The Church of Almighty God | Friendship Gathering Held by Christians of The Church of Almighty God Wins Widespread Acclaim

Friendship Gathering Held by Christians of The Church of Almighty God Wins Widespread Acclaim

On December 19, 2017, Christians of The Church of Almighty God organized a distinctive friendship gathering and invited staff and volunteers from the Il giardino degli aromi organization, Zona 8 Solidale association and Naga organization as well as local human rights lawyers to attend, with approximately 60 people there. During the event, Christians of The Church of Almighty God not only showed video recordings and photos taken as mementos of them participating in a variety of human rights events, religious events and charity events, but also performed wonderful songs and dance performances for the participants.

      Their sincerity and faith won praise from the distinguished guests and attracted attention and praise from local people and some organizations. This event raised awareness among participants about The Church of Almighty God and enhanced friendships between them.
      Eastern Lightning, Christ of the last days, Almighty God, is the reappearance of the Lord Jesus. Almighty God has expressed all the truths of purifying and saving man. The judgment before the great white throne has begun. God's sheep hear God's voice. Many of those who sincerely long for God's appearance have come before God's throne after hearing God's voice. Brothers and sisters, are you willing to attend the feast of the Lamb? The gate of The Church of Almighty God is open to all those who long for the truth and seek the true way. Feel free to message us if you have any questions.

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