The Church of Almighty God | Practice and Exercises for Principled Behavior

the Choir of the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God is the practical God, worship to Almighty God
the Choir of the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God is the practical God, worship to Almighty God

22. Principles of Accepting and Obeying the Man Used by the Holy Spirit

1. In the work and affairs of the church, there must be total acquiescence to the man used by the Holy Spirit. This is the administrative arrangement of God.
2. You must accept and obey the leadership, watering, and shepherding of the man used by the Holy Spirit, and perform your duty in strict accordance with work arrangements; only then will you be after God’s own heart.
3. Acknowledging that the leadership of the man used by the Holy Spirit is the path by which the Holy Spirit works and guides God’s chosen people and is the way to entry onto the right track of belief in God.
4. You absolutely cannot worship and look up to the man used by the Holy Spirit and allow him to take the place of God in your heart. In your belief in God, you must only magnify God and obey God’s administrative arrangements.

The Church of Almighty God The Word the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | Almighty God's Word "Have You Come Alive?"

The Word the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | Almighty God's Word "Have You Come Alive?" 

Almighty God says, "The living are saved by God, they have been judged and chastised by God, they are willing to devote themselves and are happy to lay down their lives to God, and they would gladly dedicate their whole lives to God. Only when the living bear testimony to God can Satan be shamed, only the living can spread the gospel work of God, only the living are after God’s heart, and only the living are real people."
Read more: Eastern Lightning | The church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God | Practice and Exercises for Principled Behavior

God's words is the truth, Almighty God came for salvation, sing alone to praise God
God's words is the truth, Almighty God came for salvation, sing alone to praise God

79. Principles of Knowing God’s Utmost Salvation of Man

1. As long as there is a sliver of hope that people are able to accept the truth and truly repent, God will not abandon His salvation of them.
2. When people transgress, as long as they are able to know and repent, and can change, then God will forget. God gives people the chance to repent so that they may gain salvation.
3. During the time of the work of God’s word, no man is readily punished. To the greatest extent possible, God is tolerant of people and gives them the chance to repent.
4. God saves those who truly believe in God, loathes and curses antichrists, the wicked, and unclean and evil spirits. Those who hate the truth will surely be destroyed.

The Church of Almighty God | The Overcomers’ Testimonies

Christian arrest by CCP, Almighty God's believer, prayed to Almighty God
Christian arrest by CCP, Almighty God's believer, prayed to Almighty God

4. From Suffering Is Emitted the Fragrance of Love

Xiaokai, Jiangxi Province
I’m an ordinary country woman and, because of the feudalistic idea of only valuing male children, I was unable to raise my head in front of others for shame at having borne no son. Just when I was suffering the most, I was chosen by the Lord Jesus and, two years later, I accepted the salvation of Almighty God. Moreover, I understood much truth from within the words of Almighty God and my heart obtained true release. However, while I was performing my duty to repay God’s love, I was twice arrested by the CCP government and I suffered brutal torture and torment at the hands of the CCP’s pawns. Just when I was on the verge of death, the words of Almighty God guided me and inspired me and caused me to stand witness in the midst of Satan’s cruel harm, thereby strengthening my determination to follow God and love God for all my life.

The church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Stinging Memories" (3) - Discernment of Paul's Words


      Are Paul’s words recorded in the Bible inspired by God? Do they represent God’s word? This film clip will solve your puzzles!

The church of Almighty God | Classic Words of Almighty God on the Gospel of the Kingdom (Selections)

Accept Almighty God's salvation, awakening from the dream, Holy Spirit Enlightening
Accept Almighty God's salvation, awakening from the dream, Holy Spirit Enlightening

Does the Trinity Exist?

It was only after the truth of Jesus become flesh came to be that man realized this: It is not only the Father in heaven, but also the Son, and even the Spirit. This is the conventional notion man holds, that there is a God such as this in heaven: a Trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all in one. All mankind has these notions: God is one God, but comprises three parts, what all those grievously entrenched in conventional notions deem to be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only those three parts made one is all of God. Without the Holy Father, God would not be whole.

The Church of Almighty God | Second Coming of Jesus | The Word of the Holy Spirit | "What A Beautiful Voice" Gospel Movie Trailer


      Dong Jingxin is a preacher in a house church in China. She's believed in the Lord for thirty years, and loves the truth; she frequently reads the Lord's words and is driven by them. She expends herself for the Lord with enthusiasm. Because of her preaching work, she was arrested by the police of the Chinese Communist government and sent to prison where she endured cruelty and torture.

The church of Almighty God | God’s Sheep Hear the Voice of God (New Believer Essentials)

Almighty God's sheep hear His voice, the Kingdom, Christ has been returned
Almighty God's sheep hear His voice, the Kingdom, Christ has been returned

Chapter 1 You Must Know That Almighty God Is the One True God Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and Everything in Them

3. Salvation Can Only Come Through Belief in Almighty God.

Relevant Words of God:

When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace and ended the Age of Law. During the last days, God once more became flesh, and when He became flesh this time, He ended the Age of Grace and brought the Age of Kingdom. All those who accept the second incarnation of God will be led into the Age of Kingdom, and be able to personally accept the guidance of God. Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering, and did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition.

The Church of Almighty God | Testimonies of Experience of Christ’s Judgment

prayer to Almighty God, Almighty God's word, a true believer seeking for God
prayer to Almighty God, Almighty God's word, a true believer seeking for God

2. Seeing My True Colors Clearly

Xiaoxiao    Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Due to the needs of the church’s work, I was reallocated to another place to fulfill my duty. At the time, the gospel work at that place was at a low ebb, and the situation of brothers and sisters was generally not good. But because I was touched by the Holy Spirit, I still took on everything that was entrusted with full confidence. After accepting the entrustment, I felt full of responsibility, full of enlightenment, and even thought I had quite a bit of resolve. I believed I was capable and could perform this job well. In reality, at the time I had no knowledge whatsoever of the work of the Holy Spirit or my own nature. I was living completely in self-satisfaction and self-admiration.

The church of Almighty God | The Overcomers’ Testimon

Arrest by CCP policeman, Christian's life in China, believe in Almighty God
Arrest by CCP policeman, Christian's life in China, believe in Almighty God  

2. The Life Force That Can Never Be Extinguished

Dong Mei, Henan Province
I am an ordinary person. I lived in a run-of-the-mill life. Like many who yearn for the light, I tried lots of ways to search for the true meaning of human existence, attempting to give my life more significance. In the end, all my efforts were in vain. But after I was fortunate enough to accept Almighty God’s work of the last days, miraculous changes occurred in my life. It brought more color to my life, and I came to understand that only God is the true Provider of people’s spirits and lives, and only God’s words are the true meaning of human life. I was glad that I had finally found the right way of life. However, whilst performing my duty I was once illegally arrested and brutally tortured by the CCP government. From this, my life’s journey gained an experience that I’ll never forget …

The Church of Almighty God | The Overcomers’ Testimonies

reading Almighty God's word, worship the Creator, Holy Spirit Enlightening
reading Almighty God's word, worship the Creator, Holy Spirit Enlightening

3. A Youth Spent Without Regret

Xiaowen, Chongqing
Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn’t set conditions or barriers or distance. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. If you love you don’t deceive, grumble, turn your back, look to get something in return” (“Pure Love Without Blemish” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). This hymn of God’s word once helped me get through the pain of a long and drawn-out life in prison that lasted 7 years and 4 months. Even though the CCP government deprived me of the most beautiful years of my youth, I have obtained the most precious and real truth from Almighty God and therefore have no complaints or regrets.

God Is Good | Almighty God Gave Me a Happy Family | Christian Movie Trailer "Where Is My Home"


      Wenya's parents separated when she was two, and after that she lived with her father and stepmother. Her stepmother couldn't stand her and was always arguing with her father. He had little choice—he had to send Wenya to her mother's house, but her mother was fully focused on running her business and didn't have any time to take care of Wenya, so she was often shuttled off to her relatives' and friends' homes to be fostered.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven

walking on the snow, prayer to Almighty God, preach the gospel
walking on the snow, prayer to Almighty God, preach the gospel

In China, God’s work of the last days employs the great red dragon in service of making the overcomers. Why can only the persecution and hostile environment of the great red dragon create true overcomers?

Bible Verses for Reference:
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake” (Matthew 5:10-11).
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).
For whoever will save his life shall lose it: and whoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:25).
These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14).