Showing posts with label Betrayal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Betrayal. Show all posts

Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work | A Very Serious Problem: Betrayal (1)

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word

A Very Serious Problem: Betrayal (1)

My work is about to be complete. The many years we have spent together have become unbearable memories of the past. I have continued to repeat My words and have not stopped progressing in My new work. Of course, My advice is a necessary component in each piece of work that I do. Without My counsel, you will all go astray and be even more at a loss. My work is now about to finish and come to an end; I still want to do some work in providing counsel, that is, to offer some words of advice for you to listen to. I only hope you will not waste My painstaking efforts and moreover, that you can understand all the care and thought I have expended, treating My words as the foundation of how you behave as a human being. Whether it be words you are willing to listen to or not, whether it be words you enjoy accepting or accept uncomfortably, you must take them seriously. Otherwise, your casual and unconcerned dispositions and demeanors will really upset Me and, even more, disgust Me. I very much hope that all of you can read My words over and over again—thousands of times—and even know them by heart. Only that way can you not fail My expectations of you. However, none of you are living like this now. On the contrary, all of you are immersed in a debauched life of eating and drinking your fill, and none of you use My words to enrich your hearts and souls. This is the reason I have concluded that mankind’s true face is one that will always betray Me and no one can be absolutely faithful to My words.