The Church of Almighty God | What’s the value of life?

The Church of Almighty God | What’s the value of life?

For thousands of years, mankind works and rests on the same land. For generation after generation, we spend our lives on the go. We can't help thinking: Why do people repeat the same fate? What’s the meaning and value of living?
Tillage time in Han Dynasty, Gospel movie, the Church of Almighty God
Tillage time in Han Dynasty, Gospel movie, the Church of Almighty God
           A wonderful documentary that testified the Creator, shows us the almightiness and wisdom of God. I can’t help extolling in my heart: God created everything, supplies everything, manages everything, and holds sovereignty over everything! This is the unique God Himself.

Tillage time in Ming Dynasty, Gospel movie, the Church of Almighty God
Tillage time in Ming Dynasty, Gospel movie, the Church of Almighty God

Modern time Tillage, Gospel movie, the Church of Almighty God
Modern time Tillage, Gospel movie, the Church of Almighty God

The only God-----Almighty God,
Who guild mankind to the true way, to believe in God, to gaining the salvation
Please stay tuned for the Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything"-----present by the Eastern Lightning

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