Showing posts with label return before Almighty God's words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label return before Almighty God's words. Show all posts

How Was I Conquered by the Word of God | Eastern Lightning

the prayer, the cross, the seeking of Almighty God's work, the worship
the prayer, the cross, the seeking of Almighty God's work, the worship

29. Returning Justice to the Truth

Pan Jie

Taiyuan City, Shaanxi Province

I was formerly an elder of the Local Church. Because I held on to my arrogant and erroneous views and because I was deceived by the rumors, I developed a great hatred for the Almighty God and collected materials to attack the work of God many times. However, God did not remember my monstrous sins, but spared me with his great patience and love and led me onto the right path of human life.

How Was I Conquered by the Word of God | Eastern Lightning

the word appears in Flesh, accept Almighty God's salvation, preach the gospel to brothers and sisters
the Word Appears in the Flesh, accept Almighty God's salvation, preach the gospel to brothers and sisters

59 Yesterday I Resisted Almighty God in Corruption; Today I Am Willing to Sacrifice My Life for Him

Kang Quanxi

Huhhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

I was born into a Christian family. Under the influence of my family, I began to read the Bible and practice living a godly life from childhood. As I grew older, I began to assiduously study the background of the Bible and the church history, and I could hardly tear myself away from the messages of Brother Nee and Brother Lee. Later, I became a leader and a national and international co-worker of the Local Church in Inner Mongolia. Since childhood, by God’s grace I had enjoyed God’s numerous blessings and experienced God’s salvation several times. But when God, who endured great humiliations and sufferings, was incarnated in this filthy and corrupt place again to do the work of salvation, I rejected, opposed, attacked, slandered, and even blasphemed Him. Whenever I think of these, I’m bitterly regretful and deeply feel that I’m unpardonably wicked and deserve more than death.