Showing posts with label seeking God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seeking God. Show all posts

Hymns of God's Word | God Will Restore the Former State of Creation

Hymns of God's Word | God Will Restore the Former State of Creation

With His words going deep, God watches the universe.
All creations are made new based on the words of God.
Heaven’s changing, earth is too, man is showing what he really is.
When God created the world, all things were after their kind,
so was everything with a visible form.

"Who Is Capable of Knowing God When He Comes?"

English Gospel Song | "Who Is Capable of Knowing God When He Comes?"

Intro In God’s eyes, man is the ruler of all things. God has given them lots of authority, allowing them to manage all things on earth, grass on mountains, creatures in woods, fish in the seas.

Verse 1 Yet instead of all this making man happy, man is beset by lots of anxiety. Their whole life’s filled with anguish, rushing about. Nothing’s new, and fun adds to what is empty.

Breaking Free From Shackles and Returning to the Presence of God

God's words, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
reading God's words


Christian's Testimony | Breaking Free From Shackles and Returning to the Presence of God

By Yongyuan, USA

In November of 1982, our whole family emigrated to the USA. Because our family had been faithful to the Lord since the generation of my grandfather, we quickly found a Chinese church in Chinatown, New York where we could attend mass after we arrived in the United States. We never missed a single mass since we started attending, and my mother and elder sister were especially good about reading the scriptures whenever they had time to seek the Lord’s blessing.

On Quieting Your Heart Before God

The Word of Almighty God | On Quieting Your Heart Before God

Quieting your heart in God’s presence is the most crucial step for entering into God’s words, and is a lesson that all humanity urgently needs to enter at present. The paths by which you enter into quieting your heart before God are:
1. Withdraw your heart from external things, be quiet before God, and pray to God with an undivided heart.
2. With your heart quiet before God, eat, drink, and enjoy God’s words.
3. Meditate on and contemplate God’s love and ponder God’s work in your heart.

The Appearance of God Has Ushered in a New Age

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's words
Almighty God's word

Message From God | The Appearance of God Has Ushered in a New Age

God’s six-thousand-year plan of management is coming to an end, and the gate of the kingdom has already been opened to all those who seek His appearance. Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? What is it that you seek? Are you waiting for God to appear? Are you searching for His footprints? How one yearns for the appearance of God! And how difficult it is to find God’s footprints! In an age such as this, in a world such as this, what must we do to witness the day on which God appears? What must we do to keep pace with the footsteps of God? Questions of this kind are faced by all those who are waiting for God to appear.

Keep the Faith | Christian Movie Trailer "The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation"

Keep the Faith | Christian Movie Trailer "The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation"

Jiang Xinyi and other Christians were arrested by the CCP government; they brutally torture the Christians in order to seize the church's funds and arrest more church leaders. Then, to force them to renounce their faith, they launch one brainwashing offensive after another, but with the guidance of God's words, they are able to overcome the torture and all of Satan's trickery. They rely on the truth to engage in a fierce battle with the CCP government …

God Gave Me a Second Life | Christian Movie | "From the Jaws of Death" | A True Christian Story

God Gave Me a Second Life | Religious Persecution Movies | "From the Jaws of Death" | A True Christian Story

Liu Zhen, 78 years old, is a typical rural housewife. After believing in God, she felt unparalleled joy from reading His words and singing songs of praise to Him every day, and frequently gathering with her brothers and sisters to fellowship on the truth. … However, good things never last. She is arrested and persecuted by the Chinese Communist government, putting her in a terrible predicament. The police take her to the police station for interrogation three times, and warn her not to believe in God any longer.

I Nearly Became the False Christ’s Funeral Gift

seeking God, the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Seeking God's words

I Nearly Became the False Christ’s Funeral Gift

Zou Honglan

Yantai City, Shandong Province

I was formerly a leader of the “Hua Xuehe sect.” I had held such a belief: The Trinity (that is, the holy father Hua Xuehe, the holy son Guo XX, and the holy spirit Bi XX) are the true God, our belief is different from others’, only the “triune” God we believe in is to fulfill the whole Bible, and all the other denominations and sects will stream to our church in the future. Those who believe in our way all have the “moving” (the twitching of the flesh), which is the foreseeing that money can’t buy. When you need help and pray for this moving, it will answer you. How marvelous!

It Was Too Late for Him to Repent on His Deathbed

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Testimony

It Was Too Late for Him to Repent on His Deathbed

Zhu Honghong

Haiyang City, Shandong Province

Almighty God says: “… if man has a heart that truly yearns for God, then he will not be abandoned by God. Man fails to gain God not because God has emotion, or because God is unwilling to be gained by man, but because man does not want to gain God, and because man does not urgently seek God. How could one of those who truly seeks God be cursed by God? How could one of sound sense and sensitive conscience be cursed by God?

Gospel Movie Clip (3) - Christians' Incredible Rebuttals to the CCP's Rumors and Slander

Gospel Movie Clip (3) - Christians' Incredible Rebuttals to the CCP's Rumors and Slander

In order to deceive Christians into betraying God and giving up their faith, the CCP has openly blasphemed both Christ of the last days and the Lord Jesus, saying that They are both average people and are not God incarnate. The CCP has maligned Christians as merely believing in a person, and not God. It has also spread the rumor that The Church of Almighty God was created by a person just because the man who is used by God is the one who runs all the administrative affairs of the church.

You Ought to Live for the Truth Since You Believe in God

The common problem that exists in all men is that they understand the truth but cannot put it into practice. One factor is that man is unwilling to pay the price, and the other is that man’s discernment is too inadequate; he is unable to see past many of the difficulties that exist in real life and knows not how to appropriately practice. As man has too little experience, poor caliber, and limited understanding of the truth, he is unable to resolve the difficulties he encounters in life. He can only pay lip service to his faith in God, yet is unable to bring God into his everyday life. In other words, God is God, and life is life, as if man has no relationship with God in his life. That is what all men believe. Such manner of faith in God will not allow man to be gained and perfected by Him in reality. In truth, it is not that the word of God is incomplete, but rather that the ability of man to receive His word is simply inadequate. It can be said that almost no man acts according to God’s intentions.

To Have an Unchanged Disposition Is to Be in Enmity to God

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's work
the picture of the Church of Almighty God

To Have an Unchanged Disposition Is to Be in Enmity to God

After several thousand years of corruption, man has become numb and dull-witted, a demon that opposes God, to the extent that man’s rebelliousness toward God has been documented in the books of history, and even man himself is incapable of giving a full account of his rebellious behavior—for man has been profoundly corrupted by Satan, and has been led astray by Satan that he knows not where to turn. Even today, man still betrays God: When man sees God, he betrays Him, and when he cannot see God, so too does he betray Him. There are even those who, having witnessed God’s curses and God’s wrath, still betray Him.

Classic Words of Almighty God on the Gospel of the Kingdom (Selections)

You Should Seek the Way of Compatibility With Christ

I have done much work among man, and the words I have expressed during this time have been many. These words are for the sake of man’s salvation, and were expressed so that man might become compatible with Me. Yet I have gained only a few people on earth who are compatible with Me, and so I say that man does not treasure My words, for man is not compatible with Me. In this way, the work I do is not merely so that man can worship Me; more importantly, it is so that man can be compatible with Me. People, who have been corrupted, all live in Satan’s trap, they live in the flesh, live in selfish desires, and there is not a single one among them who is compatible with Me.

What are the wise virgins? What are the foolish virgins?

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, seeking God
seeking God

What are the wise virgins? What are the foolish virgins?

Relevant Words of God:
In the past, people have made predictions of “five wise virgins, five foolish virgins”; although the prediction is not accurate, it is not entirely wrong, so I can give you some explanation. Five wise virgins and five foolish virgins certainly do not both represent the number of people, nor do they represent one type of people respectively. Five wise virgins mean the number of people, five foolish virgins represent one type of people, but these two things are not the firstborn sons, they represent creation.

A Hundred Questions and Answers on Investigating the True Way

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's words
the work of Almighty God

 Regarding the Lord’s return, the Bible very clearly records, “But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” (Mak 13:32). If you are saying that the Lord Jesus has already returned, how would you know?

The Answer from God’s Word:
At the break of dawn, unbeknownst to any, God came to earth and began His life in the flesh. People were unaware of this moment. Maybe they were all fast asleep, maybe many who were watchfully awake were waiting, and maybe many were praying silently to God in heaven. Yet among all these many people, not one knew that God had already arrived on earth.
from “Work and Entry (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Meeting the Lord Again

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, gospel
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, gospel

Meeting the Lord Again

Jianding, USA
I was born into a Catholic family, and from an early age my mother taught me to read the Bible. At the time, the Chinese Communist Party was re-building the nation after the civil war, and as the CCP was suppressing all religions, I was 20 years old before I finally got the chance to go to church and listen to sermons. The priest often said to us: “We Catholics must properly confess our sins and repent. We must do good, not evil, and always go to Mass.