The Church of Almighty God | The mystery of the universe which is unfathomable to everyone has been revealed

The Church of Almighty God |The mystery of the universe which is unfathomable to everyone has been revealed

Listen to the voice of His heart. The Creator is not far away from us


A Classic Documentary Film of The Christian Church
Take you to discover the Mysteries of God's salvation works
A brand new vision, A brand new knowledge
To witness the Amazing works from
The Only God

 -----The Almighty God

Stay Tuned.........👍👍👍👍
The mercy of God, Lord Jesus brought the Age of Grace, the documentary present by the Church of Almighty God
The mercy of God, Lord Jesus brought the age of Grace, the documentary present by the Church of Almighty God

This is a time full of mercy, love, tolerance, blessing, forbearance and patience, so we call this new era the Age of Grace. People have but to accept the Lord Jesus as the Savior for their sins to be forgiven, and to enjoy the abundant grace and blessings that come from God.
Lord Jesus came for redemption, Sin offers, carry the cross for mankind
Lord Jesus came for redemption, Sin offers, carry the cross for mankind

People have but to accept the Lord Jesus as the Savior for their sins to be forgiven, and to enjoy the abundant grace and blessings that come from God. Such graces not only bring people closer to God, but also rescue them from their enslavement to sin.
The crucifixion, Lord Jesus acts as the sin offer, the gospel movie present by Eastern Lightning
The crucifixion, Lord Jesus acts as the sin offer, the gospel movie present by Eastern Lightning 

    The Lord Jesus acts as a sin offering, man’s sins are forgiven, people do not need to sacrifice burnt offerings, they have no need of the priests’ message of God, much less are they constrained by the law. Each and every person can come before God.
Lord Jesus finish His work, The Renascence of Lord Jesus, Almighty God is the second coming of  Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus finish His work, The Renascence of Lord Jesus, Almighty God is the second coming of Lord Jesus

      The Lord Jesus said to Thomas: “Reach here your finger, and behold my hands; and reach here your hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. … because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” (Jhn 20:27, 29).
      Eastern Lightning, Christ of the last days, Almighty God, is the reappearance of the Lord Jesus. Almighty God has expressed all the truths of purifying and saving man. The judgment before the great white throne has begun. God's sheep hear God's voice. Many of those who sincerely long for God's appearance have come before God's throne after hearing God's voice. Brothers and sisters, are you willing to attend the feast of the Lamb? The gate of The Church of Almighty God is open to all those who long for the truth and seek the true way. Feel free to message us if you have any questions.

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