Showing posts with label the Trinity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Trinity. Show all posts

"There Is Only One God" | Is the Theory of Trinity in Line With the Lord's Word?

Christian Life "There Is Only One God" | Is the Theory of Trinity in Line With the Lord's Word?

For 2,000 years, the theological theory of the Trinity has been seen as a basic tenet of the Christian faith. But, is God truly a Trinity? What, exactly, is the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? One day, Brother Zhang posts a question in his church's online discussion group: Does the Trinity really exist? This question begins an intense debate among the believers, after which Zheng Xun and Li Rui discuss and fellowship on this question.

There Is Only One God, Why Is There the Idea of Father and Son?

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel

There Is Only One God, Why Is There the Idea of Father and Son?

By Xiaoxiao, France

The sky was clear, and the sun’s golden rays lit up the earth. Green grass was waving in the breeze; flowers were in bloom; twittering birds were scampering in the trees. On such a beautiful morning, Tian Lu, wearing earplugs, listened to hymns as she swept the floor. When sweeping in front of the desk, she took off the earplugs and put them on the desk, and then caught sight of the picture of the Lord Jesus on the wall. Then her eyes were blinded with tears, myriads of thoughts welling up in her mind …

Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work | God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom

God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom | Does the Trinity Exist?

It was only after the truth of Jesus become flesh came to be that man realized this: It is not only the Father in heaven, but also the Son, and even the Spirit. This is the conventional notion man holds, that there is a God such as this in heaven: a Trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all in one. All mankind has these notions: God is one God, but comprises three parts, what all those grievously entrenched in conventional notions deem to be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only those three parts made one is all of God. Without the Holy Father, God would not be whole. Similarly, neither would God be whole without the Son or the Holy Spirit. In their notions, they believe that neither the Father alone nor the Son alone can be deemed God. Only the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit together can be deemed God Himself. Now, all religious believers, including each and every follower among you, hold this belief. Yet, as for whether this belief is correct, none can explain, for you are always in a fog of confusion about the matters of God Himself. Though these are notions, you do not know whether they are right or wrong, for you have become too grievously infected by religious notions.

Classic Words of Almighty God on the Gospel of the Kingdom (Selections) | Eastern Lightning

the mystery of Godliness, the implication of God's incarnation, Almighty God lives and works in the flesh
Lord Jesus express the truth, the implication of God's incarnation, Almighty God lives and works in the flesh

IX. There Is Only One True God: “The Trinity” Is a Misnomer

1. It was only after the truth of Jesus become flesh came to be that man realized this: It is not only the Father in heaven, but also the Son, and even the Spirit. This is the conventional notion man holds, that there is a God such as this in heaven: a Trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all in one. All mankind has these notions: God is one God, but comprises three parts, what all those grievously entrenched in conventional notions deem to be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.