God’s Words to the Entire Universe

Knowing God's Will | Chapter 30

Among man, I once summarized man’s disobedience and weakness, and thus I understood man’s weakness and became conversant with his disobedience. Prior to arriving among man, I had long since come to understand the joys and sorrows among man—and because of this, I am capable of doing that which man cannot, and of saying that which man cannot, and I do so easily. Is this not the difference between Me and man? And is this not a clear difference? Could it be that My work is achievable by people of flesh and blood? Could it be that I am of the same kind as created beings?

Appendix: Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe

Following God's Will | Addendum 2: Chapter 2

When people behold the practical God, when they personally live their lives with, walk side-by-side with, and reside with God Himself, they put aside the curiosity that has been in their hearts for so many years. The knowledge of God previously spoken of is only the first step; although people have knowledge of God, there remain many persistent doubts in their hearts: Where did God come from? Does God eat? Is God greatly different from ordinary people? For God, is dealing with all people a cinch, mere child’s play?

Gospel Music With Lyrics | "Give Mind and Body to Fulfill God's Commission" | Christians' Mission

Gospel Songs With Lyrics | "Give Mind and Body to Fulfill God's Commission" | Christians' Mission

As members of the human race, as Christ’s devoted followers, it’s our duty, our responsibility to offer up our minds and bodies for the fulfillment of God’s commission. For our whole being came from God, and we exist thanks to His sovereignty. For our whole being came from God, and we exist thanks to His sovereignty.

English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics "Have a Normal Relationship With God to Be Perfected"

English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics "Have a Normal Relationship With God to Be Perfected" | Closer to God

Only when your relationship with God is normal, will you be able to attain perfection from God, and then will God’s discipline and refinement and pruning in you achieve the effect desired. You’re able to have a place for God in your heart, not seek your own benefits and think about the future. But you bear the burden of entering life, submit to God’s work and pursue God’s truth. This way, the aims you seek aren’t wrong, and you have a normal relationship with God.

Appendix: Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe

Knowing God's Will | Chapter 4

To stop all people having their heads turned and getting carried away after their transition from negative to positive, in the last chapter of God’s utterance, once God has spoken of His highest requirements of His people—once God has told people of His will in this stage of His management plan—God gives them the opportunity to ponder His words, to help them make up their minds to satisfy God’s will in the end. When people’s conditions are positive, God immediately begins to ask people questions about the other side of the issue.

Utterances of Christ in the Beginning

Following God's Will | Chapter 72

You must rely on Me to take away any shortcoming or weakness as soon as you discover it. Do not delay; otherwise the work of the Holy Spirit will be too far away from you, and you will fall very far behind. The work that I have entrusted to you can be accomplished only through your frequently getting close, praying, and having fellowship in My presence. If not, no result will be achieved, and everything will be in vain. My work today is not as it was before. The extent of life in the people I love is not at all like it was before.

Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "God’s Authority Is Unique" | God Is Great

Christian Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "God’s Authority Is Unique" | God Is Great

God’s authority is unique; it’s His special expression and essence, which no other beings possess, created or non-created. The Creator alone has such power, God the Unique has this substance. God created everything, He holds dominion over them all. He controls not just some planets, not only part of creation or all mankind. But He holds all in His mighty hands, great or small, visible or not, from the stars to the tiny cells, and all beings that exist in other forms.

2019 Christian Music Video | "God Incarnate of the Last Days Mainly Does the Work of Words"

Christian Praise and Worship Song | "God Incarnate of the Last Days Mainly Does the Work of Words"

Incarnate God of the last days ends the Age of Grace and speaks words which perfect and enlighten, words which rid vague notions of God from the heart of man. Jesus walked on a path that was different. He did miracles and healed the sick, preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, and was crucified to redeem all people. So man conceived a notion that this is how God will always be. God incarnate of the last days fulfills and reveals all with words. In His words you see what He is; in His words you see that He is God.

Will We Instantaneously Change Form and Be Raptured Into the Heavenly Kingdom When Jesus Returns?

Jesus' return, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
the picture of the Church of Almighty God

Message from God | Will We Instantaneously Change Form and Be Raptured Into the Heavenly Kingdom When Jesus Returns?

Editor’s Note: Many brothers and sisters believe that when the Lord returns, we’ll instantaneously change into another form and be raptured into the kingdom of heaven, but is that idea in line with the truth? That’s unveiled for you in this article.
At a coworkers’ meeting, Wang Jing, Xiao Ya, Gao Mingyuan, Liu Jie, Fan Bing and the others had just wrapped up their discussion of the work of the church.

Is All Scripture Inspired by God?

all scripture is inspired by god

Spiritual Life | Is All Scripture Inspired by God?

Dear brothers and sisters, may you find peace in the Lord! Thanks be to the grace of God that we have been brought together today, and the question we will be fellowshiping is: Is all Scripture given by inspiration of God?
When we talk about this issue, there are perhaps some brothers and sisters who will say, “Do you really need to ask this question? In 2 Timothy 3:16, it tells us clearly that ‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God.’

The Best Education (Part 2)

praying to God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Knowing God's will | The Best Education (Part 2)

Liu Ying

Later, I saw it said in the words of God: “The fate of man is controlled by the hands of God. You are incapable of controlling yourself: Despite always rushing and busying about for himself, man remains incapable of controlling himself. If you could know your own prospects, if you could control your own fate, would you still be a creature?” (“Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

The Best Education (Part 1)

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's words
reading God's words

Christian Life | The Best Education (Part 1)

Liu Ying
I am 50 years old this year and from a young age I lived in a very remote and backward poor mountain village. There were eight people in my family, my maternal grandparents at the top and four brothers and sisters at the bottom, with only one person, my father, earning a wage in the production team. My family was so poor that we did not even have enough polenta and corn bread to eat. I was extremely jealous when I saw others eating steamed buns and thought: When will I be able to eat steamed buns? When will I ever not be hungry?

Loving God and Living For God | Best Christian Music Video | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella)

Loving God and Living For God | Best English Gospel Songs | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella)

Today we meet with God, experience His work. We’ve known God in flesh, practical and real. We’ve seen His work, awesome and wondrous. Each day of our life is not in vain. We affirm Christ as the truth and life. Grasping and embracing this mystery. Our feet are on the brightest path to life. No longer searching, all is clear to us. God, we’ll love You always without regret. We’ve found the truth, eternal life we will gain. Our life is not in vain, it’s not in vain. Our life is not in vain.