How Was I Conquered by the Word of God | I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word leading life
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word leading life

75 I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word

Li Jing

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

I had been a co-worker of the “Praise Church.” Since I believed in the Lord in 1988, I had believed that by listening to the leaders, I would surely be approved by God and go to heaven in the future, as they knew more things than others and had a rich knowledge of the Bible. So, whatever the upper leaders instructed me to do, I would listen to and obey it without the slightest negligence. In 1996, the leader said, “Now, there is a sect called the ‘Eastern Lightning,’ and it is very rampant. Anyone who has contact with its followers will be captivated. Now many people have turned to them. In future, we mustn’t receive any strangers…” Since then, I conveyed the leader’s “order” faithfully and took the lead to carry it out in the church. An unfamiliar sister came to preach God’s work of the last days to me many times, and each time she came, she helped me with the field work. Yet I either avoided her or said harsh words to insult her. But that didn’t stop her from coming to preach to me persistently. Once, when we were having a meeting, she came again. I abused her before all others, “Get away, you devil! I bind Satan in the name of the Lord!” With that, I pushed and shoved her out of the door together with several other believers, and I threw her bike in a deep puddle by the roadside. In the end, she picked it up with the help of the unbelievers. Just in that way, with the leader’s instruction “don’t receive strangers” kept in my mind, I shut the door on God’s salvation of the last days time and time again. However, what happened later greatly exceeded my expectation.

How Was I Conquered by the Word of God | Holding the Book of God’s Word in Hands, I Shed Floods of Tears

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, reading God's word
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, reading God's word

84 Holding the Book of God’s Word in Hands, I Shed Floods of Tears

—A Repentance Before the Coffin

Liu Jie

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

I turned my face outward and saw that my coffin and shroud were there ready-made. When the moment I slipped my breath came, I would be put into them. Despair and loneliness welled up in me all at once. “I’m done! I’m done! I’m only in my forties. I’m very unwilling to die like this!” I looked out the window to the blue sky, tears wetting my pillow… Just at the moment I was at my last gasp and was dying, Almighty God stretched out His loving hands to me and conquered me by His powerful and authoritative words, so that I was revived in mind and body and gained a new life. Facing God’s great grace, I bitterly hated myself for grievous disobedience and great resistance. Thousands of words couldn’t express my great indebtedness to God. Thank Almighty God for giving me this opportunity to tell my personal experience of how I resisted God, suffered God’s punishment, and received God’s salvation. I hope all brothers and sisters will learn a lesson from it and not follow my footsteps…

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

The inner meaning of man’s conquest is to return to the Creator. It is for man to turn his back on Satan and turn fully towards God. This is man’s complete salvation. Arduous conquest is the final battle. It is the last stage in God’s victorious plan. Without this, no man is saved, no victory is gained against Satan, no man enters a good destination. Mankind suffers the influence of Satan. Thus Satan’s defeat must come first to bring man’s salvation. For all of God’s works are for the sake of man. The final conquest brings salvation and reveals the destination. But through judgment, repentance, and awakening to the righteous path of life, awakened will be the hearts of the numb. And the disobedient will be judged, their inner rebellion shall be laid bare. But if man fails to repent, or walk the right path, or cast off the corruption within, they will be swallowed by Satan, beyond rescue and salvation. This is the purpose of God’s conquest—to save people and reveal their endings, which, either good or bad, shall be revealed in God’s conquest.
 from The Word Appears in the Flesh

Walk in the Love of God | Christian Music | "God Puts His Hope Completely on Man"

Walk in the Love of God | Christian Music | "God Puts His Hope Completely on Man"

From the beginning until today, it’s only mankind who’s had a way to talk with God, converse with God. Among all creatures, all living things, it’s only mankind who words can bring and talk with God, converse with God. Since His management, God has been waiting for just one offering— the heart of man, that He may cleanse and equip it, and make man satisfying and loved by God, man satisfying and loved by God.

A Hymn of God's Words | Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words | Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom

When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace, ending the Age of Law. God once more became flesh during the last days. He brought the Age of Kingdom, ending the Age of Grace. All who accept God's second incarnation shall be led into the Age of Kingdom and receive His guidance. Jesus labored among man to redeem mankind, offering Himself as sacrifice for man's sins. Yet man's corrupt disposition remains.

Power of God | "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" | Reflections on Disaster

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Power of God
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Power of God

Power of God | "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" | Reflections on Disaster

🔥Is Mankind Really in Control of Its Own Fate?

Faced with unexpected disaster, all our knowledge, skills, and ability count for nothing…. We can only cry out in sorrow, awaiting death amid fear and helplessness…. What can we do when facing a disaster?

🔥People are so terrified, weak and helpless in front of disasters… All these things of money, status, fame and gain can’t make us free from the disasters. Nowadays, the disasters have occurred in many regions, and where will mankind go? Who can save us in disasters? And who dominates man’s fate? My friend told me that a huge documentary The One Who Holds Sovereignty over Everything will reveal all the mysterious for us. Let’s look forward it.

Praise and Worship Song | Christians Love God Until Death | "Life's Testimony"

Praise and Worship Song | Christians Love God Until Death | "Life's Testimony"

The central government has ordered that all religions must be banned, especially The Church of Almighty God. Troops won’t be withdrawn until the ban is done. Understand? Yes! Move out! Yes sir! What are you up to? Having a meeting? The nation has ruled that any gathering of three or more people is illegal and it disrupts social order. Take them away! Come on! “Christ of the last days brings life, and brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth. This truth is the path through which man shall gain life, and the only path by which man shall know God and be approved by God.” from The Word Appears in the Flesh Don’t move! Police! Damn you! This time you’ll be put away for eight or ten years. We’ll then see if you still believe in God! One day I may be captured and persecuted by the CCP, this suffering is for the sake of righteousness, which I know in my heart.

Gospel Music | Worship God Forever | "The Sky Here Is So Blue"

Gospel Music | Worship God Forever | "The Sky Here Is So Blue"

Ay … here is a sky, oh … a sky that is so different! An exquisite fragrance is suffused all over the land, and the air is clean. Almighty God became flesh and lives amongst us, expressing the truth and beginning the judgment of the last days. God’s words lay bare the truth of our corruption, we are cleansed and perfected by every kind of trial and refinement. We say farewell to our degenerate life and change our old appearance for a new face. We act and speak with principle and allow God’s words to hold sway. The flames of our love for God are ignited in our hearts. We spread God’s words, bear witness for Him, and transmit the kingdom gospel. We dedicate our entire being to satisfy God and are willing to suffer any pain. Thanks be to Almighty God for changing our fate. We live a new life and welcome a brand new tomorrow!

The Scroll Opened by the Lamb | You Should Know That the Practical God Is God Himself

The Scroll Opened by the Lamb | You Should Know That the Practical God Is God Himself

What should you know about the practical God? The Spirit, the Person, and the Word make up the practical God Himself, and this is the true meaning of the practical God Himself. If you only know the Person—if you know His habits and personality—but do not know the work of the Spirit, or what the Spirit does in the flesh, and if you only pay attention to the Spirit, and the Word, and only pray before the Spirit, unknowing of the work of God’s Spirit in the practical God, then this yet proves that you do not know the practical God. Knowledge of the practical God includes knowing and experiencing His words, and grasping the rules and principles of the work of the Holy Spirit, and how the Spirit of God works in the flesh. So, too, does it include knowing that every action of God in the flesh is governed by the Spirit, and that the words He speaks are the direct expression of the Spirit. Thus, if you wish to know the practical God, you must primarily know how God works in humanity and in divinity; this, in turn, concerns the expressions of the Spirit, which all people engage with.

Exploring Mystery of Human Life | "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything"

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Documentary
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian Documentary

Christian Documentary ------ Exploring Mystery of Human Life "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything"

🌺A General question that we all asked :

When I was a child, I asked my mom: “Where did I come from?”
My mom said: “Honey, you’re my sweet heart. Because I delivered you.”
I continued to ask her: “So where did you come from?”
She said: “You grandma delivered me.”
I couldn’t stop asking: “Then how about my grandma?”
It’s a question without answer.
Where do we come from? Who is the source of our life? Here we will find the answer!

🌺What’s the value of life?

What do we live for? Some people live for food and clothes, some for children, some for status, some for reputation, some for money…...We are busy with our life until the end of our life. We take nothing away with us but only regrets. How should we live then? The classic documentary of The Church of Almighty God leads us to seek the mystery of life.

Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work | God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom

God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom | Does the Trinity Exist?

It was only after the truth of Jesus become flesh came to be that man realized this: It is not only the Father in heaven, but also the Son, and even the Spirit. This is the conventional notion man holds, that there is a God such as this in heaven: a Trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all in one. All mankind has these notions: God is one God, but comprises three parts, what all those grievously entrenched in conventional notions deem to be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only those three parts made one is all of God. Without the Holy Father, God would not be whole. Similarly, neither would God be whole without the Son or the Holy Spirit. In their notions, they believe that neither the Father alone nor the Son alone can be deemed God. Only the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit together can be deemed God Himself. Now, all religious believers, including each and every follower among you, hold this belief. Yet, as for whether this belief is correct, none can explain, for you are always in a fog of confusion about the matters of God Himself. Though these are notions, you do not know whether they are right or wrong, for you have become too grievously infected by religious notions.

Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work | God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's work

God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom | The Sighing of the Almighty

There is an enormous secret in your heart. You never know it there because you have been living in a world without light shining. Your heart and your spirit have been taken away by the evil one. Your eyes are covered by darkness; you cannot see the sun in the sky, nor the twinkling star in the night. Your ears are clogged with deceptive words and you hear not the thunderous voice of Jehovah, nor the sound of the rushing waters from the throne. You have lost everything that should have belonged to you and everything that the Almighty bestowed upon you. You have entered an endless sea of bitterness, with no strength of a rescue, no hope of survival, left only to struggle and to bustle about…. From that moment, you are doomed to be afflicted by the evil one, kept far away from the blessings of the Almighty, out of reach of the provisions of the Almighty, and you embark on a road of no return.

How I Turned Back to Almighty God | I Welcomed the Return of the Lord

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's love
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's love

How I Turned Back to Almighty God | I Welcomed the Return of the Lord

Qingxin, Myanmar
My parents are both Christians and from an early age I started going with them to church to attend services. At the age of 12 I attended a grand Christian camp in Myanmar, and while I was there a pastor told me: “The only way to avoid death and enter the kingdom of heaven is to be baptized.” And so in order to enter the kingdom of heaven I decided to get baptized while I was at the camp. From that time on, I became a genuine Christian.