V Questions and Answers About Requirements for Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven | Eastern Lightning

 the church of almighty god, Eastern lightning, Church
pictures of the church of almighty god
Question 6: We can set aside all things to spread the gospel and shepherd the church. Such toil and labor is doing the will of our heavenly Father. Is there any wrong in the way we carry this out?
Answer: We can spread the Lord’s gospel and toil and labor, but this does not mean we’re doing the will of our heavenly Father. Truly doing the heavenly Father’s will is following His words and commandments, and doing our duty according to His requirements. Just like what the Lord Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like to it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

 the church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, Church,

picture the church of Almighty God

V Questions and Answers About Requirements for Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Question 4: All of us have believed in the Lord for many years, and have always followed the example of Paul in our work for the Lord. We have been faithful to the name and way of the Lord, and the crown of righteousness surely awaits us. Today, we need only focus on working hard for the Lord, and watching for His return. Only thus, can we be taken into the kingdom of heaven. Because it is said in the Bible, “for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me” (Isaiah 49:23). We believe the Lord’s promise: He will take us into the kingdom of heaven at His return. Could there really be anything wrong with practicing in this way?

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

church,  the church of almighty god,
pictuers of the church of almighty god 

I Questions and Answers About the Church Desolation

Question 1: For years, we feel an emptiness in our church. We’ve lost the faith and love we had at the start, and become weaker and negative. The preachers sometimes feel lost and don’t know what to talk about. We feel we’ve lost the work of the Holy Spirit. We’ve looked everywhere for a church with the Holy Spirit’s work, but every church we see is as desolate as our own. Why are so many churches hungry and desolate?

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

he church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, Church,

picture the church of Almighty God

I Questions and Answers About the Church Desolation

Question 2: Just now we talked about some lawless acts. So, what specific acts are increasing lawlessness?
Answer: More lawlessness means mostly that religious leaders, pastors, and elders go against God’s will, and go their own way. They don’t obey God’s commandments, misinterpret the Bible to shackle, control, and deceive people, drowning them in biblical theology, taking them further away from God, turning churches into places of religious ritual, and they treat their responsibilities and duties as access to status and job, which leads to many hypocritical acts that resist God in the church. Many people have exposed their unbelieving viewpoints. They pursue worldly pleasures, depart from the way of the Lord, and even treat God’s words as mere myth. They do not believe at all that the Lord Jesus will come again to speak and do work. Especially religious leaders without any fear of God in their hearts, and all kinds of evil men and unbelievers who do not love the truth are exposed, openly committing evil acts, denying God’s work of the last days, and rejecting the truth. Those religious pastors and elders primarily preach biblical knowledge and theology.

The Seven Thunders Roll | Eastern Lightning

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The Hymn of God's Word The Seven Thunders Roll 

     I The seven thunders roll, shaking up the world, rending through the sky, changing heaven and earth. Piercing is the sound. Where can man run and hide? Heaven and earth are changed by thunder and lightning. Man lies dying. A fierce storm rolls in across the universe, fast as thunderbolt; heavy rain pours in. Each corner of the earth is bathed in this storm and nothing impure remains, oh, oh. The whole world is washed and nothing unclean stands. Who can hide from the stormy rain? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. When destruction comes, all enemies will fall, defeated helpless into the raging torrent. They're swiftly taken to their deserved end, defeated hopeless, rushed away to their death.

Our God Reigns as King | The Church of Almighty God

hymn, the church of almigthy god

The Hymn of God's Word Our God Reigns as King 

God almighty, Father everlasting, Prince of Peace, our God reigns as King over all!
     I Almighty God, Almighty God, Father everlasting, Prince of Peace, our God reigns as King over all! Almighty God's feet on the Mount of Olives, on the Mount of Olives. How beautiful! Come and listen! We the watchmen lift our voices up, lift our voices up, sing together, for to Zion God has returned. We have seen with our own eyes the desolation of Jerusalem! Burst out together in songs of joy, for God has comforted us, He has redeemed Jerusalem. In the sight of all nations, God has bared His holy arm, appeared as He truly is. God's salvation is seen at earth's far ends.

Almighty God, the Glorious True God

The Church of Almighty God, hymn, God's Word

The Hymn of God's Word Almighty God, the Glorious True God 

        I In His hands, God holds the seven stars. He bears the seven Spirits, He has seven eyes, unlocks the seven seals and opens up the scroll. He wields the seven plagues and holds the seven bowls. The myriad of creatures He has fashioned and all the things He's brought to completion render praise and glory unto Him and raise His throne on high. Almighty God, glorious and true! You are everything! All is complete with You. Almighty God, glorious and true! You have accomplished everything. All is complete with You. All is bright, all is set free, all is strong, all is at liberty. All is bright, all is set free, all is strong, all is at liberty. Almighty God, glorious and true! Nothing is hidden; all secrets are open to You. Almighty God, glorious and true! Nothing is hidden; all secrets are open to You.

The Kingdom Anthem (I) The Kingdom Has Descended on the World | Eastern Lightning

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The Hymn of God's Word The Kingdom Anthem

     (I) The Kingdom Has Descended on the World I God's kingdom has come on earth; God's person is full and rich. Who can stand still and not rejoice? Who can stand still and not dance? Oh Zion, raise your banner of victory to celebrate for God. Sing your song of victory to spread His holy name over the world. Countless people praise God with joy, countless voices exalt His name. Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.

Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne

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The Hymn of God's Word Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne

    I The King has gained the victory, seated on the glorious throne, has redeemed His people and is leading them to appear in His glory. Firmly everything is in His hand; through His holy wisdom and power, He's built and fortified Zion, built and fortified Zion. By the majesty of His, He judged this evil world, judged all nations and peoples, the earth, sea, and all living things, and also those who are drunk with the wine of licentiousness. God will surely judge them, surely God will judge them.

To Love God Is My Wish

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To Love God Is My Wish

I lived in a bleak world, never knowing truth. I read the Almighty's word and now I know the meaning of life. What a great surprise, Christ brings light to the world. From His judgement I've found the path to eternal life. I treasure God's word, I treasure God's truth. How precious truth is! Bathed in God's fountain of life. To love God is my wish, for eternity it's what I will do. To love God is my wish, I really want to. Hallelujah!

The Hymn of God's Word "How Important God’s Love for Man Is"

The Hymn of God's Word "How Important God’s Love for Man Is"

Accompaniment: The scene painted in the Bible “God’s command to Adam” is both touching and heartwarming. Although the picture contains only God and man, the relationship between the two is so intimate we start to feel wonder, wonder and admiration.
1. God’s love overflowing is freely given to man, God’s love is around him. Man, innocent and pure, without a care to tie him down, lives in bliss in the eyes of God. God takes care of man, and man lives under His wings. All that man does, all his words and deeds, are bound up with God, can’t be apart.
2. From the first moment God created the human race, God had them in His charge. What kind of charge is that? It’s for Him to protect man and to watch over man. He hopes for man to trust in, to trust in and obey His words. This was the first thing God expected of the human race.

103 Yesterday’s Resistance, Today’s Remorse

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Wei Shuyao

Xinyi City, Jiangsu Province

I was formerly a leader’s assistant in the Justification by Faith Church. I had believed in Jesus for over twenty years and been trained in a theological seminary, so I was very much looked up to by the brothers and sisters in our churches. We were in charge of over thirty churches and had contact with the churches in Beijing, Guangdong, Shandong, Hubei, and other places. The churches had been very prosperous a few years before, but somehow they turned more and more desolate in recent years. The believers became fewer and fewer, and many of them were converted to “Eastern Lightning,” and even some leaders who had believed in God for many years were “deceived.” I had long since heard that those of “Eastern Lightning” were very aggressive and that they did nothing but steal “sheep” from churches. To protect the “sheep,” I racked my brains and took many precautions in our churches, but all in vain. Seeing that the number in our churches decreased, I felt more and more hatred for those who preached “Eastern Lightning.”

130 Almighty God’s Word Conquered My Hardened Heart

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God, Church
Almighty God's Word Conquered My Hardened Heart | GOSPEL OF THE DESCENT OF KINGDOM

Almighty God’s Word Conquered My Hardened Heart

Fan Ni

Rizhao City, Shandong Province

In autumn of 2001, I went back home for the National Day holiday. Before I arrived at home, I heard from a classmate that now there was a very powerful “heresy” called the “Eastern Lightning,” and my mother had been “deceived” by it for seven months. At the news, I was overwhelmed with anxiety, and I hurried to my uncle’s home (who was a preacher I adored). Before I asked anything about my mother, he said to me, “Your mother has accepted the ‘Eastern Lightning,’ and she runs around outside all day long. She went to the brothers’ and sisters’ homes to preach the gospel and even didn’t leave when they drove her. She has really disgraced me. Brothers and sisters in the church all came to ask me what to do with her, and I said to them that I didn’t acknowledge her as my sister anymore, she had been expelled by the church, and they could just drive her away. I heard that those people had discarded the Bible but read a so-called little scroll. That book is very powerful. Once you read it, you will be captivated. Do be careful, Xiao-ni. You must stand the ground. Though she is your mother, this is about belief. That doesn’t count…” Every word of my uncle pierced my heart, and I couldn’t help feeling nervous. “So it is true that the ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a heresy! Otherwise, how could my uncle speak about my mother in that way? How could my mother become like this now? Is it really true that she refused to leave others’ homes even when they drove her? …” I was sad and frightened. How I hoped that my uncle could draw her back! But from his words, I could know that my mother was already “irredeemable.” At that time, I just wanted to go home quickly to see my mother.