Showing posts with label management of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label management of God. Show all posts

Best Gospel Music - The Management of God Always Moving Forward

Best Gospel Music - The Management of God Always Moving Forward

When the ancestors of mankind, Adam and Eve, were corrupted by Satan, God began His management of mankind's salvation. Since that time, He has worked without cease: God decreed the laws to guide mankind, and He personally came among man to be crucified and redeem mankind, and during the last days, God continues His work, fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible: "I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2). "I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" (Revelation 22:12).


The Church of Almighty God | Utterances of Christ of the Last Days Selections

The Church of Almighty God | Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God

Everyone feels that the management of God is strange, because people think that the management of God is completely unrelated to man. They think that this management is the work of God alone, is God’s own business, and so mankind is indifferent to the management of God. In this way, the salvation of mankind has become vague and indistinct, and is now nothing but empty rhetoric. Even though man follows God in order to be saved and enter the beautiful destination, man has no concern for how God conducts His work. Man does not care for what God plans to do and the part he must play in order to be saved. How tragic that is! The salvation of man is inseparable from the management of God, much less can it be divorced from the plan of God. Yet man thinks nothing of the management of God, and thus grows ever more distant from God. Consequently, increasing numbers of people are becoming followers of God who don’t know things that are closely related to the salvation of man such as what creation is, what belief in God is, how to worship God, and so on. At this point, then, we must have a talk about the management of God, so that each follower may clearly know the significance of following God and believing in Him. They will also be able to choose the path that they should tread more accurately, instead of following God solely to gain blessings, or avoid disaster, or become successful.