Showing posts with label Church news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church news. Show all posts

The Church of Almighty God Featured at Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Side Event

On July 23-27 of 2018, the first-ever ministerial focusing on religious freedom was held by the U.S. State Department in Washington D.C. Ministries from over 40 countries and representatives with various religious groups and NGOs from over 80 countries were participating. In addition to the formal meetings, several side events were also listed on the agenda.

Brilliant Variety Shows of The Church of Almighty God—True Presentations of Christians’ Experiences

In March 2018, The Church of Almighty God’s website and YouTube channel rolled out a special series called “Church Life—Variety Show Series,” that includes short sketches, crosstalk, scene plays, songs and dance performances etc., and in which Christians present their understanding, attainment, and all kinds of testimonies of their experiences of God’s work in the last days using various different art forms.

CenSAMM Symposium The Millennium: A Mystery No More

From June 28-29, 2018, at the Panacea Museum Gardens in Bedford, UK, the Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM) held a symposium about apocalyptic literature, the final disaster, and the Millennium. The event was attended by such renowned religious experts and scholars as Christopher Rowland, Dean Ireland’s Emeritus Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford, Massimo Introvigne, Managing Director of CESNUR, the Center for Studies on New Religions in Italy, and Matthew Askey, a priest serving at Southwell Minster Cathedra in Nottinghamshire.

Analysis of the CCP's Persecution of Religious Beliefs Under the Pretext of "Cult"

Massimo Introvigne | Part 1 : How Chinese Regime Persecutes Christians—Lies and Violence

As is well known, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seized power through lies and violence, and it relies on lies and violence to maintain its power. The CCP’s rule is nothing but lies, violence, and murder. The CCP propagates atheism, regarding religion as the spiritual opium of the people. Christians preach the gospel and witness for God to carry out God’s will, but the CCP condemns such righteous deeds as abandoning and breaking up their families, and arrests and imprisons Christians on various false charges. In mainland China, Christians from various house churches, particularly from CAG, suffer brutal oppression and persecution for the sake of their religious belief, some of whom were left disabled or died. Many Christians have gone into exile and were rendered homeless with their families scattered. Countless Christian families have been thus broken! In this episode, we have invited Professor Massimo Introvigne, an Italian scholar of new religious movements, founder and managing director of Center for Studies on New Religions, to talk about why the CCP oppresses and persecutes The Church of Almighty God, whether the CCP’s accusations against The Church of Almighty God are true, and who is the main culprit behind the breakdown of Christian families, and so on. The truth will be uncovered, and the CCP’s cruel and evil essence against God that wins fame through deceiving the public and fights against justice will be exposed. Please stay tuned!

The Church of Almighty God Attracts Much Attention at Turin Interfaith Music Festival

The Church of Almighty God Attracts Much Attention at Turin Interfaith Music Festival

On May 10, 2018, FAITHS IN TUNE Interfaith Music Festival got off to a great start at the Royal Club in Turin, Italy. The music festival lasted for five days and was co-sponsored by the German founding organization of FAITHS IN TUNE, COEXIST Music & Events e.Kfr, along with the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), the Osservatorio sul Pluralismo Religioso of Turin, the International Observatory of Religious Liberty of Refugees (ORLIR) and the Turin International Book Fair. FAITHS IN TUNE aims to provide a platform for people of different cultural and faith backgrounds to share their own music and to engage in mutual exchange.