I Was Saved by Almighty God During My Opposition to Him

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Prayer
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Prayer

16 I Was Saved by Almighty God During My Opposition to Him

Shang Hui

Handan City, Hebei Province

I was formerly a worker of the Way of Life Church, and was often sent to various places to preach. Later, I strayed into the way of the Pharisees, the way of opposing God. It was Almighty God who awakened my heart and so I was saved.

I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

19 I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

Xie Qiang

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

I was formerly the president of a mission of the “China Gospel Fellowship” in the Pentecostal Church. Since 1997, there had been people preaching Almighty God’s work of the last days to me many times, but I always stopped them before they finished their words and said, “I may receive you when you come to preach a male Christ. But if you still preach that your God is a female, then don’t come! You say God has come, but how come I haven’t seen Him? Have you seen Him?” Every time I met the brothers and sisters who testified God’s work of the last days, I always rebuffed them with these words.

Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus

2 Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus

Wang Yang

Guichi City, Anhui Province

I was formerly a leader of the Justification by Faith Church in the city of Guichi. Before I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, I, like all brothers and sisters, had been eagerly expecting the Lord Jesus’ coming again. But because of the constant “warnings” from the senior leader above and the biblical verse that there will surely appear many false Christs in the last days, I became one who resisted and condemned God’s work of the last days. Thinking of these, I feel very guilty. Now, I will tell brothers and sisters my personal experience, hoping that brothers and sisters will learn a lesson from it and come back to God’s family soon.

Why Is the Religious World Always Frantically Resisting and Condemning God’s New Work?

Lord jesus, jesus, cross
Lord jesus, jesus, cross
The two times that God has become flesh to walk the earth and carry out the work of saving man He has been met with the utmost resistance, condemnation and frantic persecution from leaders in the religious world, a fact that has puzzled and even shocked people: Why is it that every time God unfolds a stage of new work He is always met with this kind of treatment? Why is it that those who most frantically and aggressively resist God are the religious leaders who read the Bible over and over again and who have served God for many years? Why is it that those religious leaders that people see as being the most devout, the most faithful and the most obedient to God are actually unable to be compatible with God, and instead are always acting perverse and being enemies of God? Could it be that God made a mistake in His work? Could it be that God’s actions are not amenable to reason?

To Give Credence to Rumor Is to Lose God’s Salvation of the Last Days

 the church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, Church,
the bible , christian

Whenever they hear someone talking about Almighty God’s gospel of the last days, many brothers and sisters within the church are unable to listen and don’t dare accept what is said because they have been startled by sensationalized rumor. They might hear someone say: “Those who believe in Almighty God are really something, you’ll be deceived if you get in contact with them. There are many true believers among every religious sect and they have good inner qualities, they are lambs who love the truth but they are being stolen by believers in Almighty God …”

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

the bible,  the church of almighty god
pictures of the church of almighty god 

VI Questions and Answers About Salvation and Final Salvation

Question 1: The Bible says, “For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation” (Romans 10: 10). We’ve been saved through our faith in Jesus Christ. Remember: Once saved, always saved. When He comes, we will enter the kingdom of heaven.
Answer: “Once saved, one is always saved and will enter the kingdom of heaven.” This is how we interpret God’s work. But it is totally against God’s word. Lord Jesus never said one can enter the kingdom of heaven after being saved by faith, but that only he who does the will of the heavenly Father will enter. Only the word of Lord Jesus is the authority and the truth.

The Sighing of the Almighty | Eastern Lightning

Smiley face

The Hymn of God's Word The Sighing of the Almighty

 Ah … ah …
     I The Almighty looks around at the mankind deeply afflicted. He hears the wailing of those who suffer, sees the shamelessness of those afflicted, and feels the dread and helplessness of the mankind who's lost salvation. They reject His care, walk their own path, and avoid the searching of His eyes. They'd rather taste all the pains of the deep sea, along with the enemy. They'd rather taste all the pains of the deep sea, along with the enemy. The sighing of the Almighty can no more be heard by any one. The hands of the Almighty no longer want to touch, His hands no longer want to touch this miserable mankind. Ah … ah …
     II Time and again, regaining and losing. He keeps repeating His work in this way. Time and again, regaining and losing. He keeps repeating His work in this way. From that moment, He gets weary and tired of this, so He stops the work in His hand, no longer wandering among man. … No one has ever perceived all these, no one has ever perceived all these changes. No one is aware of the disappointment and sorrow, the coming and going of the Almighty.

V Questions and Answers About Requirements for Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven | Eastern Lightning

 the church of almighty god, Eastern lightning, Church
pictures of the church of almighty god
Question 6: We can set aside all things to spread the gospel and shepherd the church. Such toil and labor is doing the will of our heavenly Father. Is there any wrong in the way we carry this out?
Answer: We can spread the Lord’s gospel and toil and labor, but this does not mean we’re doing the will of our heavenly Father. Truly doing the heavenly Father’s will is following His words and commandments, and doing our duty according to His requirements. Just like what the Lord Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like to it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

 the church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, Church,

picture the church of Almighty God

V Questions and Answers About Requirements for Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Question 4: All of us have believed in the Lord for many years, and have always followed the example of Paul in our work for the Lord. We have been faithful to the name and way of the Lord, and the crown of righteousness surely awaits us. Today, we need only focus on working hard for the Lord, and watching for His return. Only thus, can we be taken into the kingdom of heaven. Because it is said in the Bible, “for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me” (Isaiah 49:23). We believe the Lord’s promise: He will take us into the kingdom of heaven at His return. Could there really be anything wrong with practicing in this way?

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

church,  the church of almighty god,
pictuers of the church of almighty god 

I Questions and Answers About the Church Desolation

Question 1: For years, we feel an emptiness in our church. We’ve lost the faith and love we had at the start, and become weaker and negative. The preachers sometimes feel lost and don’t know what to talk about. We feel we’ve lost the work of the Holy Spirit. We’ve looked everywhere for a church with the Holy Spirit’s work, but every church we see is as desolate as our own. Why are so many churches hungry and desolate?

Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom Selections

he church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, Church,

picture the church of Almighty God

I Questions and Answers About the Church Desolation

Question 2: Just now we talked about some lawless acts. So, what specific acts are increasing lawlessness?
Answer: More lawlessness means mostly that religious leaders, pastors, and elders go against God’s will, and go their own way. They don’t obey God’s commandments, misinterpret the Bible to shackle, control, and deceive people, drowning them in biblical theology, taking them further away from God, turning churches into places of religious ritual, and they treat their responsibilities and duties as access to status and job, which leads to many hypocritical acts that resist God in the church. Many people have exposed their unbelieving viewpoints. They pursue worldly pleasures, depart from the way of the Lord, and even treat God’s words as mere myth. They do not believe at all that the Lord Jesus will come again to speak and do work. Especially religious leaders without any fear of God in their hearts, and all kinds of evil men and unbelievers who do not love the truth are exposed, openly committing evil acts, denying God’s work of the last days, and rejecting the truth. Those religious pastors and elders primarily preach biblical knowledge and theology.

The Seven Thunders Roll | Eastern Lightning

Smiley face

The Hymn of God's Word The Seven Thunders Roll 

     I The seven thunders roll, shaking up the world, rending through the sky, changing heaven and earth. Piercing is the sound. Where can man run and hide? Heaven and earth are changed by thunder and lightning. Man lies dying. A fierce storm rolls in across the universe, fast as thunderbolt; heavy rain pours in. Each corner of the earth is bathed in this storm and nothing impure remains, oh, oh. The whole world is washed and nothing unclean stands. Who can hide from the stormy rain? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. When destruction comes, all enemies will fall, defeated helpless into the raging torrent. They're swiftly taken to their deserved end, defeated hopeless, rushed away to their death.

Our God Reigns as King | The Church of Almighty God

hymn, the church of almigthy god

The Hymn of God's Word Our God Reigns as King 

God almighty, Father everlasting, Prince of Peace, our God reigns as King over all!
     I Almighty God, Almighty God, Father everlasting, Prince of Peace, our God reigns as King over all! Almighty God's feet on the Mount of Olives, on the Mount of Olives. How beautiful! Come and listen! We the watchmen lift our voices up, lift our voices up, sing together, for to Zion God has returned. We have seen with our own eyes the desolation of Jerusalem! Burst out together in songs of joy, for God has comforted us, He has redeemed Jerusalem. In the sight of all nations, God has bared His holy arm, appeared as He truly is. God's salvation is seen at earth's far ends.