Testimonies of Life Experiences | Bye Bye, Games!

Testimonies of Life Experiences | Bye Bye, Games!


In June, 2016, during my spare time off duty, I started to search on the internet for all sorts of games with my tablet computer. One day at noon, I found a role-playing game. There were many aspects to that game that were similar to those of the internet games that I liked in the past. The 3D graphics were extremely detailed and the fight scenes were very exciting. Based on my experience of playing games, I could confirm that this game was exactly the type that I liked. Actually, I knew that playing games was not good. However, I thought that since I was only using my spare time to play this game a little bit, as long as I did not become lost within the game, it would be fine. In the afternoon, without scruple, I spent two hours of time on the game until I had a good command of all the operations associated with its different functions. Unconsciously, I was secretly delighted: I have finally found a good game to play! In this way, during a time when I let my guard down, temptation quietly befell me.

God’s Blessings: I May Not Be Rich, but I’m Very Fortunate

God’s Blessings: I May Not Be Rich, but I’m Very Fortunate

By Bong, Philippines 

“Principal, please give my child a chance and let him take the examination!” My mother’s eyes implored the principal as she spoke in a slightly trembling voice.

Keeping a straight face, the principal said, “No, the school has rules. A child can only take the examination when the exam fee has been paid!”

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique I: God's Authority (I)" (Excerpt 3)

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique I: God's Authority (I)" (Excerpt 3)

Almighty God says, "Regardless of how 'powerful' Satan is, regardless of how audacious and ambitious it is, regardless of how great is its ability to inflict damage, regardless of how wide-ranging are the techniques with which it corrupts and lures man, regardless of how clever are the tricks and schemes with which it intimidates man, regardless of how changeable is the form in which it exists, it has never been able to create a single living thing, has never been able to set down laws or rules for the existence of all things, and has never been able to rule and control any object, whether animate or inanimate.

Hymns of God’s Words | Those Unrepentant People Who Are Trapped in Sin Are Beyond Salvation

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Hymns of God’s Words | Those Unrepentant People Who Are Trapped in Sin Are Beyond Salvation

Those who only think of their flesh and comforts, those whose faith is uncertain, those who practice witchcraft and sorcery, lecherous ones, tattered and worn, those who steal from God, taking sacrifices, who love bribes or idly dream of heaven, those arrogant and proud, striving for fame and wealth, those who spread impious words, those unrepentant people trapped in sin, are they not beyond salvation? Those unrepentant people trapped in sin, are they not beyond salvation?

2019 Christian Video | "Look! That's a Modern Day Pharisee!" (English Skit)

Inspirational christian videos | "Look! That's a Modern Day Pharisee!"

Two thousand years ago, the incarnate Lord Jesus appeared and worked, preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, expressed the truth, and gave people the way of repentance. In these, many people heard God's voice and followed Him. The Pharisees stubbornly kept to their own ideas, denied and condemned the incarnate Lord Jesus, and even crucified the Lord. The Lord Jesus prophesied that He will come again in the last days. So, who plays the role of the modern Pharisee? Watch the skit Look! That's a Modern-Day Pharisee!.

Watch the newest Christian videos and gospel movies online for free. This is a collection of a wide variety of film works by The Church of Almighty God including movies, songs and dances, and music videos. Joyfully welcome the return of the Lord Jesus with these films and videos.

"An Antichrist in the Church" | Be Careful! Don't Be Deceived by Pharisees

Christian Life: An Elderly Woman’s Liver Ascites Miraculously Heals After Leaning on God

Christian Life: An Elderly Woman’s Liver Ascites Miraculously Heals After Leaning on God

By Zhong Qin

Editor’s Note: “I believe in God so why would I suffer from this kind of illness? Why wouldn’t God protect me?” When we become ill we always tend to have these kinds of complaints about God. The woman in this story is no exception. When her condition deteriorates she starts to blame God because she’s unable to endure the torment of her illness, but when she genuinely prays to God and submits to His orchestrations and arrangements, she’s able to calmly face her own mortality and her condition miraculously improves. Do you want to know what her experience was? Please read on.

Hymns of God’s Words | With Refinement Comes Faith

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Hymns of God’s Words | With Refinement Comes Faith

If you understand God's actions on the path of life, He will appear to you, He will guide you from within. If you can't obey His words, God cannot do His work. If you lack faith, lose hope in God, how will you experience? If your faith is true, if your faith is without doubt, if you open your heart to Him, He will perfect you, enlighten your experience. If your faith, if your faith is true. If your faith, if your faith is true.

Hymns of God’s Words | God Made Heaven, Earth and All Things for Man

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 Hymns of God’s Words | God Made Heaven, Earth and All Things for Man

All things are interconnected, interdependent, and through this, man's environment is protected. Under this principle, it continues and survives. With this living environment, man can reproduce and thrive. This rule is used by God to preserve life for all things, with their being ensured by His wondrous deeds. It is in this way that for all things He provides. And in a way alike He provides for all mankind. God created heavens and earth and all things for mankind. He created man's environment and made a world sublime. God uses all He created to protect and maintain mankind's home that He created, the home that God has made. This is how He provides for all things and for man.

Christian hymns | Song of Loving God Without Regrets

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Christian hymns | Song of Loving God Without Regrets

Verse 1 The road to the kingdom has many ups and downs. I hover between life and death, amid torture and tears. Without God's protection, who could make it to today? He planned our birth in the last days; we're fortunate to follow Christ. God humbled Himself to be man, suffering great shame. How am I human if I don't love God? I shall love God forever without regrets.

Hymns of God’s Words | Only Through Painful Trials Can You Know God's Loveliness

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Hymns of God’s Words | Only Through Painful Trials Can You Know God's Loveliness

Pursuing God's satisfaction is practicing God's words with love for God. No matter the time, if others lack strength, inside, your heart still loves God anyway, deeply yearns for and misses God, this is actual stature. Only through hardship and refinement can man know of God's loveliness. Having experienced till now, man knows part of God's loveliness. But it's still not enough, 'cause man is so lacking. He must experience more of God's work and all the refinement of suffering, man's disposition then can be changed, man's disposition then can be changed.

Christian Praise and Worship Song | Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices

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Christian Praise and Worship Songs | Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices

Almighty God, Christ of last days, appears in the East of the world. He speaks the truth to save mankind, He is appearance of Savior. God's people hear His voice, are raised up to His throne. We're eating and drinking God's words, we know the truths and mysteries, totally conquered by God's words. Going through trials and refining, we suffer pain intense, our corruption is cleansed. By accepting kingdom's training, we gain the truth and we gain life. We praise Almighty God loudly, for He cleanses and saves our lives.

Christian Video "The True Cannot Be False" | How to Discern the True Christ and False Christs (Skit)

Christian Video "The True Cannot Be False" | How to Discern the True Christ and False Christs (Skit)

The Lord Jesus said, "I come quickly" (Revelation 22:12). The last days are the most crucial time for receiving the Lord's coming, and when religious denomination believer Zheng Hao'en hears his wife testify that the Lord has returned, he wants to seek and investigate. However, the pastor at his church repeatedly tries to obstruct him, recites the Bible verse "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24), and says any who preach the Lord's coming are false, leaving Zheng Hao'en trapped in confusion. Through his wife's fellowship, he comes to be able to understand aspects of the truth regarding discerning the true Christ and false Christs, and finally rids himself of confusion…. Please enjoy the skit The True Cannot Be False.

English Gospel Songs | "The Responsibilities of True Believers"

English Gospel Songs | "The Responsibilities of True Believers"

Verse 1
If you’re truly possessed of conscience,
then you must have a burden
and a sense of responsibility.
No matter if you will be conquered
or you will be made perfect,
bear this step of testimony properly.