Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts

Learning to Pray: Resolving 3 Issues Teaches Us How to Pray

worship God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
worship God

Christian Life | Learning to Pray: Resolving 3 Issues Teaches Us How to Pray

As Christians, prayer is an indispensable part of our everyday lives, and the most direct way to draw close to God. We all hope that our prayers may be heard by the Lord, but we often do not receive God’s response or feel His presence, leaving us at a loss: Why is this? Why isn’t God listening to our prayers? What sorts of prayers are in line with God’s will? Let’s have fellowship on this today and by resolving these three issues, our prayers may be heard by God.

True Reasons for Nazarene Rejecting Jesus Christ

True Reasons for Nazarene Rejecting Jesus Christ

By Congling
Snowflakes began to flutter down at dusk. Standing in the balcony and looking out of the window, I recalled a series of scenes where the Lord Jesus together with His disciples came back to Nazareth. He looked at the innumerable people with a smile and passersby also greeted Him. It seemed that they were very familiar to Him. However, when the Lord Jesus bore testimony to Himself as the Messiah, people, choked with anger, attacked and reviled Him. Just as it is recorded in the Scripture: “And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill where on their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong” (Luk4:28-29).

Outside the window, it snowed more heavily. Soon, everything became white. But I wasn’t in the mood to appreciate the snow scenery outside the window, but was thinking: When the Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the Kingdom in other places, there were many believers following Him. But when He returned to His hometown and preached, why did the fellow townsmen forsake Him and even want to push Him off a cliff instead of welcoming Him?

Praise and Worship Song | Christians Love God Until Death | "Life's Testimony"

Praise and Worship Song | Christians Love God Until Death | "Life's Testimony"

The central government has ordered that all religions must be banned, especially The Church of Almighty God. Troops won’t be withdrawn until the ban is done. Understand? Yes! Move out! Yes sir! What are you up to? Having a meeting? The nation has ruled that any gathering of three or more people is illegal and it disrupts social order. Take them away! Come on! “Christ of the last days brings life, and brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth. This truth is the path through which man shall gain life, and the only path by which man shall know God and be approved by God.” from The Word Appears in the Flesh Don’t move! Police! Damn you! This time you’ll be put away for eight or ten years. We’ll then see if you still believe in God! One day I may be captured and persecuted by the CCP, this suffering is for the sake of righteousness, which I know in my heart.

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything": Testimony of the Power of God

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Power of God
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Power of God

 Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything": Testimony of the Power of God

🌴Who is the One that commands the universe and all things?
The laws of orbit of the huge stars in the universe are precise! All living beings multiply over and over again! Who ordains the rules and principles of the universe and all things? Who is the One that has such unique authority and power?

        🌴Search for our roots!
Why do we live? Why do we die? Who can explain the mystery thoroughly? We pursue to rise above others and bring honor to our family. When we grew up, we continue to pursue a place in society and in the world, the fame and gain. We pursue to surround by grandchildren when we are old.When we face the death, then realize: we come and leave this world in haste. For most of the time, we’ve been busy and running about. But all things are in vain. We hopelessly live in such a rule. We can't help asking:" What should we live?" Do you want to know the mystery? Do you want to know why we live and die? The wonderful documentary will show you the answer that nobody can tell you.

🌴People are so terrified, weak and helpless in front of disasters… All these things of money, status, fame and gain can’t make us free from the disasters. Nowadays, the disasters have occurred in many regions, and where will mankind go? Who can save us in disasters? And who dominates man’s fate? My friend told me that a huge documentary The One Who Holds Sovereignty over Everything will reveal all the mysterious for us. Let’s look forward it.

The Church of Almighty God | Testimonies of Experience of Christ’s Judgment Volume I

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, reading God's word
Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, reading God's word

The Church of Almighty God | 12. There Is No Special Treatment in the Church 

Liu Xin Liaocheng City, Shandong Province

After following God over these years, I felt I had endured some suffering and paid a certain price, so I gradually started living off my past gains and flaunting my seniority. I thought: I’ve left home for so many years and my family hasn’t heard from me in a long time. Under these circumstances, the church will surely look after me. Even if I don’t perform my work well they won’t send me home. At most they’ll just dismiss me and get me to do some other work. Due to such thinking, I did not have any burden at all in my work. I turned a blind eye to everything, and I even viewed gospel work as an encumbrance, always living in difficulties and excuses. Even though I felt my heart accused and my conscience blamed because I was owing God too much through my perfunctory behavior, and that I would be eliminated sooner or later, I still just drifted along with the mentality of hoping to luck out, dawdling away my days in the church.

The Church of Almighty God | Testimonies of Experience of Christ’s Judgment Volume I

thinking the truth, under the sunset, Almighty God's salvation
thinking the truth, under the sunset, Almighty God's salvation

The Church of Almighty God | 6. Service of This Kind Is Truly Contemptible 

Ding Ning Heze City, Shandong Province

Over the past few days, the church has arranged a change in my work. As I received this new assignment, I thought, “I need to take this final opportunity to call a meeting with my brothers and sisters, speak to them clearly about matters, and leave them with a good impression.” Therefore, I met with several deacons, and at the close of our time together, I said, “I have been asked to leave here and move on to different work. I hope you will accept the leader who is coming to replace me and work together with her with one heart and one mind.” As soon as they heard me say these words, some of the sisters who were present blanched, and the smiles fell from their faces. Some of them grasped my hands, some of them embraced me, and weeping they said, “You cannot leave us! You cannot cast us aside and ignore our needs! …” The sister of the host family was especially unwilling to let me go. She said to me, “It is so good that you are here with us. You are someone who can endure hardship, and you are good at fellowshiping about the truth. No matter when we needed you, you were always there to patiently help us. If you go, what will we do? …” Seeing their reluctance to part from me, my heart was full of joy and satisfaction. I comforted them with these words: “Depend on God. When I can, I will come back and visit you….”

Sermons and Fellowship: What Is a True Overcomer?

walking on the path, gospel, Almighty God's work in the last days
walking on the path, gospel, Almighty God's work in the last days

Sermons and Fellowship: What Is a True Overcomer?

What exactly is an overcomer? What realities of the truth should the overcomer possess? No one understands this clearly. From the perspective of our human notions, if we can work hard for the Lord and hold on to His name, we’ll become overcomers in the end. But this is completely erroneous. Let’s see what God says about being an overcomer. As Revelation 14:4-5 goes, “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits to God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

The Church of Almighty God | The Battle Between Justice and Evil

performing one's duty, salvation, worship Almighty God
performing one's duty, salvation, worship Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God | Due to Performing My Duty, I Was Granted God’s Enormous Salvation 

Hong Wei, Beijing August 15, 2012

On July 21, 2012, a very heavy rain began to fall. That day I just happened to have a duty to perform, so after our meeting was finished and I saw that the rain had lightened up a bit, I rushed home on my bike. Only when I got onto the highway did I discover that water was rushing down from the mountain like a waterfall, and the road was so covered in splashing rainwater that the surface couldn’t be seen very clearly anymore. This sight made me feel somewhat frightened, so in my heart I called out persistently, “God! I implore You to add to my faith and courage. Right now is a time that You want me to stand testimony. If You allow me to be swept away by the water, then this has Your good intentions in it, too. I am willing to submit to Your orchestration and arrangements.” After I prayed like this, I became calmer; I no longer felt that afraid, and faced the storm head-on continuously the whole way home. Who could have known that an even greater danger lay waiting for me? On the road to my home was a very steep slope. Due to the newly laid asphalt and the rainwater running over the slope, as I went downhill the bike’s front two breaks wouldn’t work. At the bottom of this hill was an auxiliary road to National Route 108, and on the other side of it was a stand of trees. Beyond that was the main current of the river; if I was unable to reduce my speed, then I would have no choice but to crash into those trees, and it was even possible that I would fall into the river. The consequences of that…. I thought to myself, Now I’m done for! Just as I was thinking this, some force from somewhere suddenly knocked me from my bike. The bike’s inertia swept me along with it, and did not stop moving until I got to the intersection at the bottom of the hill. Just then two cars happened to drive past, side by side, right in front of me. It was so close! Luckily, right in the middle of this crisis, God had saved me.

God’s Will Behind the Parable of Lost Sheep

By Qiu Hong

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God
Whenever reading these lines from Scripture: “How think you? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, does he not leave the ninety and nine, and goes into the mountains, and seeks that which is gone astray? And if so be that he find it, truly I say to you, he rejoices more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish” (Mat 18:12-14), I feel very moved in my heart, as God loves men so much that He won’t leave anyone as long as the sheep belongs to Him. But I had been wondering before why the Lord Jesus expressed His love for us human beings by parable and what the Lord’s will was? I didn’t understand the profound meaning within it until one day I saw the word of God on the gospel website.

The Church of Almighty God | Consequence of Deporting Chinese Christian Refugees in Europe: Torture! Blood!

The Church of Almighty God | Consequence of Deporting Chinese Christian Refugees in Europe: Torture! Blood!

In recent years, legions of war refugees have swarmed into Europe. And some states tightened up their policy on refugees successively. According to Nouvelles d'Europe, in July 2017, while announcing a refugee reception plan, the French Prime Minister Philippe emphasized that the asylum seekers whose applications are denied should be deported without exception.Among the refugees who are confronted with deportation, are Christians from China.They suffered arbitrary arrests and persecution at the hands of the CCP atheistic regime solely because they had attended gatherings and spread the gospel in Mainland China.They were subsequently turned homeless without a hideout in China, and had to risk their lives to flee to overseas democracies for asylum.However, most of The Church of Almighty God (CAG) Christians who fled to Europe have had their refugee status applications denied so far, and hundreds of these Christians are confronted with deportation.Very few people have the knowledge of what persecution these Christians had suffered in China, or how risky the situation will be once they are sent back to China, or what living conditions they are going through in host countries.Well, let’s approach these Christians together today.

The Church of Almighty God | Testimonies of Experience of Christ’s Judgment Volume I

Thinking God's word, seeking the truth, The picture from The Church of Almighty God
Thinking God's word, seeking the truth, The picture from The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God | 43. Guileless People Are Not Necessarily Honest People 

Cheng Mingjie Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province

I consider myself to be an outgoing and forthright kind of person. I speak with people in a very straightforward manner; whatever I want to say, I say it—I’m not the type to beat around the bush. In my interactions with people I tend to be a pretty straight shooter. Often, I get cheated or ridiculed for too easily placing trust in others. It was only after I started going to church that I felt I had found a place I could call my own. I thought to myself: In the past my guilelessness has put me at a disadvantage and made me vulnerable to the deception of others; but in church God wants honest people, people who have been scorned by society, so I don’t have to worry anymore about being too guileless. I felt especially comforted when I heard that God loves the honest and simple, and that only the honest shall receive God’s salvation. When I saw how distressed my brothers and sisters had become as they began to recognize their treacherous nature but could not change it, I felt even more relieved that, being honest and straightforward, I wouldn’t have to go through such distress. One day, however, after receiving a revelation from God, I finally realized I wasn’t the honest person I thought I was.

The Church of Almighty God | Testimonies of Experience of Christ’s Judgment Volume I

preach the gospel, the Kingdom gospel, the word of Almighty God
preach the gospel, the Kingdom gospel, the word of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God | 61. It’s Not Easy Being an Honest Person 

Zixin Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Through eating and drinking God’s word and listening to preaching, I came to understand the importance of being an honest person and thus began practicing to be an honest person. After a period of time, I found that I gained some entry in being an honest person. For example: While praying or conversing with someone, I would be able to speak the truth and from the heart; I could also take fulfilling my duty seriously, and when I revealed corruption I could open myself up to other people. Because of this, I thought being an honest person was quite easy to practice, and not at all as difficult as it was made out to be by God’s words: “Many would rather be condemned to hell than to speak and act honestly.” It was not until later that I was able to appreciate through experience that it really is not easy for corrupt man to be an honest person. God’s words really are absolutely true and completely unexaggerated.