Showing posts with label Religious Persecution in China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious Persecution in China. Show all posts

God With Me | Christian Short Film "Escape From the Devil's Den" | Power of Love

God With Me | Christian Short Film "Escape From the Devil's Den" | Power of Love

Her name is Zhang Hui and she is a Christian belonging to The Church of Almighty God. Since she believed in God, she was secretively monitored by the Chinese Communist government and captured by their police. The police forced her to sell out the leaders of the church as well as the church's finances. They attempted to use her family ties as a weapon in attacking her emotionally. They surrounded her and they did not let her sleep for half a month in order to break her resolve. She faced the relentless torment of the Chinese Communist Party's police. She was continuously in a highly stressful, frightening state. In this dangerous environment, she prayed over and over again to God and asked God to protect her so she could stand firm and bear witness. Under the guidance and leadership of Almighty God's word, she saw through the crafty schemes of the police and she withstood their repeated torture. In the end, under the protection of Almighty God, she was miraculously able to escape from the midst of the devil's den! After experiencing the Chinese Communist government's persecution, she saw clearly that they are evil demons and that they hate the truth. Their essence is that of a reactionary evil enemy of God. She saw firsthand God's sovereignty over everything and His wondrous deeds. She felt God's care and love in every possible manner. She resolved to give her entire life to God and to fulfill her duties as one of His creation in order to repay God's grace!

 Striking Directly at Rumors| The CCP Uses Science to Deny God's Rule: Is This a Blessing or a Curse?

The Overcomers’ Testimonies | Eastern Lightning

Religious Persecution in China, Almighty God's chosen people bleeding in China, believing God in the atheism country
Religious Persecution in China, Almighty God's chosen people bleeding in China, believing God in the atheism country

26. The Dark Prison Life Made Me Love God More Resolutely

Meng Yong    Shanxi Province
I’m honest by nature and always bullied by others. So I tasted all the coldness of the human world and felt life was empty and meaningless. After I believed in Almighty God, through reading God’s word and living the church life, I enjoyed the peace and happiness I had never had and saw that the brothers and sisters in the Church of Almighty God love each other and are close as family members. This made me know that only God is righteous and only in the Church of Almighty God, there is light. Through personally experiencing the work of Almighty God for several years, I truly tasted that Almighty God’s word can indeed change and save man and Almighty God is love and salvation. In order that more people could enjoy God’s love and pursue to receive God’s salvation, the brothers and sisters and I rushed to cooperate in the gospel work. Unexpectedly, we were arrested and persecuted by the CCP government.