Why Do Christians Risk Their Lives to Preach the Gospel and Witness for God?

Why Do Christians Risk Their Lives to Preach the Gospel and Witness for God?

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Testimonies
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Testimonies 

Hou Xiangke (Chief of the Public Security Bureau): It is absolutely impossible for you to believe in God and preach the gospel in a country ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. Whoever insists on believing in God and spreading the gospel will be terminated. Do you know how many Christians have suffered tragic death in prison? Do you know how many Christians were killed and their families shattered?

Christian Video | The Love of God Saved Me | "God Does Not Have the Heart to Let Me Fall Into Hades"

Christian Video | The Love of God Saved Me | "God Does Not Have the Heart to Let Me Fall Into Hades"

Born in a Christian family, he has longed for light and goodness since childhood. Working so hard and striving to be strong, he was promoted from an ordinary policeman to Chief of the Public Security Division of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. However, in this dark and evil society, he was drawn into the abyss of sin and gradually became cold-blooded and ruthless and became a puppet and accomplice of the evil power.

The CCP Has Stretched Its Evil Hand to South Korea to Suppress Religious Belief —Analysis of the Truth of “August 28 ‘Protest’”

The CCP Has Stretched Its Evil Hand to South Korea to Suppress Religious Belief —Analysis of the Truth of “August 28 ‘Protest’”

On August 28, 2016, a “protest,” a complete drama, was staged at the gate of the Church of Almighty God in Guro, Seoul, South Korea. Around 9 a.m., a woman, about 30, carrying a boy, came to the Church of Almighty God. At the command of another middle-aged woman, she cried and banged on the gate loudly, yelling a man’s name (surnamed Zhang). At the site there were also five old women around 60, each holding a sign with words of defaming the Church of Almighty God on it.
Analysis of the Truth of “August 28 ‘Protest’”

Classic Words on the Truth of the Mysteries of God’s Incarnation

III Classic Words on the Truth of the Mysteries of God’s Incarnation

1. The meaning of incarnation is that God appears in the flesh, and He comes to work among man of His creation in the image of a flesh. So, for God to be incarnated, He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity; this, at the very least, must be true. In fact, the implication of God’s incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh, God in His very essence becomes flesh, becomes a man.

The Overcomers’ Testimonies“Rise Up in the Dark Oppression”

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, the Overcomer
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, the Overcomer 

Rise Up in the Dark Oppression

Mo Zhijian    Guangdong Province
I was born in a poor remote mountain village. People there burned incense and worshiped Buddha for generations. Temples were everywhere, and each household burned incense. No one believed in God. In 1995, my wife and I believed in the Lord Jesus in another place. After returning home, we began to preach the gospel. Later, the number of the believers gradually increased to over one hundred. Because more and more people believed in God, the local government was alarmed.

Obeying the Ruling Regime Is Not the Same as Obeying God

Obeying the Ruling Regime Is Not the Same as Obeying God

In order to deceive and tempt a Christian into forsaking God, the CCP called on a pastor of a Three-Self church to brainwash her, and this Christian and the pastor opened up a wonderful debate on Paul's words: "Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God" (Rom 13:1). What are their different interpretations of these words?

Finding the True Way | Christian Short Film "A Choice Without Regret" | The Lord Is in China

Finding the True Way | Christian Short Film "A Choice Without Regret" | The Lord Is in China

Her parents divorced when she was at an early age. Growing up in a broken family and depending on others for living, she felt lonely and helpless. Misfortunes coming upon her one after another, which were big blows to her heart, made her feel the cruelty and desolation of the world. She was confused and frightened about her future. She set her mind on getting into Tsinghua University and use knowledge to change her destiny. …

Repatriating Chinese Christians: Acting as Accomplices of the CCP to Abuse Human Rights

Repatriating Chinese Christians: Acting as Accomplices of the CCP to Abuse Human Rights

On January 16, 2018, Human Rights Without Frontiers International published an article, urgently calling on EU member states and South Korea to provide political asylum to Christians of The Church of Almighty God. The article said, not one of more than 600 Christians of The Church of Almighty God fleeing to South Korea obtained refugee status and 178 face repatriation.

The Hymn of God's Word | The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era

Smiley face

The Hymn of God's Word | The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era

The incarnate God ends the age when "only Jehovah's back appeared to mankind," and ends the age of mankind's belief in the vague God. In particular, the work of the last incarnate God brings all mankind, brings all mankind into a more realistic, more practical, and more pleasant age.

The Conspiracy Behind the Drama of “Search for the Husband Abroad” —The CCP has stretched its evil hand to South Korea to suppress religious belief

The Conspiracy Behind the Drama of “Search for the Husband Abroad” —The CCP has stretched its evil hand to South Korea to suppress religious belief

The Conspiracy Behind the Drama of “Search for the Husband Abroad”
       At the mention of the words “protest” or “demonstration,” I would very naturally paint a picture in my head: dozens, hundreds or thousands of people gathering together for the same appeal or wish. On August 28, 2016, the weather was cloudy in Seoul, South Korea, and in that very morning a special “protest” took place right before the gate of the Church of Almighty God in Guro, Seoul, which has provoked my deep thoughts.

Christian Skit "Gathering in a Cowshed" | It's So Hard for Christians in China to Believe in God

Christian Skit "Gathering in a Cowshed" | It's So Hard for Christians in China to Believe in God

Currently, the atheist CCP government's persecution of Christians is increasing by the day. Believers are facing restrictions on practicing their faith at every turn; they can't even find a place to gather in peace. Left with no other choice, Liu Xiumin can only host a gathering with her brothers and sisters in her cowshed. But while they are gathering, village cadres come one after another to look around, making various excuses, and then even bring the CCP police in….


Executing a secret plan that Bitter Winter revealed one month ago, the CCP brings to Korea relatives of asylum seekers of The Church of Almighty God and organizes false “spontaneous demonstrations” with the help of pro-Chinese anti-cult activists.

On August 4, 2018, Bitter Winter published a secret document by the Chinese Communist Party calling for harassment in South Korea of the asylum seekers of The Church of Almighty God (CAG), a Chinese Christian new religious movement heavily persecuted in China. The CCP called for the recruitment of the relatives of the asylum seekers who still live in China, if necessary through threats and coercion, who would then call for the “return home” of the refugees (who obviously would not return “home” but, once in China, will be arrested and will thus “return” to jail).

Christian Positive Attitude in Job Interview

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word

Christian Positive Attitude in Job Interview 

By Qiu Mu

It was close to midnight. Under an orange lamp, Qiu Yu was sitting at her desk alone, keeping busy with something. A few moments later, a design drawing was finished. She took it up, and watched it in every detail. But instantly, she threw it into the trash can with a long sigh. At that moment, the whole room was extremely silent, only the ticking of the clock on the wall could be heard. Qiu Yu was frowning at her drawing, her mind wandering back to the interview one year ago. …