Questions and Answers on the Inside Story of the Bible

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel Movies
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel Movies
Question (3): We think all of God’s word and work are recorded in the Bible. There’s no word and work of God apart from the Bible. Therefore, our faith in God must be based on the Bible. Is that wrong?
Answer: Many believers in religious circles feel that: “God’s word and work are all recorded in the Bible. There is no word or work of God apart from the Bible.” Does this saying conform with the facts? Do you dare say that every single piece of work performed by Jehovah in the Age of Law is entirely recorded in the Bible? Can you guarantee that all of the word and work of the Lord Jesus in the Age of Grace are entirely recorded in the Bible? What is the outcome if this view does not conform with the facts?

Questions and Answers on Dissecting the Essence of the Pharisees

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, the Bible
the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, the Bible
Question (4): Pastors in religious circles are all familiar with the Bible. They often interpret the Bible in churches and exalt the Bible. We’ve always thought that they should be people who know God. Then why has the work of God incarnate in the last days been furiously condemned and resisted by the majority of pastors in the religious world? I believe what the majority of pastors and leaders in the religious community condemn can’t possibly be the true way!
Answer: In investigating whether it is God’s work, we should not judge according to whether the majority of religious leaders accept it. Think back to when the Lord Jesus appeared to do His work. Who were the ones that crucified the Lord Jesus? Wasn’t it the religious leaders who were familiar with the Bible and often interpreted the Bible to others? What does this fact tell us? A person who is familiar with the Bible and can interpret the Bible isn’t necessarily someone who knows God’s work, and moreover not someone who can certainly be said to know God.

"Red Re-Education at Home" (7) - The CCP Slanders The Church of Almighty God as a "Human Organization": What's Their Motive?

"Red Re-Education at Home" (7) - The CCP Slanders The Church of Almighty God as a "Human Organization": What's Their Motive?

Everyone who believes in the Lord knows that without the appearance and work of the Lord Jesus, there wouldn't be any believers or followers of the Lord. Even more, Christianity never would have come into being—no matter how gifted the apostles were, they could not have created the church. Likewise, The Church of Almighty God came into being entirely because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, Christ of the last days.

Christian English Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "The Long Road of Exile"

Christian English Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "The Long Road of Exile"

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches….

Questions and Answers on the Truth of Incarnation

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, incarnation
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, incarnation
Question (7): If the Lord Jesus is God Himself, then why is it that when the Lord Jesus prays, He still prays to God the Father? There is certainly a mystery here to unfold. Please commune for us.
Answer: There is truly mystery to the Lord Jesus calling God of heaven Father in His prayers. When God is incarnated in the flesh, God’s Spirit is hidden within the flesh, the flesh itself is unaware of the Spirit’s presence. Just as we cannot feel our spirits within us. What’s more, God’s Spirit does not do anything supernatural within His flesh. So, even though the Lord Jesus was God become flesh, if God’s Spirit had not spoken and testified to God Himself, the Lord Jesus could not have known that He was God’s incarnation.

Utterances of Christ of the Last Days

What Do You Know of Faith?

In man exists only the uncertain word of faith, yet man knows not what constitutes faith, much less why he has faith. Man understands too little and man himself is too lacking; he merely has faith in Me mindlessly and ignorantly. Though he knows not what faith is nor why he has faith in Me, he continues to do so obsessively. What I ask of man is not merely for him to obsessively call upon Me in this way or to believe in Me in a desultory fashion. For the work I do is for man to see Me and come to know Me, not for man to be impressed and look at Me in a new light because of My work. I previously manifested many signs and wonders and performed many miracles.

Christian Skit | "My Father, the Pastor" | A Truth Debate on the Bible (English Dubbed)

Christian Skit | "My Father, the Pastor" | A Truth Debate on the Bible (English Dubbed)

Chi Shou, a religious pastor who has been a believer in the Lord for forty years, has always held to the views that "all of the Lord's words and work are within the Bible," and that "belief in the Lord may not deviate from the Bible, and believing in the Bible means believing in the Lord."

English Christian Skit "Starving for Fear of Choking"

English Christian Skit "Starving for Fear of Choking"

In the matter of welcoming the Lord's coming, there are some in the religious world who close their door and wait alone for fear of being deceived by false Christs. They starve themselves for fear of choking, and cling to the words, "Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Mat 24:23-24)

The Storm Caused at Home by the May 28 Case of Zhaoyuan

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, religious persecution
the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, religious persecution

The Storm Caused at Home by the May 28 Case of Zhaoyuan

Enhui, China
I’m an ordinary country woman, and I would often be weighed down by the strenuous burdens of the household. Because of this, my temperament became quite violent, and my husband and I were always at each other’s throats day in and day out. Our lives simply couldn’t go on like that. Whenever I was suffering, I would yell, “Heavens! Please save me!” In 2013, the work of Almighty God in the last days chanced upon me.

Finding the Way Back After Getting Lost

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, true way
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, true way

Finding the Way Back After Getting Lost

Xieli, USA
I’d always wanted a happy life with a high standard of living, so I came to the U.S.A. to work as hard as I could. After a few years of hard work and suffering, I was able to gradually get the things I wanted: my own company, my own car, my own house, etc. I was finally living the “happy” life that I’d dreamed of. During this period, I made friends with a few guys and enjoyed eating meals, drinking and having fun with them during our leisure time. We all got on pretty well together, and I thought I’d met a good bunch of guys.

I Learned to Work With Others

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's work
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's work

72. I Learned to Work With Others

Liu Heng, Jiangxi Province
Through the grace and exaltation of God, I took on the responsibility of being a church leader. At that time, I was very enthusiastic and I set a resolution before God: No matter what I encounter, I will not abandon my responsibilities. I will work well with the other sister and will be someone who seeks after truth. But I was merely resolved, and didn’t know how to enter into the reality of a harmonious working relationship.

Testimonies of Experience of Christ’s Judgment

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Testimony
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Testimony 

Only by Entering Into the Truth Myself May I Truly Help Others

Du Fan, Jiangsu Province
Recently, a church was holding a vote to select a new leader, but the presiding leader went against the principles of the church, using her own way to carry out the vote. When some other brothers and sisters voiced their opinions, not only did she not acknowledge them, but insisted on upholding her own way. The church was subsequently thrown into confusion by the leader’s actions. When I found out, I totally lost my temper: How could someone be so arrogant and self-righteous?

Gospel Movie Clip (3) - To Study the Lord's Return We Should Listen to the Voice of God

Gospel Movie Clip (3) - To Study the Lord's Return We Should Listen to the Voice of God

Basically all of the prophecies mentioned in the Bible pertaining to the Lord's return have already come true. Most people have sensed that the Lord has already returned, so, how should we investigate this to make sure about the matter of whether or not Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus? Should we make our judgment based on the prophecies of the Bible or should we directly investigate the word and work of Almighty God?