Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work | A Very Serious Problem: Betrayal (1)

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word

A Very Serious Problem: Betrayal (1)

My work is about to be complete. The many years we have spent together have become unbearable memories of the past. I have continued to repeat My words and have not stopped progressing in My new work. Of course, My advice is a necessary component in each piece of work that I do. Without My counsel, you will all go astray and be even more at a loss. My work is now about to finish and come to an end; I still want to do some work in providing counsel, that is, to offer some words of advice for you to listen to. I only hope you will not waste My painstaking efforts and moreover, that you can understand all the care and thought I have expended, treating My words as the foundation of how you behave as a human being. Whether it be words you are willing to listen to or not, whether it be words you enjoy accepting or accept uncomfortably, you must take them seriously. Otherwise, your casual and unconcerned dispositions and demeanors will really upset Me and, even more, disgust Me. I very much hope that all of you can read My words over and over again—thousands of times—and even know them by heart. Only that way can you not fail My expectations of you. However, none of you are living like this now. On the contrary, all of you are immersed in a debauched life of eating and drinking your fill, and none of you use My words to enrich your hearts and souls. This is the reason I have concluded that mankind’s true face is one that will always betray Me and no one can be absolutely faithful to My words.

“Man has been so corrupted by Satan that he no longer has the appearance of man.” This phrase has now gained slight recognition from the vast majority of people. It is so said because the “recognition” here is merely superficial acknowledgment as opposed to true knowledge. As none of you can accurately evaluate or thoroughly dissect yourselves, you always half-believe, half-doubt My words. But this time I am using facts to explain a most serious problem you have, and that is betrayal. All of you are familiar with the word “betrayal” because most people have done something to betray others before, such as a husband betraying his wife, a wife betraying her husband, a son betraying his father, a daughter betraying her mother, a slave betraying his master, friends betraying each other, relatives betraying each other, sellers betraying buyers, and so forth. All of these examples contain the essence of betrayal. In short, betrayal is a form of behavior in which one breaks a promise, violates moral principles, or goes against human ethics, and which demonstrates a loss of humanity. As a human being, no matter if you remember you have ever done something to betray another or if you have already betrayed others many times, generally speaking, if you are born in this world then you have done something to betray the truth. If you are capable of betraying your parents or friends then you are capable of betraying others, and moreover you are capable of betraying Me and doing things that I despise. In other words, betrayal is not just a form of immoral behavior on the surface, but it is something that conflicts with the truth. This kind of thing is precisely the source of mankind’s resistance and disobedience toward Me. This is why I have summarized it in the following statement: Betrayal is man’s nature. This nature is the natural enemy of each person being compatible with Me.
Behavior that cannot absolutely obey Me is betrayal. Behavior that cannot be loyal to Me is betrayal. Cheating Me and using lies to deceive Me is betrayal. Being full of notions and spreading them everywhere is betrayal. Not protecting My testimonies and interests is betrayal. Faking a smile when one has left Me in their heart is betrayal. These behaviors are all things that you are always capable of, and they are also commonplace among you. None of you may think that’s a problem, but that’s not what I think. I cannot treat betraying Me as a trifling matter, and moreover I cannot ignore it. I am working among you now but you are still this way. If one day there is no one there to care about and watch over you, won’t you all become kings of the hill?[a] By then, who will clean up the mess after you when you cause a huge catastrophe? You might think that some acts of betrayal are just an occasional thing rather than persistent behavior, and should not be brought up in such a serious manner, causing you to lose face. If you really believe that, then you are lacking in sensibility. The more one thinks this way, the more they are an archetype of rebellion. Man’s nature is their life, it is a principle that they rely on in order to survive, and they are unable to change it. Just like the nature of betrayal—if you can do something to betray a relative or friend, this proves that it is part of your life and the nature that you were born with. This is something nobody can deny. For example, if a person likes to steal other people’s things, then this “liking to steal” is a part of their life. It’s just that sometimes they steal, and other times they don’t. Regardless of whether they steal or not, it cannot prove that their stealing is just a type of behavior. Rather, it proves that their stealing is a part of their life, that is, their nature. Some people will ask: Since it is their nature, then why is it that they sometimes see nice things but don’t steal them? The answer is very simple. There are many reasons why they don’t steal, such as if the item is too large for them to snatch away under watchful eyes, or there is no suitable time to act, or the item is too expensive, guarded too tightly, or they’re not particularly interested in such a nice thing, or they haven’t yet thought of a use for it, and so forth. All of these reasons are possible. But no matter what, whether they steal it or not, this cannot prove that this thought only flashes inside them momentarily. On the contrary, this is a part of their nature that is hard to renew. Such a person is not satisfied with stealing just once, but thoughts of claiming others’ things as their own are activated whenever they encounter something nice or a suitable situation. That is why I say that this thought is not picked up every now and then, but comes from this person’s own nature.
Anyone can use their own words and actions to represent their true face. This true face is of course their nature. If you are someone who speaks in a very roundabout manner, then you have a crooked nature. If your nature is very cunning, then the way you do things is very slick and sly, and you make it very easy for people to be tricked by you. If your nature is very sinister, your words might be pleasant to listen to, but your actions cannot cover up your sinister means. If your nature is very lazy, then everything you say is all aimed at shirking blame and responsibility for your perfunctoriness and laziness, and your actions will be very slow and perfunctory, and very good at covering up the truth. If your nature is very empathetic, then your words will be reasonable and your actions will also very much conform with the truth. If your nature is very loyal, then your words must be sincere and the way you do things must be down to earth, without much to make your master distrust you. If your nature is very lustful or greedy for money, then your heart will often be filled by these things and you will unwittingly do some deviant, immoral things that will make it hard for people to forget and moreover will disgust them. Just as I have said, if you have a nature of betrayal then you can hardly extricate yourself from it. Don’t trust to luck that you don’t have a nature of betrayal just because you haven’t wronged anyone. If that’s what you think then you are too revolting. The words I have spoken each time are targeted at all people, not just one person or a type of person. Just because you have not betrayed Me on one thing does not prove that you cannot betray Me on anything else. Some people lose their confidence in seeking the truth during setbacks in their marriage. Some people forsake their obligation to be loyal to Me during a family breakdown. Some people abandon Me for the sake of seeking a moment of joy and excitement. Some people would rather fall into a dark ravine than live in the light and gain the delight of the work of the Holy Spirit. Some people ignore the advice of friends for the sake of satisfying their lust for wealth, and even now cannot acknowledge their mistakes and turn around. Some people only live temporarily under My name in order to receive My protection, while others only devote a little because they cling to life and fear death. Aren’t these and other immoral and moreover undignified actions just behaviors in which people have long betrayed Me deep in their hearts? Of course, I know people’s betrayal was not planned in advance, but it is a natural revelation of their nature. Nobody wants to betray Me, and moreover nobody is happy because they have done something to betray Me. On the contrary, they are trembling with fear, right? So are you thinking about how you can redeem these betrayals, and how you can change the current situation?
a. A Chinese saying, the literal meaning of which is “bandits that occupy the mountains and declare themselves as kings.”

Read more: Almighty God Brings Salvation of the Last Days

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