Showing posts with label God's Praise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Praise. Show all posts

The Biblical Story of Job: The 3 Main Manifestations of Job’s Fear of God

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, worship God
Job worship God

Spiritual Life | The Biblical Story of Job: The 3 Main Manifestations of Job’s Fear of God

Whenever the words “fear God” are mentioned, most people will think of the story of Job in the Bible. Job feared God and shunned evil, he stood witness for God during his trials, he earned God’s praise and blessings, and he lived out a worthy and meaningful life which is much admired by us today. Now, let’s review the Book of Job and have a detailed look at the ways in which Job manifested his fear of God, and this will help us to gain some new understanding and entry into the truth of fearing God.

Gospel Music "Follow the Holy Spirit's New Work and Gain God's Praise"

The Church of Almighty God | Gospel Music "Follow the Holy Spirit's New Work and Gain God's Praise"

Wow ... wow … wow … Following the Holy Spirit’s work means one understands God’s will of today, acts according to God’s demands, follows the God of today, obeys His present requirements and enters by His newest utterances. Such people follow the Spirit’s work. They are in the Holy Spirit’s stream, can see God and receive God’s praise. They can know God’s disposition, of man’s conception and disobedience, and of man’s nature and substance. Furthermore, their disposition will be changed during their service to God. Only people such as this are those who are able to gain God. Only people such as this are those who have genuinely found the one true way. To possess the knowledge of God’s latest work is not easy. But if people can intentionally obey and seek the work of God, they will have the chance to see God and gain the new guidance of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, their disposition will be changed during their service to God. Only people such as this are those who are able to gain God. Only people such as this are those who have genuinely found the one true way. Those who intentionally oppose the work of God can’t receive the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment or the guidance of God. Thus whether people can receive the latest work of God depends on the grace of God and upon their pursuit, and depends on their intentions. (Wow … wow … wow … wow …)
 from The Word Appears in the Flesh