must experience more of God's work and all the refinement of suffering, man's disposition then can be changed, man's disposition then can be changed.

Christian Praise and Worship Song | Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices

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Christian Praise and Worship Songs | Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices

Almighty God, Christ of last days, appears in the East of the world. He speaks the truth to save mankind, He is appearance of Savior. God's people hear His voice, are raised up to His throne. We're eating and drinking God's words, we know the truths and mysteries, totally conquered by God's words. Going through trials and refining, we suffer pain intense, our corruption is cleansed. By accepting kingdom's training, we gain the truth and we gain life. We praise Almighty God loudly, for He cleanses and saves our lives.

Hymns of God’s Words | "The Transcendence and Greatness of the Almighty"

Hymns of God’s Words | "The Transcendence and Greatness of the Almighty"

Verse 1
Fast as lightning, this world can change
always by God’s thoughts, always by God’s watch.
Things will come, things man never dreamed.
What they’ve long had may slip away.

A Hymn of God's Words "True Meaning of Faith in God"

A Hymn of God's Words | "True Meaning of Faith in God"

So many people believe, but so few understand what faith in God really means, what they need to do to beat with God's heart. So many know the word "God," know phrases like the "work of God," but they don't know Him, nor what He really does. No wonder their faith is blind. They're not serious about this because it's unfamiliar and strange. So they are far short of God's demands. If you don't know God and His work, can you be fit for His use? Can you fulfill the desire of God? Believing that God exists is not enough. That's too simple, it's too religious. It's not the same as real belief in Him.