Showing posts with label Almighty God’s salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almighty God’s salvation. Show all posts

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

the bible,  the church of almighty god
pictures of the church of almighty god 

VI Questions and Answers About Salvation and Final Salvation

Question 1: The Bible says, “For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation” (Romans 10: 10). We’ve been saved through our faith in Jesus Christ. Remember: Once saved, always saved. When He comes, we will enter the kingdom of heaven.
Answer: “Once saved, one is always saved and will enter the kingdom of heaven.” This is how we interpret God’s work. But it is totally against God’s word. Lord Jesus never said one can enter the kingdom of heaven after being saved by faith, but that only he who does the will of the heavenly Father will enter. Only the word of Lord Jesus is the authority and the truth.

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

 the church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, Church,

picture the church of Almighty God

V Questions and Answers About Requirements for Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Question 4: All of us have believed in the Lord for many years, and have always followed the example of Paul in our work for the Lord. We have been faithful to the name and way of the Lord, and the crown of righteousness surely awaits us. Today, we need only focus on working hard for the Lord, and watching for His return. Only thus, can we be taken into the kingdom of heaven. Because it is said in the Bible, “for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me” (Isaiah 49:23). We believe the Lord’s promise: He will take us into the kingdom of heaven at His return. Could there really be anything wrong with practicing in this way?

Soul Searching | Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories”

     Fan Guoyi was an elder of a house church in China. In his over twenty years of service, he always emulated Paul, sacrificing for the Lord zealously and working hard. He firmly believed that he was doing the will of the heavenly Father by pursuing that way and he would surely be raptured to the kingdom of heaven at the return of the Lord. However, when Almighty God’s salvation of the last days came upon him, he clung to his notions, rejecting, resisting, and condemning it time and time again…. Later, after several debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God, Fan Guoyi finally woke up. He truly understood the meaning of doing the will of the heavenly Father and the way of pursuing to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven….
At every thought of the past, the memories were stinging in his heart….