Appendix: Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe

Following God's Will | Addendum 2: Chapter 2

When people behold the practical God, when they personally live their lives with, walk side-by-side with, and reside with God Himself, they put aside the curiosity that has been in their hearts for so many years. The knowledge of God previously spoken of is only the first step; although people have knowledge of God, there remain many persistent doubts in their hearts: Where did God come from? Does God eat? Is God greatly different from ordinary people? For God, is dealing with all people a cinch, mere child’s play? Is all that is spoken from God’s mouth the mysteries of heaven? Is all that He says higher than that of all created beings? Does light shine from God’s eyes? And so on—this is what people’s conceptions are capable of. These things are what you should understand and enter into before all else. In people’s conceptions, the incarnate God is still a vague God. If not through practical knowledge, people would never be able to understand Me, and would never behold My deeds in their experiences. It is only because I became flesh that people are “unable to grasp” My will. If I had not become flesh, and were still in heaven, still in the spiritual realm, then people would “know” Me, they would bow down and worship Me, and talk of their “knowledge” of Me through their experiences—but what would be the use of such knowledge? What would be its value as reference? Could the knowledge that comes from people’s conceptions be real? I do not want the knowledge of people’s brains—I want practical knowledge.

My will is revealed among you at all times, and at all times is there My illumination and enlightenment. And when I act directly in divinity, it is not filtered through the brain, there is no need to add “seasoning”—this is a direct act of divinity. What are people capable of? Has all from the time of creation until today not been personally carried out by Me? In the past, I talked of the sevenfold intensified Spirit, but no one was able to understand His substance—even when they were aware of it, they were incapable of complete understanding. When I work in humanity governed by divinity, because this work is carried out in circumstances that people believe to be not supernatural but normal, it is referred to as the work of the Holy Spirit. When I work directly in divinity, because I am unconstrained by people’s conceptions, and am not subject to the limits of the “supernatural” in their conceptions, this work has an immediate effect, it goes to the heart of the matter, it gets straight to the point. As a result, this step of work is purer, it is twice as fast, people’s knowledge has accelerated, and My words increase, causing all people to rush to catch up. Because the effect is different, because the means, the nature, and the content of My work are not the same—and, furthermore, because I have officially begun to work in the flesh, in view of the foregoing, this step of work is referred to as the work of the sevenfold intensified Spirit. It is not something abstract. Following changes in[a] the means by which I work in you, and following the arrival of the kingdom, the sevenfold intensified Spirit begins to work, and this work constantly goes deeper and becomes more intense. When all people behold God and they all see that the Spirit of God is among man, the full significance of My incarnation is made clear. There is no need to summarize—people know this naturally.
Considering many respects—the methods by which I work, the steps of My work, the tone of My words today, and so on—only what comes from My mouth now are “the utterances of the seven Spirits.” Though I also spoke in the past, that was during the stage of building the church. It was like the preface and index in a novel, and was without the substance; only the utterances of today can be called the substance of the utterances of the seven Spirits. “The utterances of the seven Spirits” refers to the utterances that come from the throne, which is to say, they are uttered directly in divinity. The moment when My utterances turned to revealing the mysteries of heaven was the moment when I spoke directly in divinity. In other words, unconstrained by humanity, I directly revealed all of the mysteries and circumstances of the spiritual realm. Why do I say that I was previously subject to the limits of humanity? This requires explanation. In people’s eyes, no one is capable of revealing the mysteries of heaven; if not for God Himself, no one else on earth could know of these mysteries. Thus, I address people’s conceptions and say that in the past I did not reveal any mysteries because I was subject to the limits of humanity. More specifically, however, this is not the case: The content of My words differs as My work differs, and thus, when I began to perform My ministry in divinity, I revealed mysteries; in the past, I had to work in circumstances that all people viewed as normal, and the words that I spoke were capable of being achieved in people’s conceptions. When I began to reveal mysteries, not one of these was attainable by people’s conceptions—they were unlike human thinking. So, I officially began to turn to speaking in divinity, and these were the utterances of the seven Spirits. Though the words of the past were utterances from the throne, they were spoken upon the basis of what was attainable by people, and thus were not uttered directly in divinity—as a result of which they were not the utterances of the seven Spirits.
a. The original text does not contain the phrase “changes in.”
Source from: Eastern Lightning | Word of Almighty God
Read more: How Can we serve God? 

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