Utterances of Christ in the Beginning

Following God's Will | Chapter 72

You must rely on Me to take away any shortcoming or weakness as soon as you discover it. Do not delay; otherwise the work of the Holy Spirit will be too far away from you, and you will fall very far behind. The work that I have entrusted to you can be accomplished only through your frequently getting close, praying, and having fellowship in My presence. If not, no result will be achieved, and everything will be in vain. My work today is not as it was before. The extent of life in the people I love is not at all like it was before. They all understand My words clearly, and have penetrating insight into them. This is the most obvious aspect; it is most able to reflect the wonder of My work. The pace of My work has speeded up, and My work certainly is different from the past. It is hard for people to imagine, and more than that it is impossible for people to fathom. Nothing is a mystery to you anymore; rather all is made known and manifest. It is transparent, it is released, and, moreover, it is completely free. Those whom I love will certainly not be restricted by any person, event, thing, or by any space or geography; they will transcend the control imposed by all environments and emerge from the flesh. This is the completion of My great work. There will be nothing left over; it will be completely finished.

The completion of the great work is said in reference to all of the firstborn sons and to all of the people whom I love. Hereafter you will not be controlled by any person, event, or thing. You will travel throughout the various nations of the universe, traverse the whole cosmos, so that your footprints will remain everywhere. Do not consider this to be far away; it is something that will come true very soon in front of your eyes. What I do will be entrusted to you, and the places where My feet tread will have your footprints. This is really the true meaning of you and I reigning as kings together. Have you pondered why the revelation that I give is ever clearer, more and more obvious, without being hidden in the slightest? Why have I borne highest witness, and told all of the mysteries and all of the words to you? The reason is none other than the work that has been mentioned above. The progress of your work at present is too slow, however. You are not able to keep up with My strides, cannot cooperate with Me very well, and for now you are still unable to achieve My will. I must train you more intensely, speed up My completion of you, allowing you to satisfy My heart as soon as possible.
The most obvious now is that the group of firstborn sons has completely formed, all approved by Me, who were even predestined and chosen by Me from the creation of the world, each one promoted by My own hand. There is no room for any human consideration in this, and it is beyond your control. Do not be proud; it is all My kindness and compassion. In My sight, everything is already accomplished. It is only that your eyes are too blurred, and even now you are unable to see clearly the wonder of My deeds. You are not perfectly clear about and don’t really understand My omnipotence, My wisdom, My every action, and My every word and deed. I therefore speak clearly. For My sons, My beloved, I am willing to pay all cost, am willing to toil, and am willing to spend Myself. Do you know Me through My words? Do you need Me to say it more clearly? Do not be dissolute anymore; be considerate of My heart! Now that such a great mystery has been told to you, what do you have to say? Do you still have any complaints? If you don’t pay the price and work hard, can you be worthy of all the trouble I have taken?
People nowadays cannot control themselves. If I do not favor someone, they will not be able to love Me, though they may want to. The people whom I have predestined and chosen, however, will not be able to escape though they may want to; no matter where they go they will not be able to escape the palm of My hand. Such is My majesty, even more so My judgment. All people must go about their affairs according to My plan, and according to My will. Absolutely everything from here on out returns to My hand, and is beyond their own control. It is completely controlled by Me, arranged by Me. If a person participates in a small way, I will not let them go lightly. Starting today, I will let all people begin to know Me—the only true God who created everything, who came among people and was rejected and slandered by them, who controls and arranges all of everything, the King who is in charge of the kingdom, the God Himself who manages the cosmos, even more so the God who controls the life and death of humans, who holds the key of Hades. I will let all people (adults, children, no matter if they have spirits or not, or if they are fools or have disabilities, etc.) know Me. I do not excuse anyone from this work; it is the most severe work, work that I have well prepared, work that is being carried out starting right now. What I say shall be done. Open up your spiritual eyes, drop your own conceptions, and recognize that I am the only true God who administers the universe! I am hidden from no one, and carry out My administrative decrees toward everyone.
Put aside all of your own things. Are not the things that you get from Me of greater value and more significant? Is there not a world of difference between them and your junk? Spare no time in giving up all useless things! It is decided now whether blessings are gained or misfortune is met. Now is the key moment; it is even the critical moment. Are you able to see this?
Source from: Eastern Lightning | The Word of Almighty God

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