The Two Works All Churches Must Do Well

The Church of Almighty God |The Two Works All Churches Must Do Well

A. Principles for Church’s Distribution of Books
1. Ordinary believers who don’t pursue the truth in the church are only to be distributed five books: The Word Appears in the Flesh, Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh, Utterances of Christ of the Last Days Selections (gospel book), Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs, and Testimonies of Experience of Christ’s Judgment. Ordinary believers who often attend meetings may be distributed two additional books: Practice and Exercises for Principled Behavior (162 Items of Principles) and Records of Christ’s Talks.
2. People with a good humanity who pursue the truth are to be distributed the whole set of books. As long as they need them and love reading them, the books should be made fully available. Ordinary believers account for at least one-third of church-goers—these people are only to be given five books. It’s considered good if people who pursue the truth account for half church-goers, meaning any particular church will only need to have enough whole sets of books to distribute to half its people. This ratio must be grasped properly.
B. Watering Work Following Preaching of Gospels Must Keep Pace
Due to the rapid development of gospel expansion work, there are more and more people seeking the true way and joining the church. Accordingly, the watering work following the preaching of gospels must not lag behind. As the understanding of the truth by most followers across the various churches is very shallow, the number of people who can perform watering work on new followers is also relatively small. Therefore, the work of watering new followers must adopt the following two measures:
1. Lend Books to New Followers as the First Step
a. All those with a good humanity who are willing to investigate the true way and have good caliber can first be lent four books: Utterances of Christ of the Last Days Selections, Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs, Witnesses for Christ of the Last Days, and God’s Sheep Hear the Voice of God (New Believer Essentials).
b. People with a relatively bad humanity who don’t pursue the truth much can only be lent two books: Utterances of Christ of the Last Days Selections and Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs.
2. People with a relatively good humanity, who pursue the truth more and have good caliber are to be distributed four types of CDs free of charge:
a. A selection of recitations of God’s word most suitable for new followers must be made into a universal new follower CD (or saved onto a memory card).
b. A selection of hymns of God’s word and hymns of life experience most suitable for new followers must be made into a universal new follower CD (or saved onto a memory card).
c. A selection of sermons and fellowship most suitable for new followers must be made into a universal new follower CD (or saved onto a memory card).
d. Gospel films and various kinds of videos should be made into a universal new follower CD (or saved onto a memory card).
The above two works of distributing books and CDs must be done well by all churches. This can alleviate the problem of having insufficient staff to water new followers. At the same time, it also enables new followers to make certain about the true way and put down roots as soon as possible through the supply they receive from the books and CDs. These two measures are therefore very crucial, and the preparation and supply work of the four books and four types of CDs must be done well by all churches.
November 19, 2012
Amended October 12, 2016
Source from: Eastern Lightning | Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of The Church of Almighty God

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