Showing posts with label God's return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's return. Show all posts

"Who Is Capable of Knowing God When He Comes?"

English Gospel Song | "Who Is Capable of Knowing God When He Comes?"

Intro In God’s eyes, man is the ruler of all things. God has given them lots of authority, allowing them to manage all things on earth, grass on mountains, creatures in woods, fish in the seas.

Verse 1 Yet instead of all this making man happy, man is beset by lots of anxiety. Their whole life’s filled with anguish, rushing about. Nothing’s new, and fun adds to what is empty.

A Hymn of Almighty God's Words | The Movement of God's Work in the Universe

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A Hymn of Almighty God's Words | The Movement of God's Work in the Universe

People on earth will yield to God, obedient as the angels are, no wish to oppose or rebel; this is God's work throughout the world.

God has been with man for years, no one's ever been aware, no one's ever known Him; now God's words tell them He is here. He asks man to come before Him, so they can receive gifts from Him. Yet man still keeps his distance; no wonder no one knows Him.