The Word Appears in the Flesh

                     The Word of Almighty God | Chapter 61

When you have knowledge of your own condition then you achieve My will. In fact, My will is not hard to grasp, it’s just that in the past you never sought in accordance with My intention. What I want is not human conceptions or human thoughts, even less do I want your money or your possessions. What I want is your heart, understand? This is My will, and even more it is what I want to obtain. People always use conceptions in their mind to judge Me, and weigh up My stature using their own measurements. With man, this is the hardest thing to deal with, and it is what I loathe and detest the most, do you see? Because this is Satan’s most visible disposition. And your statures are small, so you frequently fall into Satan’s cunning schemes. You are just not able to discern them! I have told you many times to be cautious at all times and in all respects, to not be tricked by Satan. But you don’t listen and you blithely ignore what I say, so you end up suffering loss in your life and regrets come too late. Anyway, wouldn’t it be good for you to take this as a lesson for your future seeking? I say to you, easily becoming negative will bring loss to your life and it will be of the utmost severity. Knowing this, you should wake up, right?
People are impatient for quick results and they only see what is before their eyes. When I say I have begun to punish those in power, you become even more anxious, and you ask: “Why are those men still in power? Hasn’t God spoken empty words?” Man’s conceptions are so entrenched! You don’t understand the meaning of what I say. The ones I punish are those evil people, those who defy Me, those who do not know Me, and I ignore those who only believe in Me but who do not seek the truth. You are really so ignorant! You haven’t understood what I’ve said at all! Though this is the case, you still pat yourselves on the back thinking that you have matured, that you understand things and that you are able to grasp My will. I often say that all things and matters render service for Christ, but do you genuinely understand these words? Do you really know these words? I have said before that I do not punish anyone rashly. Every single person in the universe world follows My proper arrangements: Those who are the objects of My punishment, those who render service for Christ (these I shall not save), those who are chosen by Me, and those who are chosen by Me but afterward become objects for elimination, all these I hold in My hands, not to mention you—whom I have chosen—whom I understand even more. The things I do during this phase and the things I do during the next phase all follow My wise arrangements. You don’t need to arrange anything for Me in advance; just await your enjoyment! This is something you deserve. I dominate the things that are Mine and I do not lightly spare those who dare to complain or who dare to have other opinions of Me. I often flare up in anger these days, as the program of administrative decrees I have arranged has progressed to this stage. Don’t think I have no feelings. For I have said before no object, no person, no event dares to hinder My steps forward. I do what I say, and this is what I am, and even more it is the most visible manifestation of My disposition. I treat all people the same, as you are all My sons, and I love you all. What father does not take responsibility for his son’s life? What father does not work hard day and night for his son’s future? And who among you can know? Who can show My heart consideration? You constantly make plans and arrangements for your own carnal pleasures and you have no realization whatsoever of My heart. I worry My heart to pieces for you, but you constantly hanker after carnal pleasures, eating and drinking, sleeping, how you dress—don’t you have the slightest bit of conscience? If this is the case, then you are beasts in human clothing. What I say is not undue and you should be able to endure it. This is the best way to save you and even more it is where My wisdom lies—strike at Satan’s vital weakness, defeat it utterly and leave it completely destroyed. So long as you repent and ensure that you can rely on Me to eliminate your old nature and live out the image of a new person, My heart will be entirely satisfied, as this is living out a normal humanity, bearing witness to My name, and it is what makes Me happiest.
Every moment you must be close to Me, and it can be seen that My pace quickens day by day. If you momentarily lack spiritual fellowship, then My judgment will be brought to bear upon you at once. On this point you have a deep realization. It is not because I don’t love you that I chasten you, rather it is that I discipline you out of love for you. Otherwise you would not grow and you would always be debauched without the restraints of the Holy Spirit. This is even more a facet of My wisdom.

Read more: Testimonies of Christian Life—Learn to Glorify God—Find the Way Here

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