Christian Movie Clip - God Coming to Earth and Becoming a Sin Offering

Christian Movie Clip - God Coming to Earth and Becoming a Sin Offering

During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus came among man and was crucified for his sake. He released man from the bondage of the law, and because of the sin offering, mankind enjoyed the Lord's love and mercy…. The coming of the Lord Jesus ushered mankind into a new age. Meanwhile, it improved the relationship between God and man, and opened up a new beginning, a new start to God's work of management among mankind......

Each of us has our own pursuing goal, hoping that everything in our life will go as we wish, that we will not want for food or clothing, that our fortunes will rise spectacularly, and want to change the current situation by hardworking. Some people study diligently for fame and achievement; some people manage their family carefully and spend everything for it; some people work hard and manage for their career... When we've paid many efforts and our wishes weren't realized, we often feel disappointed, distressed, can't get over it...

At this moment, we can't help reflecting: Are we really be able to control our fates? God's words say, ""Whatever your background and whatever the journey ahead of you, none can escape the orchestration and arrangement that Heaven has in store, and none are in control of their destiny, for only He who rules over all things is capable of such work."" (""God Is the Source of Man’s Life"")

Dear brothers and sisters, do you want to know how God rules over all things and leads man until today? The upcoming documentary The One Who Holds Sovereignty Everything will lead us to explore this mystery and truly know the creation and sovereignty of the Creator!

Read more: The Gospel Movie from the Church of Almighty God: Spread and testify God’s kingdom gospel.

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