The Church of Almighty God | God’s Sheep Hear the Voice of God (New Believer Essentials)

Only Almighty God truly loves mankind, the kingdom, the creator
Only Almighty God truly loves mankind, the kingdom, the creator

Chapter 2 You Must Know the Truths of God’s Names

2. Why Is God Called by Different Names in Different Ages?

Relevant Words of God:

In each age, God does new work and is called by a new name; how could He do the same work in different ages? How could He cling to the old? The name of Jesus was taken for the work of redemption, so would He still be called by the same name when He returns in the last days? Would He still do the work of redemption? Why is it that Jehovah and Jesus are one, yet They are called by different names in different ages? Is it not because the ages of Their work are different? Could a single name represent God in His entirety? In this way, God must be called by a different name in a different age, must use the name to change the age and represent the age, for no one name can fully represent God Himself. And each name can only represent God’s disposition during a certain age and needs only to represent His work. Therefore, God can choose whatever name befits His disposition to represent the entire age.

The Church of Almighty God | Why Do We Live? And Why Do We Have to Die

From birth to death, Almighty God holds sovereignty of all, Gospel movie of the Church of Almighty God
From birth to death, Almighty God holds sovereignty of all, Gospel movie of the Church of Almighty God

                               One Will Return From Whence They Came 

@πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸ€πŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸ€πŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸ€πŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸ€πŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸ€πŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒΌ@              Throughout the ages, all people have followed the same laws of existence; from their first words to when their hair turns grey, they spend their whole lives rushing about, until they finally turn to dust …

The Church of Almighty God | Witnesses for Christ of the Last Days

The Church of Almighty God, prayer to Almighty God, worship Almighty God's words
The Church of Almighty God, prayer to Almighty God, worship Almighty God's words

XI. One Must Fellowship Clearly the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Relationship Between God and the Bible

6. Exactly how should one approach and use the Bible in a way that conforms to God’s will? What is the Bible’s original value?

Relevant Words of God:
Today, I am dissecting the Bible in this way and it does not mean that I hate it, or deny its value for reference. I am explaining the inherent value and origins of the Bible to you to stop you being kept in the dark. For people have so many views about the Bible, and most of them are wrong; reading the Bible in this way not only prevents them from gaining what they ought to, but, more important, it hinders the work I intend to do. It is a tremendous nuisance for the work of the future, and offers only drawbacks, not advantages. Thus, what I am teaching you is simply the substance and inside story of the Bible.

The Church of Almighty God | The Overcomers’ Testimonies

Christian arrested in China, prayer to Almighty God, faith in Almighty God
Christian arrested in China, prayer to Almighty God, faith in Almighty God

27. The Ordeal in the Devil’s Den Made Me Taste God’s Love More Deeply

Fenyong    Shanxi Province
From my childhood, I lived under my parents’ best care, but in my heart I often felt lonely without reliance, and there was always an unexplainable distress binding me, which I couldn’t get free from. I often asked myself, “Why does man live? How on earth should man live?” But I never got the answer. In 1999, I fortunately accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. From then on, under the feeding and supplying of God’s word, my lonely heart received comfort and I always had a feeling of returning home, feeling very peaceful and secure. Only then did I know what happiness is.

The Church of Almighty God | Why Do We Live? And Why Do We Have to Die

Why Do We Live? And Why Do We Have to Die?

Almighty God's word, the truth about life, salvation

God says: “Those who die take with them the stories of the living, and those who are living repeat the same tragic history of those who have died. And so mankind can’t help but ask itself: Why do we live? And why do we have to die? Who is in command of this world? And who created this mankind? Was mankind really created by Mother Nature? Is mankind really in control of its own fate?”

The Church of Almighty God | Witnesses for Christ of the Last Days

XI. One Must Fellowship Clearly the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Relationship Between God and the Bible

3. The Bible was compiled by man, not by God; the Bible cannot represent God.

Bible Verses for Reference:
Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life” (Jhn 5:39-40)
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me” (Jhn 14:6)

The Church of Almighty God | Praise the King of Kings | Gospel Music | "The Kingdom Anthem (II) God Is Come, God Is King"

Praise the King of Kings | Gospel Music | "The Kingdom Anthem (II) God Is Come, God Is King"

At this extraordinary moment, at this exhilarating time, in heaven above, and down below, all are singing, singing praises. At this, who is not excited? At this, who’s not light of heart? Facing this, who does not shed tears? Heaven, no more the heaven of old, is the heaven of the kingdom. Earth, no more the former earth, is a place of sanctity. After a mighty rain, the foul old world is completely changed. Mountains and waters are changing…

The Church of Almighty God | Witnesses for Christ of the Last Days

Holding the Holy Bible, preaching Gospel of Almighty God, seeking God's salvation
Holding the Holy Bible, preaching Gospel of Almighty God, seeking God's salvation

XI. One Must Fellowship Clearly the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Relationship Between God and the Bible

2. The religious world believes that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God and it is all the words of God; how should one have discernment toward this statement?

Relevant Words of God:
Not everything in the Bible is a record of the words personally spoken by God. The Bible simply documents the previous two stages of God’s work, of which one part is a record of the foretellings of the prophets, and one part is the experiences and knowledge written by people used by God throughout the ages. Human experiences are tainted with human opinions and knowledge, which is unavoidable.

The Church of Almighty God | How Was I Conquered by the Word of God

Almighty God use the word to accomplish all, Almighty God's word is endless, the kingdom praise
Almighty God use the word to accomplish all, Almighty God's word is endless, the kingdom praise

30 Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today

Chen Xing

Nanyang City, Henan Province

I was formerly a preacher of the “Praise Church.” Since May 1999, I had often heard the elders say, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a cult. Those people are together committing adultery. If you don’t obey them, they will cut off your ears, gouge out your eyes, or even cut your flesh into pieces. They will also trick you into going somewhere outside the town and shut you into a basement… These people are very crafty. They specially go to deceive people in various churches. If any stranger comes to our church, we must inspect him and verify his identity. If there is any flaw in it, he must be from the ‘Eastern Lightning.’ Then drive him away immediately…” So, I kept the elders’ “good words” in mind and went around telling the brothers and sisters not to accept the “Eastern Lightning,” and I also told them that it was the deception of Satan. When I myself met the preachers of the “Eastern Lightning,” I refused them all relentlessly, and I even told the brothers and sisters in what harsh ways I treated those preachers and how I drove them away so that they could learn from me. I, being so foolish, did many things resisting Almighty God. In the end, it was under Almighty God’s enlightenment and illumination that I woke up.

The Church of Almighty God | How Was I Conquered by the Word of God

Pray to Almighty God, Quiet one's heart before God, seeking God's word
Pray to Almighty God, Quiet one's heart before God, seeking God's word

17. Gossip Is a “Fearful” Thing

Li Zhong

Jiyuan City, Henan Province

Whenever I remember that in those gloomy days, I was fooled and deceived by satan and therefore dared not accept God’s new work, I even more loathe and abhor satan and all the schemes it employed.
At that time, my wife and I were both key co-workers of the Praise Church. In the meetings, we often heard our leader say, “People of ‘the Eastern Lightning’ are extremely vicious and full of wiles. They have a connection with the underworld. Once they fasten on you, if you don’t accept, they will harm you in secret. Several people will follow you secretly, suddenly bring you to the ground, and then break your legs with steel bars and run away. In other places there are many people whose ears have been cut off or eyes have been gouged out by them. Or they will buy you off with money, giving you eight or ten thousand yuan. Or they will give you whatever you lack. What’s more infuriating is that they are promiscuous, licentious and corrupt….” These appalling words scared us so much that we dared not go out, both feeling fear and detestation of “the Eastern Lightning.”

The Church of Almighty God | How to Know God Incarnate | Christian Song | "Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind"

How to Know God Incarnate | Christian Song | "Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind" 

      Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind Through the practical God’s word, man’s weaknesses and rebellions are judged and revealed. Then man receives what they need. They see that God has come into this human world. The work of the practical God intends to save everyone from Satan’s influence, rescue them from filth, from their disposition corrupted by Satan.

The Church of Almighty God | Witnesses for Christ of the Last Days

The Lord Jesus and the Bible, Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus,  the final salvation
The Lord Jesus and the Bible, Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus,  the final salvation

XI. One Must Fellowship Clearly the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Relationship Between God and the Bible

1. The Bible is only a record of God’s two stages of work in the Age of Law and the Age of Grace; it is not a record of the entirety of God’s work.

Bible Verses for Reference:
I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12-13).
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev 2:17).
“Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Rev 5:5).

The Church of Almighty God | How Was I Conquered by the Word of God

Pray to Almighty God, daily worship to Almighty God, Almighty God's Word
Pray to Almighty God, daily worship to Almighty God, Almighty God's Word

9. A Confession

Yang Xiaohui

Jiyuan City, Henan Province

I—a great sinner guilty beyond forgiveness!
Before God I have committed monstrous sins. I resisted the Almighty God’s end-time work by every possible means all along. I even condemned and blasphemed God’s flesh, burned up the book of the Almighty God’s word, and beat, abused, and insulted the brothers and sisters many times who preached God’s new work. However, the Almighty God, who is full of mercy and love, did not put me to death but stretched out his hand of salvation and gave me the opportunity to be saved. Today, facing God’s grace of salvation, I am in floods of tears and overwhelmed with sorrow and regret….